Fruitseller (Cool) may change his race in GSL #2 - Page 31
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Germany2 Posts
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United States473 Posts
On September 24 2010 04:04 Lefnui wrote: No, you said it so you defend it. I haven't read all of Jinro's posts in this thread but I highly doubt he said that Zerg is stronger than Terran. To say that Zerg>Terran even before the patch is just insane. You'd think the fact that every single top Zerg says the race is horribly weak would have some effect on people here. But no, they don't care. Apparently their views of Zerg are superior to those of Check, Cool, Zenio, IdrA and Dimaga. Defending. I don't care what idra, dimaga, or cool say, I really dont. They could say zerg is overpowered and I wouldn't give a shit. Before patch, the only imbalance was 5rax reaper. Now, after patch, that strategy is gone and zerg stands a chance. The goal as a zerg player is to survive the early harassment and push to late game. Yes, it is true you cannot make a mistake as zerg. However, if you make no mistakes... your odds of winning are much higher than a terran. Not enough zergs are taking advantage of overlord speed, burrow, drops, or the ability to rapidly expand and outmacro the terran. Your comback to that statement might be, O BUT WAIT YOU NEED TIME TO REsearch! I say, no, you need to scout. Timing and scouting is the crux to the zerg race. Miss nothing and you will win. Back to infestor play: I find that infestors take zerg to the late game with more success than mutalisks (unless you see a window of opportunity through scouting). The ability to stop an army for 8 seconds at a time REALLY adds up when you take into consideration 40 sec. larvae spit. Also, its abilty to intercept drops with proper overlord/creep placement. Infested terrans are damn good as well. The strength of the zerg is their macro. Once you hit 3 bases, you can pretty much 5 hatch lings and run over the terran (not through attacking, but defending-Once again, scouting). I'm a visual learner so the reading style of this is bothering me. I like seeing it done. Meh! | ||
France265 Posts
I much prefer a slow rate of experimental change that Blizzard seems to have employed. Imagine this:What if they released the game with Roaches in their initial beta state and I would Roach Rush you 50 games per day and there would be almost nothing you can do about it... and while you scream "imbalance", I lol and tell you to l2p. Would you prefer the slow experimental change then? Cuz it did not seem so in the beta... | ||
France12578 Posts
On September 24 2010 05:22 Liquid`Nazgul wrote: Nobody still has a clue about learning curves of the races. It's hard enough to find balance in RTS but to control the learning curves of 3 different games (races) this complicated to be similar is pretty much impossible. How hard is basic control for tank/marauder, now compare it to how hard it is to control the correct counter ling/infestor. Clearly Zerg needs more time to reach its max than Terran does. That and every Zerg out there still doesn't creep properly. You see top level Zergs not getting multiple tumors at all times in the game, not getting overlord speed. Why complain about unit strength when you aren't getting the number one upgrade for your units (creep) in the whole game. This is just puzzling. There may or may not be balance issues, but let's start with these things. It's like Terrans forgetting concussive shells and siege mode every game they play. Creep spread is simply a lot harder to pull off than just pressing an upgrade button, but that brings us back to not knowing the learning curves of each race, which is not the same as imbalance. U almost lose ALL your creep highway after a push, because terran always push with somes scan to kill tumors. And remake it is a lot longer. | ||
Germany195 Posts
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129 Posts
Ahahaha. Sorry, it's so cute. Cool is so natural and pure. Believe him, if he says zerg doesn't work, it doesn't work. Cool is not the kind of guy to react this way without a VERY serious reason. He lost to a 13 year old on his first time ever to get into a booth at anything like the GSL. He lost a large amount of prize pool from just winning one more game. After loosing his game, the opponent that beat him lost by a lot in his next match up. I'd be raging pretty hard to when what I do with my life gets humiliated like that. | ||
United States2068 Posts
On September 24 2010 06:12 LittleeD wrote: Its sad yeh, but you cant blame Blizzard for it though. Its their game so they could basicly do whatever they want with it. They dont have any responsibilities to make it perfectly balanced just like that, its for the players to adept simple as that. You do realize it is technically feasible for it to be impossible to adapt if the race just isn't good enough. If Cool, who is perhaps the best zerg SC2 has seen yet, says that he's only managing a 10% win ratio against his practice partners, there's a 99.99991% chance that the zerg skillcap isn't high enough to compete with elite protoss and terran. You're right that Blizzard doesn't have to do anything, but i'm pretty sure they would want to keep their players and their potential customers happy. | ||
United States9218 Posts
On September 24 2010 06:04 DeckOneBell wrote: I love how Nazgul, a professional level Starcraft 2 player comes into a thread with a fairly reasonable view of learning curve vs. balance, and immediately is shot down by many players citing zerg player rage. Please take the argument into consideration before immediate disagreement in order to state that zerg is weak, and terran is imbalanced. I much prefer a slow rate of experimental change that Blizzard seems to have employed. The rage of actual professional SCBW and SC2 players. Why is Nazgul's POV to be valued more then Cools? Especially since the ridiculous neo-nydus spreading creep arguement is actually uninformed nonsense? | ||
Canada1631 Posts
On September 24 2010 06:04 DeckOneBell wrote: I love how Nazgul, a professional level Starcraft 2 player comes into a thread with a fairly reasonable view of learning curve vs. balance, and immediately is shot down by many players citing zerg player rage. Please take the argument into consideration before immediate disagreement in order to state that zerg is weak, and terran is imbalanced. I much prefer a slow rate of experimental change that Blizzard seems to have employed. And until the magical time where zerg is figured out, or blizzard makes their slow slow way towards balance, we're just not gonna play zerg anymore, clear? Also what people need to realise is that if a patch actually makes zerg balanced, we'll be able to tell due to the amount of QQ coming from both P and T as the zerg players get to where they should be in the rankings. If it brings things to par, then the zergs you could routinely beat into the ground with retarded builds, will be on even footing or above you. | ||
12519 Posts
On September 24 2010 06:16 okrane wrote: No, he's right. It's not in Blizzard's obligation to ensure racial balance in the multiplayer, especially for the highest level, which they simply cannot foresee.quite the opposite. And in fact its a good thing for Blizzard that players are still raging about the game... they could do the opposite: stop caring, and there goes Blizzard's profit down the drain... The game does not have to be balanced. The game can be played competitively with fewer races - eg: only Terran and occasionally Protoss. The zerg is some supporting race for now, for spice. | ||
United States1009 Posts
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United States651 Posts
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Sweden53 Posts
On September 24 2010 06:20 Williowa wrote: He lost to a 13 year old on his first time ever to get into a booth at anything like the GSL. He lost a large amount of prize pool from just winning one more game. After loosing his game, the opponent that beat him lost by a lot in his next match up. I'd be raging pretty hard to when what I do with my life gets humiliated like that. Are you confusing ![]() | ||
Germany195 Posts
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United States3423 Posts
On September 24 2010 06:20 Williowa wrote: He lost to a 13 year old on his first time ever to get into a booth at anything like the GSL. He lost a large amount of prize pool from just winning one more game. After loosing his game, the opponent that beat him lost by a lot in his next match up. I'd be raging pretty hard to when what I do with my life gets humiliated like that. You get mixing cool up with cellawerra?.. | ||
United States15 Posts
I hope he doesn't leave Zerg, but sounds like this is legit. | ||
Brazil1606 Posts
On September 24 2010 06:00 Sfydjklm wrote: yea also this. I would think an ex-zerg pro gamer who played like 2k games since release alone would know a thing or two about learning curves. not only ~2k games since release, they also have like 10 years of experience in RTS games. | ||
United States2068 Posts
On September 24 2010 06:20 Williowa wrote: He lost to a 13 year old on his first time ever to get into a booth at anything like the GSL. He lost a large amount of prize pool from just winning one more game. After loosing his game, the opponent that beat him lost by a lot in his next match up. I'd be raging pretty hard to when what I do with my life gets humiliated like that. You're confusing CellaWerra with Cool (aka FruitSeller), they're not the same. | ||
United States1472 Posts
So it just seems balanced until you play games that aren't quick matches like in.. oh I don't know, tournaments? Seems like one look at the "tournament wins by race" thread pretty much concludes the same thing. | ||
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