On December 17 2010 17:39 LoLAdriankat wrote: Which GSL match was it where the Zerg (I think) faked an economic build by transferring a large number of his drones to his natural and then attacked with a huge amount of units? That game needs to be in the list.
nevermind, i misread your quote.
I think Casy did a similar thing to Julyzerg in BW, but I'm not aware of any zerg doing it recently in SC2?
Morrow builds drones and does the extractor trick to get 12/10 drones and attacks, and takes the game. Strelok "lol"s and types out.
A few other masterful plays not listed: - Epic defend by Tester in GSL against a bunker rushing Terran on Delta Quadrant. How he held that off I have no clue. - ogsTheSTC vs. Tester (a video on HD's channel) - insane double drops and void ray micro, nonstop action - a PvP match in GSL 2 on Delta Quadrant with insane back and forth micro between gateway units and void rays on both sides - FruitDealer vs. ogsTOP, where FruitDealer makes a huge amount of Ultras at the very last second to defend and beat TOP
Morrow builds drones and does the extractor trick to get 12/10 drones and attacks, and takes the game. Strelok "lol"s and types out.
A few other masterful plays not listed: - Epic defend by Tester in GSL against a bunker rushing Terran on Delta Quadrant. How he held that off I have no clue. - ogsTheSTC vs. Tester (a video on HD's channel) - insane double drops and void ray micro, nonstop action - a PvP match in GSL 2 on Delta Quadrant with insane back and forth micro between gateway units and void rays on both sides - FruitDealer vs. ogsTOP, where FruitDealer makes a huge amount of Ultras at the very last second to defend and beat TOP
Why would this be a draw? He floats his CC to the corner with only 5 SCVs, is massively behind, while Morrow sends his 8 remaining drones to go mine? lol wut
Please include the Grudge match between "CheAse and 2 douchebags".
The line "How's your eco bro?" must be archived for all times. The games and especially the coverage made me laugh so hard. Wolf did a great joy casting it.
On December 18 2010 04:44 ishboh wrote: there was a game with dimaga where he broke a tank/rine contain with a huge baneling drop...I'll see if I can find the game details...
was that maybe the series between him and select? I think Crota has that on his channel.
On December 18 2010 04:49 GHOSTCLAW wrote: Is there any chance that you can require either replays or vods? this is a great effort though, I loved the PP series from BW
Are you asking whether i am requiring a video to be present for the entrant to qualify? if so, then yes i am, the opening post lists the requirements. I ask, because this might be a slip of the mind typing mistake where you meant "Are you going to request for replays and vods from the tournament hosts, and put them on the thread?" - if so, then no, unless someone wants to do that for me, ill just stick with the videos people submit.
And a notice for anyone posting suggestions, please re-read over the initial post for the rules to submit: - Only pro-level tournament games - Only entrants in the correct format will be considered *above means it MUST have a video* - Must have happened in 2010 (Im probably forgetting something)
*Note* this is why the masterasia vs ttone game will NOT be a contender (Unless it was from a tournament, which i dont remember it being). it will most likely appear in the video if one does get made, so dont freak out.
Also, any entrants in the main post that are in an unfinished format by the end of the year, will be DISQUALIFIED. so if you see an entrant that you want to be elegible, you must do the work to find the video/give a reply with the video in the correct format, i cant do this for every single one, that would take forever - but if we all chip in, it will be easy, and enjoyable.
Oh, and in another notice, i will take down the "Should Beta Games Be Elegible?" poll in one week's time, so make sure to vote if you havent!
Don´t want to derail this thread but IMO if both players have DECENT skill (semipro) is probably enough to count the plays worth.
it kind of depends, If it is a simple little move: I don´t care myself if a bronze player had the GREAT idea and so he did a great execution, for me its the same as if a pro would do it since it can be made again.
but if it is anything that would envolve timing or your opponent to be good by any form then well yeah , pro level games only,
Overall can you be a bit more "precise" what type of stuff you want? I know it's asking a lot
For me, pimpest plays is about "small" incredible stuff. + Show Spoiler +
Do you also want to have "epic" long games? They dont have as much "wow" in a short timeframe - but they're more "wow" when considered as a whole.
For me it's a difference when people say "Watch Leenock vs Clide on Shakuras - it's an epic game" compared to "Watch sSKS defend 2 gate with 1 gate". Both types are "epic / awesome / pimp" - but how is your definition WackaAlpaca? Do you want one type of those - or both? Do you want ~30sec clips of awesome tactics/micro or 20mins of awesomeness?
Edit: @JFO that's probably my question in a different way If it's awesome micro - it doesnt matter who does it. It's short. It's awesome. But longer "epic" games - it does matter who plays. When I see Flash vs mvp BC battles it's more "exciting" compared to D people both rushing to BCs and fighting.
On December 17 2010 08:23 anatem wrote: edit: oh yes, how could i forget socke's storms totally annihilating drewbie's army of banshees + vikings and then magically whipping out a mothership at mlg raleigh game 3 on lost temple, that was even more pimp than tlo's nukes
Fenix sends in a banshee to harass the probes at Tyler's main. The probes pull off towards the natural. Two Hellions sweep into the natural and fire blue flames into ALL the probes. All the probes from the main and the natural were stacked at one point and blue flames cut into them.
This is not a "Sick play" It's a lucky one, IMO. Gut wrenching, sure. But not entertaining or "pimp" to watch.
On December 17 2010 08:23 anatem wrote: edit: oh yes, how could i forget socke's storms totally annihilating drewbie's army of banshees + vikings and then magically whipping out a mothership at mlg raleigh game 3 on lost temple, that was even more pimp than tlo's nukes
I was actually going to post something similar this very week, funny that someone else made a post. I'd like very much to help put this project together. I'm in my final quarter as a video effects/motion graphics major so I'd be able to make it as professional grade quality with the experience I have in this field.
Let me know if you're interested in something like this either on here or through a pm.