Poll: which is better to focus onsc2, will give more opportunities in future (65) 80% sc1, its classic and the best! (15) 19% other(explain) (1) 1% 81 total votes Your vote: which is better to focus on (Vote): sc1, its classic and the best! (Vote): sc2, will give more opportunities in future (Vote): other(explain)
im not sure where this thread so sorry if in wrong spot. If say one wanted to be the best at one of these games is it like 99% better to be best at sc2 vs sc1 considering how it will maybe (likely) grow larger than sc1 in fan base, publicity ect. i ask because i have been flipping b/t the two for weeks at time and bugs me to feel like starting from scratch with hotkeys, timings ect. so in reality is sc1 dead for new competition and sc2 is the clear superior if one wanted to take that path(ex: tournaments ect.) I realize sc1 still is huge in korea atm, but isnt it basically sealed for anyone who hasnt been playing way long ago up until this point...i guess it feels like a waste to invest time only to have people years ahead in skill is what i think. Im leaning towards sc2 as it is new giving chances for experimentation and beginners to become good, but wonder others opinions....thanks!
Sc1 is probably dead everywhere but Korea. And even possibly in Korea. But we'll have to wait and see how Kespa vs. Blizzard turns out.
I think SC2 is the better bet. No telling if it'll ever get as big as Sc1 though.
SC1 hit a plateau. It can only go down from here.
SC2 is growing from 0. It can only go up from here, meet the current plateau, and pass it.
What else is there to discuss?
hmm, i guess i just wasn't sure if there were still like incoming foreigners into the sc1 scene, but i guess its irrelevant as sc2 will gobble it up anyways. Or was thinking if people disliked sc2 then they would flip back to sc1, or maybe like get it hyped up in korea again i have no idea how that stuff works lol
On August 24 2010 12:21 Amber[LighT] wrote: SC1 hit a plateau. It can only go down from here.
SC2 is growing from 0. It can only go up from here, meet the current plateau, and pass it.
What else is there to discuss?
You're assuming most games plateau, where in reality many games have more of a parabola shape followed by a long tail downward. That BW plateaued is a testament to it's value for both spectators and gamers.
That said, I agree that unless you're in Korea, there will likely be no money to be made playing BW. Even if we discover within 1-2 years that Blizzard can't or won't balance it, and it's not very fun to watch for more than a year, the prize money will still make it the game worth mastering if you're in it for the money and fame.
SC2 definitely. I only hope that Korea will love it as much if not more than SC1 - should be good for the game as an esport
It's way to early to say. I lot of people thought WC3 would kill BW. There was definitely a big deep in pop when WC3 came out for the first half year or so, but BW recovered a lot of those players. I would wait at least 6 months before I would consider any answer to that question.
If you want to go "pro", then SC2, as BW has no pro scene outside Korea. If you want to become good at an amateur level, pick whichever game is more fun to you. SC2 is easier to find games with, but BW has ICCUP and the Asia server is always active.
Oh, and SC2 is easier to learn. But I can't say anything about skill ceiling, yet..
Sc is kinda dying in korea. Its poplarity peaked in 2007 and its been slowing goning down hill
This thread was probably a bad idea. There have been many like it, and almost all of them devolve into BW loyalists and SC2 players flaming each other.
Buuuut since it hasn't seemed to reach that yet, I'll chip in my 2 cents. I still play both games. I play SC2 for the ladder because doesn't take an insane amount of work to stay competitive like it does in BW. I play BW on the side just for a fun change of pace sometimes, and I also like keeping up with the korean pro scene.
By no means is SC1 "dead", but there are probably more opportunities with SC2, simply because it's such a young game with so much development ahead of it. And depending on what the koreans decide to do, foreigners actually may have a chance (albeit perhaps still very small) to make it big in SC2. Meanwhile, there's absolutely no way in hell a foreigner is going to break into the BW scene these days.
Brazil219 Posts
Well, if you think abou competition, e-sports, SC2 of course...BW is dominated by koreans and the skill level is absurd if you want something... If only for fun, play whatever you like! hehe
I want to see e-sports in the Olympics!!!