On October 15 2010 04:09 bokeevboke wrote: For those who think VR nerf was a mistake, remember that 90% of sc2 players are relatively noob and they don't have a reaction to stop voidray before its fully charged, which is gg right away.
This. Protoss was dominating lower leagues almost exclusively due to void ray rushes/proxies imo. Besides, with the pre-charge buff, I'm guessing Voids can still be a viable addition to a toss army, we'll have to see though. Either way, protoss can do just fine without void rays, most of the GSL matches didn't even use them.
On October 15 2010 04:12 jjun212 wrote: ... i cant seem to play the game?
i opened SC2.
it updated to 1.1.2
but when i choose to play a game, it says i "must restart game client and patch to the latest patch in order to play."
huh!?!? Also got this Hilarious. This patch is hilarious.
On October 15 2010 04:10 epik640x wrote: Still doesn't address why IdrA thought ZvT was imbalanced. The lack of early scouting opportunities for Zerg.
It certainly isn't only scouting, and not for IdrA either.
If he reads this I'm sure he'll agree with me. Scouting is still a problem, but actually being able to go hatch first without instantly dying to proxy reaper and stuff like that also enables you to prepare for a bigger variety of cheeses or harassment (mostly because you'll have more queens and more larvae so you can actually produce eco and get defenses at the same time).
On October 15 2010 04:13 Comeh wrote:Show nested quote +On October 15 2010 04:12 jjun212 wrote: ... i cant seem to play the game?
i opened SC2.
it updated to 1.1.2
but when i choose to play a game, it says i "must restart game client and patch to the latest patch in order to play."
huh!?!? Also got this Hilarious. This patch is hilarious.
On October 15 2010 04:07 Skyze wrote: rofl Protoss has gotten nerfed in EVERY single patch since beta, and no buffs that I remember (outside of a stalker buff the very first patch)..
Blizzard are seriously retarded and listen too much to the whining terran newbs.
To be fair Nexuses DID get buffed. >__>
IMO Voidrays did need changing though. I'm interested to see how they will be used now, though I am sure many toss will stay far away from them at first.
This is a interesting patch.
Huge Protoss nerf :/ Smeh. Feedback won't be nearly as effective, and VR's are going to be deemed useless.
I approve of this patch as a zerg player
last patch should be reverted imo, roach range is more than enough to deal with reapers and the factory thing is not necessary at all
I like most of the other changes though, except for supply depot before rax...
void ray change I don't know about, the initial damage thing is to make it harder to charge up on your own units more than anything else I suppose, don't know how I feel about that although I doubt the charge-up damage decrease will be noticable. the void ray speed upgrade mostly affects team games I guess so I can't say anything about that
Man. Void Rays were already soooo situational. Sure if you manage to completely hide from your opponent that you have them, and then get them charged up before he can stop you, they became uber-powerful, but I thought that was the point? Depending on the situation and skill of the players they could be anywhere from worthless to really really good. With this plus corrupter buff, I really don't see Protoss getting air control in a game if Terran or Zerg decides to contest it at all. How was the Void Ray more problematic than the Banshee?
I am so surprised this patch is out already. Hope it doesn't screw people over too much for GSL and MLG. At least they didn't wait till the middle of GSL to patch. It is great that toss can use their pheonix's ability again. I will have to try all these changes out, but they sound good. <3 Blizzard
I can't say for sure, but it seems like VR nerf and roach buff will break the game. When were VR too powerful and roaches too weak?
On October 15 2010 04:10 Zorkmid wrote: Not a big fan. I'm a Zerg player but sort of feel for the Terran and Protoss players. It's like the game is being dumbed down for the silver leaguers who can't fend off a reaper rush or Void Rays. I hope that future patches don't look like this one.
It's like a NR10 patch :O
absolutely agree. the barracks nerf was certainly aimed at pleasing 2v2 players that can't deal with reaper ling builds but sort of breaks the fundamental balance of 1v1 by eliminating any threat of cheese.
Queens are not totally useless now against void rays. I like :p
Terrans finally have a unit that's usable against HT. Hooray for Thor energy disappearing.
On October 15 2010 04:12 FindingPride wrote:Show nested quote +On October 15 2010 03:23 Liquid`Tyler wrote:Void Rays worthless now They had such difficult to overcome weaknesses against very basic and common units, Marines Hydras and Stalkers. Marines and Hydras in numbers at like 1/4 or 1/3 the cost of the Void Rays could fend off Void Rays but that wasn't enough? Vikings totally owned Void Rays before they got speed upgrade and now they own them even when the Void Rays get speed upgrade. Stalkers can probably approach charged up Void Rays now too since that reduction in damage against armored is so huge. And of course Protoss keeps getting worse against air... brood lords, corruptors and battlecruisers are now much more difficult to deal with. I couldn't disagree more. Voidrays were way to powerful. I could never punish my protoss opponents for playing like retards. guy had 2 gates and a stargate and had about 5 voidrays after he fail pushed me. He made an expansion and i had 4 raxes. Guess who couldn't even kill 4 units? me. tbh i like to live in a game where i can punish my opponents for making bad decisions. Like expanding vs a 4 rax. 5 units should not beable to decimate my army in less then 5 seconds when its fully charged. Also another reason for this change is to make protoss use carriers more. Voids aren't useless they are just going to have be played with differently. I wish i could gather a few of my replays but i didn't save these ones to show you. But voidrays were a universal unit. GOOD at deffending and GOOD at attacking and HARASSING. But i think this is going to prompt carrier usage more lategame which imo is a good thing.
Wait so you did nothing while he expanded pushed with only 2 gates and the built voidrays for 5 minutes with you not building marines or vikings?
and your complaining? If i lose a game like that and look at the replay im calling myself retarded for the next 15 minutes not blaming balance.
Finally one buff for protoss ! Nexus Rush FTW !
Really like the Nexus life increase. It was way to easy to snipe it before!
You guys really need to start playing Random. It makes every patch fun.
As a random user, who loves Zerg, I disapprove of the following changes:
Nexus to 1000/1000... uhhh what? It's +33% to shields AND +33% to HP. Compare it to the 1500 HP CC and the new 1500 HP Hatchery.
Void rays... not sure on this one
Supply depot before barracks. *knocks on hollow head of who made that change* Why? So people can't reaper rush?? Honestly, that change is just plain stupid. I expect a lot of 6 Pool now... or something of that sort. No more proxy barracks play. And what happens if you lose all your supply depots. Then you can't build a barracks. Terrible, terrible change.
Roach range from 3 to 4. I know I will love it but I do not agree with it. As others have said, if it were an UPGRADE, I think it would work. But I feel like roaches were fine as they were. They might have cost 2 supply and were slow without the upgrade, but adding one base range doesn't seem like the correct change.
Anyways, /rant. Not too excited for the patch.