On April 26 2011 15:18 gogogadgetflow wrote:I did Pride BC build vs some zerg on close air positions metalopolis. It was being unusually effective so I just added more barracks and finished him with a drop. He must have bm'd me like 10 times in game but I didn't say a word (other than glhf). Show nested quote + Zilea: please kill yourself Zilea has reconnected. Zilea: im serious you are fucking terrible 1 base all in player You: gg Zilea: thank christ im making money off this game and you arent lol You: re? Zilea: otherwise id be annoyed yeah ,queue ladder but just an fyi i won blizzcon for $75k in 2009 and im paid to play this game but not to cheese ladder i have to learn to play macro games properly but i guess there are players like you just dick around ladder cuz u make $0
SO apparently this kid zileas played competitive WoW Arena - LOL
Lol I played the same guy just now on ladder, beat him ezpz and then he messages me after the game and pretty much says the exact same stuff he said to you.
so I'M the zerg player, and HE plays protoss. so... i can't really figure out where to start unraveling his little sign off line.
he (fails?)fakes a cannon rush and tries to two base carrier me by dancing his 4 carriers over the pit in the middle of xel naga caverns. hydras lol all over him and this is how he signs off. this is what high plat looks like apparently.
So to set the stage here, this guy 15 hatches so I build a pylon at his ramp to distract him so I can 1 gate FE. So the game proceeds until this happens.
Oh shit, better put down some cannons for this roach-ling all-in that's coming. So what is there to do if you get hard countered? Not accept the loss to better yourself as a player, just demean and vilify your opponent to justify your loss!
Of course no accusation of hacking is complete without calling your opponent bad! Zergs that fail at all-ins are always the most adorable.
Early stim and pushed in when i had around ~70 supply. end is history
edit. i suck putting images here. right click and show image should do the trick
Canada13378 Posts
On May 31 2011 03:29 goddess wrote:
Maybe a non GIf version? hard to read when the slides change so often
every single match I played today had bm with one exception. That guy was actually very nice. One guy DT rushed me, and I didn't scout, he did a lot of damage but I eventually stabilized. The problem was he kept only making DTs and I had a ton of spores and spines that kept eating them up so all i did was make an overseer and a billion or so zerglings and rally them to his base. He goes on to tell me that I should uninstall the game cause I'm horrible. He tells me over and over how I'm trash, worthless, should kill myself and how hell kill my whole family. Awesome. Next game was against zerg. He was pretty good. He went mass roach/infestor and I was Hydra/ling with a ton of spine crawlers and eventually broodlords. When the final engagement came, and he killed my army, he instantly, within seconds of beating my army says, your a joke. Leave now. Wow. Already reaching for the F10 key, he kind of pissed me off. So I said No I don't think I will. I tried in general to stay away from this thread because I find BM so immature. The amount of BM on ladder is ridiculous. It makes it way less fun to play. It's tiring how everyone is such jerks.
Canada13378 Posts
On May 31 2011 10:38 Magic_Mike wrote: every single match I played today had bm with one exception. That guy was actually very nice. One guy DT rushed me, and I didn't scout, he did a lot of damage but I eventually stabilized. The problem was he kept only making DTs and I had a ton of spores and spines that kept eating them up so all i did was make an overseer and a billion or so zerglings and rally them to his base. He goes on to tell me that I should uninstall the game cause I'm horrible. He tells me over and over how I'm trash, worthless, should kill myself and how hell kill my whole family. Awesome. Next game was against zerg. He was pretty good. He went mass roach/infestor and I was Hydra/ling with a ton of spine crawlers and eventually broodlords. When the final engagement came, and he killed my army, he instantly, within seconds of beating my army says, your a joke. Leave now. Wow. Already reaching for the F10 key, he kind of pissed me off. So I said No I don't think I will. I tried in general to stay away from this thread because I find BM so immature. The amount of BM on ladder is ridiculous. It makes it way less fun to play. It's tiring how everyone is such jerks.
IDK I dont mind bm. BM means I'm getting better and doing well. Also very very funny from the outside sometimes. I mean I've seen some BM where somebody just types nonsensical sentences and you cant help but laugh at them
after his failed cannon rush into turbo late 4gate that i held at my expo
I won using a fairly standard 3 Gate Robo off 1 base, no cheese involved, both top 8 Diamond players.
I started the game with GL
his only response was K. He proceeded to 9 pool me I held it off, so no gas before his hatch and just baned em ~_~
Hauntedmacintosh cheesing someone and then going 4 gate is one basing.
Please post actual BM.
I like to play macro games as Terran, which confuses nearly every BM person out there.
"Terran is so op, its fucking retarded"
"w/e dude gg was fun"
"yeah wp fucking hate marauders"
"get a few more charge zealots and forcefield"
"kk thnx"
Lol their heart says BM, and their mind says they just got outplayed. It causes strange dialogues sometimes. Its cute how many of them admit to "gg wp" after a bit.
Is it wrong that this thread really makes me wanna play sc2?
Getting BMed when you win is hilarious, but getting BMed when you lose really sucks. I can't explain why really, but it's like...you just lost...and now someones being a dick about it for no reason...I really despise it.
On June 01 2011 12:24 Sight- wrote: Getting BMed when you win is hilarious, but getting BMed when you lose really sucks. I can't explain why really, but it's like...you just lost...and now someones being a dick about it for no reason...I really despise it.
yeah this, it adds something to the win when u realize u just beat a crybaby/a-hole
Probe1: sorry should have clarified, HE failed to cannon rush me then 4-gated after i expanded. editing original for clarity
A ZvZ (gold league, mind you) after my opponent tries to spine crawler rush me (does that EVER work?) AND build spines in his base. Needless to say I had about 30 zerglings to his, well, nothing.
Opponent: build more zerglings noob Me: Probably why you don't invest in static defenses AND SC rush me? Opponent: what the fuck ever / no strategy Me: Actually I was going for burrow roaches -_- Opponent: yeah I could fucking tell Me: dude, watch the replay Opponent ignores me
I mean, I had a roach warren up at like, 21. So whatevs. >.>
Fiddling around with Zerg, didn't scout (I'm terrible), my ramp was blocked by cannons.
Proxy hatch time!
After I sent my lings at him from within his base, he found my proxy hatch and called me a "cheesing noob fag". Coming from someone who cannon rushed me.
Funny stuff indeed ^^ Thanks to CatZ for the proxy hatch idea, owns cannons hard :D
I went 3-rax supply drop allin versus a zerg, which he didn't really like:
And then the unlikely happens: I get the same guy AGAIN when queuing :D He proceeds to fumble and loose his scouting overlord at 4 minutes and then ragequits