On October 15 2010 04:57 IAmABC wrote: Doesnt depot before rax make 6 pool etc. Soooo easy?
wut lol? you think the only way to hold a six pool is to go rax before depot (without scouting since you can't possibly do this as a response) in all of your T v Zs?
On October 15 2010 04:52 Philip2110 wrote: Can someone explain what toss does against corrupters. With void ray nerf and stalkers doing low dps and having a massive 1 + (0 to armoured) damage increase per upgrade. Toss can also no longer feedback them to damage them, gonna be fun to be a collosus
here's what you do against corrupters: build ground units other than colossi. you've now defeated corruptors.
1. Corrupters are only produced when colossi are built other than for broodlords. 2. Protoss gateway units (stalker, sentry, zealot) loose to hydras cost for cost. 3. Read the above two statements again.
I just want to know how toss will deal with them not some smart ass comment
On October 15 2010 03:01 zatic wrote: This is a pretty sick Terran nerf / Zerg buff wow. Can't believe they actually made that depot before raxx happen. WTF.
Yeah nering rushes lol frankly it's their own fault by giving us more minerals in the beginning and wanting the game to kick off faster then BW did. Then realizing this gives more power to rushes personally i rather have them slow down the start up speed of the game down to bw where scouting was a bit more important and rush timings were further apart. Or buff everything around it rather then using nerfs
On October 15 2010 03:25 Liquid`Jinro wrote: Lololol
Cant they just create some kind of defensive option against retarded 7 rax reaper cheese instead of making the unit useless? Like, give drones and probes back range so you can do moving shot vs them like you did vs bunker rushes in SC1.
Void ray nerf seems like it could almost be too much, Im not sure, but it seems like itd make them a bit impotent late game (maybe even more than it nerfs them early game as they should be almost the same vs marines at least)?
I think there is some overkill going on in this patch =[
Id much rather zergs were allowed to fast expo by virtue of being able to defend it with micro (which isnt possible right now because you cant actually micro against a reaper with anything ) than have them completely remove any cheese threat AND make it a lot harder to even attempt whatever cheese still exists since the hatchery is tougher to take down now.
On October 15 2010 03:23 eloist wrote: So uhm... why no CC HP increase?
My guess would be cause you can just repair it anyway.
Also because it would be retarded It can lift off already, CCs are tough enough.
Anyhow, TvZ is gonna become pretty tough, while TvP got easier I guess... Tho Id like to get a personal feel for what exactly the medivac nerf does to your game.
On October 15 2010 04:52 Philip2110 wrote: Can someone explain what toss does against corrupters. With void ray nerf and stalkers doing low dps and having a massive 1 + (0 to armoured) damage increase per upgrade. Toss can also no longer feedback them to damage them, gonna be fun to be a collosus
here's what you do against corrupters: build ground units other than colossi. you've now defeated corruptors.
On October 15 2010 03:01 Thegilaboy wrote: Soo glad to see the Phoenix bug is fixed
Indeed. I lost a game last night due to it. Fortunately only the one, but I'm glad I won't have to worry about it in the future.
And whoa Thors and Corruptors. No more feedback for quick, easy damage....
Really glad to see that medivac nerf. Seems small, but it'll make all the difference in the world getting those extra 1-2 Stalker shots off when they try to escape, not to mention getting into a defensive position in time.
I'm rather disappointed in the Void Ray nerf. The increase in initial damage seems nominal, whereas the huge decrease in damage on the charge seems crippling. I'm ok with the nerf to the speed upgrade. In fact, I would much prefer an upgrade that does something else, but that's another thing entirely.
I'm not sure what to think about the Void ray change. I like the idea on paper of "more damage pre-charge less damage fully charged" but I fear 8+8 may be too low.
This is my concern to. I'm not opposed to a void ray nerf...but that is a serious serious loss of dps (from 25 to 16 ...that's a 50% reduction!)
I personally would have gone with a void ray speed nerf or damage nerf but not both.
I think zerg players got their well deserved buffs, and I'm happy for the toss buff to my nexus as well.
The reaper change I don't mind...but since the upgrade takes longer I think it should do more. Reapers have only shown themselves to be early game units, and as that is being weakened they need a way to adapt or they will simply become useless again. If the factory based upgrade gave them some more midgame viability I think it would be a good change.
I'm leary on the energy bar changes. Yes high templar countered thors pretty well....that happens. Thors are seen plenty in tvz, its not like the unit was underutilized. And honestly I don't know why terran players haven't been using 250 MM guns anyway. With the prevalence of ultralisk play in the late game that upgrade turns thors from "pretty good at countering ultralisks" to "dominating ultralisks".
As for the corruptor, again high templar did a lot of damage to them. Well that's fine they can take it. But a 45 second cooldown to start using their ability? I figured they would start with the ability active and then have to build the cooldown the second time. But this ability is barely used as is, and I doubt its suddenly going to get more utilized.
On October 15 2010 03:58 klauz619 wrote: 45dps for a 3 food unit is rather excessive.
How would 40 DPS on a 2 food 100/25 unit sound to you? Imba? Good? Ridiculous? Awesome?
Poking fun at marauders?
At least get your numbers right... Marauders do 20 dps to armor after using stims.
Voids fly, move much faster, can attack both air and ground units, and did about the same amount of damage as 2 stimmed marauders for one less pop.
All for 50/100 more than the two marauders.
This change has been coming for some time, but this was probably a little excessive. I like that they buffed the uncharged damage, which was why it was always such an irritating, gimmicky mechanic, though.
Void rays were a crutch for lower devision protoss players and it prevented them from playing properly and learning to become better at the game.
So all those higher Terrans with only going for bio are prevented to properly learn and become better players at the game?
On October 15 2010 04:52 Philip2110 wrote: Can someone explain what toss does against corrupters. With void ray nerf and stalkers doing low dps and having a massive 1 + (0 to armoured) damage increase per upgrade. Toss can also no longer feedback them to damage them, gonna be fun to be a collosus
here's what you do against corrupters: build ground units other than colossi. you've now defeated corruptors.
And grats on being swarmed by speedlings+hydras.
I hate these posts/arguments.
"What do you do against corruptors nao?!"
"Get ANY ground-to-air unit?"
"Lol gratz on getting PWND by their WHOLE ARMY"
Damn, when did that show up? When did their entire army come into the picture? Hell if that's the case, who's to say you dont have storm? Even a bigger army? Might as well just play out an entire game scenario right now to figure out exactly what's about to happen, since someone will always come up with a witty one line reply as to why your reply was terrible.
Honestly? Let's just try to be a bit more constructive in our replies guys. I have faith in you. And you can too! :D
On October 15 2010 04:52 Philip2110 wrote: Can someone explain what toss does against corrupters. With void ray nerf and stalkers doing low dps and having a massive 1 + (0 to armoured) damage increase per upgrade. Toss can also no longer feedback them to damage them, gonna be fun to be a collosus
here's what you do against corrupters: build ground units other than colossi. you've now defeated corruptors.
And grats on being swarmed by speedlings+hydras.
if you're letting some zerg get a swarm of speedlings + hydras + many corruptors u doin it wrong.
That is a very natural progression of a typical PvZ game. How is that wrong?
On October 15 2010 04:48 setzer wrote: I give a lot of respect to Blizzard for getting this patch out before the start of GSLS2. As a zerg player, while I love the roach range increase, I am overjoyed over the increase to building hp. Damn marauder drops!
Instead of fixing the source of the problem they're trying to bandaid it's impact. That isn't how you should go about things.
i guess you're saying they should set marauder damage to building to 2 so that it' no longer possible because clearly we marauder drops were not stoppable
Trying to put words in my mouth and using it as a base to go into a tantrum is weak. I never implied such a thing.
There are reasonable fixes to the problem. Denying it outright or sweeping it under the rug doesn't help the game.
so tell me then, how effective has this band-aid solution been? oh wait, you haven't tried it yet the problem is that marauders snipe buildings too easily the solution blizzard tries is to increase building health making marauders slower at killing [said] buildings
unless you meant to say that the problem is that marauder drops are impossible to stop which would require a solution making marauder drop impossible
Now, I now this will sound stupid, but bnet says I must "restart your game client and patch to the latest version before playing a mutliplayer game" despite the fact that I have already downloaded the patch, etc etc.Has thishappened to others?
edit- yeah, I see this has happened to others, but who has had this fixed?
Really I don't think the void ray nerf is as bad as everyone is saying. The damage to non armored units is kind of the same (+1 stage I, -2 less stage II). So vs Z and T the change is minimal, as usually they are countered with marines and queens early game.
It does significantly nerf its use against stalkers in PvP i suppose, they weren't that great against them in anyway as stalkers are much more of a core unit for PvP. More so than marines and definitely queens.
The big change is that unscouted (whether by shitty scouting or proxy) void rays won't be as much of an instant win because it will take so much longer to kill buildings with them (especially with added HP to buildings). And honestly when you watched two charged voids attack a building with hit point bars on it looked a bit broken didn't it?
My point is that voids can still do massive damage in the new patch, just not the crazy "holy shit the entire base is melting" type of damage they used to.
Who knows though, we're all talking out of our asses here until we play a good bit...