+ Show Spoiler +"While the ability to customize key bindings is not currently available, we know that it's something that players would greatly appreciate and are already working to add it with the next feature patch.
In the meantime, we cannot condone, and must strongly advise against, the modification of MPQs. Manipulating these files is in violation of the game's Terms of Use and may cause your account to come under scrutiny by some of our cheat and hack detection software. Of course, it's not our intention to remove someone's access to the game for simply trying to get custom hotkeys to work, but the workaround proposed can open a player up to these sorts of situations.
We ask that you please wait for the proper and official addition of custom hotkeys to be added to the game."
"I can try to confirm for you whether or not mouse buttons (including the scroll wheel) will also be customizable. I may not be able to return with an answer instantly, but I will definitely ask on your behalf."
I, for one, am ecstatic. I thought that this was a silly feature to disallow in a 2010 PC game, regardless of standards set by Brood War. Perhaps I can finally use grid hot-keys. Couldn't handle having attack on T.
With key bindings presumably saved to the battle.net account, it will finally provide a reason this battle.net thing is worthwhile-- pro-gamers won't have to set up their custom hot-keys every time they go to a tournament. 
Want this much more than a clock. Patch 1.2 is looking increasingly heaven sent.
Personally i'm just surprised they didn't put all this stuff in BEFORE they released the game..
better late than never. this is awesome!
It really seems like the Starcraft development team finished on time for the release date, and the Battle.net team didn't, and they decided there was no reason to delay the game because B.net wasn't done yet.
Will be pretty pleased when they add this in. Will I be able to do something with my ~ key?!?!?!
On October 10 2010 14:01 Ketara wrote: It really seems like the Starcraft development team finished on time for the release date, and the Battle.net team didn't, and they decided there was no reason to delay the game because B.net wasn't done yet.
Will be pretty pleased when they add this in. Will I be able to do something with my ~ key?!?!?!
To be fair, I imagine there was plenty of internal debate about whether or not they should add custom hotkeys to the game and that this wasn't just a time or effort decision. I think QQing and logical arguments on the forums have probably pushed them in the direction of adding them.
They probably weren't sure how the community would react to custom hotkeys after the onslaught over MBS, automining, etc. Learning the bad hotkeys was considered a skill, in Brood War. Remember the RIDICULOUS Protoss hand positions? lol
Yaaaay! Finally I can set up my hotkeys as grid keys but not have to use t-move to attack-move. This should've been implemented much much earlier.
OMG! Amazing!
This also coincides with the Ultralisk Cavern annoying hotkey, though that's one of the only ones I'd change.
seems they are adding alot of features along the way, kinda strange they weren't there at release for a huge game like SC :/
Man, you guys can turn any thread sadness inducing.
In other news, Blizzard announces free puppies for everyone!
"WTF I LUV KITTENS. Gonna have to wait for HoTs for Kittens! Gawd I hate Blizzard!"
Seems nice for some. Personally after playing on blizzard hotkeys for awhile now I probably wont change much if at all.
It will be a happy day when i can save locations to F2-F4
Personally i'm just surprised they didn't put all this stuff in BEFORE they released the game..
better late than never. this is awesome!
because adding these features take time, do you want to wait until christmas for them to add these features?
I can't think of a hotkey I have trouble with. Actually, that took no time. The nuke/energy upgrade are too close together. 1+ for blizzard. SCV as P 0p0p0p0p. The real question for me is if they will allow this in tournaments. I don't want to waste my time doing something if it isn't going to be LEGAL in big tournaments.
I personally see no benefit to this, most people have already memorized one of the default layouts provided and Im 99% sure they will just stick to it. Besides blizzard's hotkeys kinda make sense this go around.
On October 10 2010 14:22 MaD.pYrO wrote: It will be a happy day when i can save locations to F2-F4 My god yes.
And it's annoying when people complain about something that blizzard "should have put in the original release". Is it that much of a problem?
United States7481 Posts
On October 10 2010 14:01 Ketara wrote: It really seems like the Starcraft development team finished on time for the release date, and the Battle.net team didn't, and they decided there was no reason to delay the game because B.net wasn't done yet.
Will be pretty pleased when they add this in. Will I be able to do something with my ~ key?!?!?!
probably because the starcraft team had 10 years while the b.net team had 1 (seriously the b.net 2.0 stuff was really new and they had to start almost from scratch recently)
Honestly, I'm not going to easily be able to re-wire myself to new hotkeys after years of Starcraft.
So I guess I don't really care.
On October 10 2010 14:22 MaD.pYrO wrote: It will be a happy day when i can save locations to F2-F4
This is the only change I want, thank you Blizzard for finally letting me be able to do this.
This is great news... provided they dont put this off for a year or 2...
This would be a buff to Zerg.. being able to rebind backspace to a more accessible key.