On November 25 2010 00:10 Monzterg wrote: Why does Painuser think he deserves a invite to dreamhack?? Wich one of the invites does he think he should replace and why??
I dont get this why he is upset. He can just enter the tournament like everyone else if he wants to, without beeing invited.
Perhaps I misinterpreted, but I got the impression that he was referring to the way they handled it (deciding before the deadline for sending requests, not informing him until much later, etc) and not that he didn't get an invite at all. I don't know, he just doesn't strike me like an arrogant guy in the slightest.
No you're wrong. He knew he could go to dreamhack like everyone else but elected not to do it because he contacted them about geting invited and they said they would look it over and then decided that he couldn't get a invite spot so now he's bitching about it on STOG.
I mean seriously how can you be so arrogant and try to even suggest to Dreamhack to invite YOU to their tournament and then go on air and talk crap about them when they decide not to?
Why the FUCK would a guy like Painuser get a invite? If you wanna enter the tournament then enter the tournament like everyone else.
I don't think that Painuser is clearly better than anyone on that list (maybe Naama or Madfrog, but they are from Scandinavia and Madfrog is a swedish legend).
The only ones I would pick over him in a Bo3/5 is IdrA, Dimaga, and Nony, but only if he's figured out that lategame Terran style he saw at MLG Dallas.
so you pick 2 american players ..
I would choose dimaga, morrow (with terran), brat_ok, socke, sjow, idra, tarson, lucifron and demuslim. Europe has many very good terran players and they are also very good at TvT, because they have to play so many mirror matches.
an example: Tarson won a BO7 against kiwikaki (4-1) and machine (4-2) in Gosugamers KOTH.
Please don't think that the best european players went to MLG, because that seems to be the only tournament Americans care about.
I would like to hear someone like Demuslim or Socke on State of the Game. This show isn't live ... you can record it anytime.
On November 25 2010 00:10 Monzterg wrote: Why does Painuser think he deserves a invite to dreamhack?? Wich one of the invites does he think he should replace and why??
I dont get this why he is upset. He can just enter the tournament like everyone else if he wants to, without beeing invited.
He got 3rd at the single most stacked tournament of the year in MLG Dallas, he has won several smaller tournaments aswell as Socal LAN.
What has Madfrog, tarson, morrow, lucifron or thorzain accomplished lately?
This isn't about who deserves an invite, its about who is a big name and who isn't, Painuser is clearly not a big name for the Dreamhack tourney admins.
Sorry no. Painuser is not a bigger name then any of those that you mentioned and should not get invited above any of them in my opinion.
On November 25 2010 07:24 zotok wrote: Another awesome podcast guys. You guys should make painuser and idra permanent
Painuser? Ill stop watching if they keep him on the show. He's got no idea what he's talking about and he for SURE has no class going on air talking crap about dreamhack and making it sound like he should have a seed into the main tournament for no reason at all.
Clearly the show needs a European Terran as a resident and he clearly needs to be fast with words (so probably english native speaker) to go toe to toe with inControl.
incontrol is funny, but his racial bias can be annoying from time to time (as could be seen in the PvT discussion with PainUser).
On November 25 2010 00:10 Monzterg wrote: Why does Painuser think he deserves a invite to dreamhack?? Wich one of the invites does he think he should replace and why??
I dont get this why he is upset. He can just enter the tournament like everyone else if he wants to, without beeing invited.
Perhaps I misinterpreted, but I got the impression that he was referring to the way they handled it (deciding before the deadline for sending requests, not informing him until much later, etc) and not that he didn't get an invite at all. I don't know, he just doesn't strike me like an arrogant guy in the slightest.
No you're wrong. He knew he could go to dreamhack like everyone else but elected not to do it because he contacted them about geting invited and they said they would look it over and then decided that he couldn't get a invite spot so now he's bitching about it on STOG.
I mean seriously how can you be so arrogant and try to even suggest to Dreamhack to invite YOU to their tournament and then go on air and talk crap about them when they decide not to?
Why the FUCK would a guy like Painuser get a invite? If you wanna enter the tournament then enter the tournament like everyone else.
On November 25 2010 00:10 Monzterg wrote: Why does Painuser think he deserves a invite to dreamhack?? Wich one of the invites does he think he should replace and why??
I dont get this why he is upset. He can just enter the tournament like everyone else if he wants to, without beeing invited.
He got 3rd at the single most stacked tournament of the year in MLG Dallas, he has won several smaller tournaments aswell as Socal LAN.
What has Madfrog, tarson, morrow, lucifron or thorzain accomplished lately?
This isn't about who deserves an invite, its about who is a big name and who isn't, Painuser is clearly not a big name for the Dreamhack tourney admins.
Sorry no. Painuser is not a bigger name then any of those that you mentioned and should not get invited above any of them in my opinion.
Please don't feel as if you need to apologize for your opinion.
It's fruitlessly debatable whether or not a player is a 'bigger name' in general. Dreamhack undoubtedly chose to invite more European players due to local familiarity and regional convenience.
MLG Dallas was Painuser's breakout performance; his 3rd place finish had him taking out the likes of TLO and Nony both of whom were extended invitations to Dreamhack and are likely to go deep.
It is understandable that the people at Dreamhack might not follow the NA competitive scene. But everyone in this thread who claims that Painuser is somehow 'undeserving' of an invitation is simply wrong.
Great Podcast so far, i'm halfway through. I don't even complain about Painuser wanting that invite spot, he is an awesome player after all, that just said. What just bugs me a bit is the lack of knowledge of all hosts (not just incontrol who took the speach there) about the european scene, but then complaining about the dissappointment of the brackets. Either a european source or someone with WC3 background could have helped out here. I don't really mind the hosts not knowing players like elfi or ThorZain, just because Europe was far more into WC3 than America was (not only US), and so many Warcraft players, most of them do have starcraft background, are in the tournaments in Europe. But if you want to argue about the quality of brackets, you should be informed beforehand on the players (not that I would agree with all the invites, but it makes a bad image altogether). You may be used difference in the US, but in Europe the players with Warcraft background do pretty well.
As a final advice, I would find it awesome to get the show more international in terms of away from US navel by some guests that are not from US/Canada or living in Korea, it could only colour up things.
On November 25 2010 07:24 zotok wrote: Another awesome podcast guys. You guys should make painuser and idra permanent
Painuser? Ill stop watching if they keep him on the show. He's got no idea what he's talking about and he for SURE has no class going on air talking crap about dreamhack and making it sound like he should have a seed into the main tournament for no reason at all.
No plz, had enough of this egocentric kid.
You've had enough huh?
Seriously though, you sound like a pretty poisonous individual. I have a really hard time fathoming how it is possible that you are so offended.
Dammit JP you best show up next week for the show! You can easily play WoW and host the show at the same time, that game is mindless clicking and all you have to do is ask a question every 5 minutes to make sure the discussion doesn't get too derailed. I needs my SotG!
On November 25 2010 07:58 Zim23 wrote: Dammit JP you best show up next week for the show! You can easily play WoW and host the show at the same time, that game is mindless clicking and all you have to do is ask a question every 5 minutes to make sure the discussion doesn't get too derailed. I needs my SotG!
LOL True. Do it JP! Work on your Multi-tasking skills!
On November 25 2010 07:24 zotok wrote: Another awesome podcast guys. You guys should make painuser and idra permanent
Painuser? Ill stop watching if they keep him on the show. He's got no idea what he's talking about and he for SURE has no class going on air talking crap about dreamhack and making it sound like he should have a seed into the main tournament for no reason at all.
No plz, had enough of this egocentric kid.
Why is Dreamhack above criticism? The show has a constant theme of telling tournaments to get their act together.
I guess you can listen to the kickass podcast put together by the top European players then, huh.
1. Love PainUser on the show. He's hilarious, and with both him and iNcontroL it's like two hardcore american stereotypes going at it. Great stuff!
2. These guys have no respect for/knowledge of the european scene. It's pretty harsh to bash the player list without even reading wether people were invited or won their spot in the national qualifiers. How would you ever feel entitled to a spot that was taken by somebody who won a national qualifier? I guess only an american would... The only people iNcontroL mentioned he wanted in Dreamhack were North American players... Tsk tsk.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but am I the only one who thinks that people qualifying through tournies is way fucking cooler than people buying a seat like they do in the US?
On November 25 2010 08:55 Dingotrold wrote: 1. Love PainUser on the show. He's hilarious, and with both him and iNcontroL it's like two hardcore american stereotypes going at it. Great stuff!
2. These guys have no respect for/knowledge of the european scene. It's pretty harsh to bash the player list without even reading wether people were invited or won their spot in the national qualifiers. How would you ever feel entitled to a spot that was taken by somebody who won a national qualifier? I guess only an american would... The only people iNcontroL mentioned he wanted in Dreamhack were North American players... Tsk tsk.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but am I the only one who thinks that people qualifying through tournies is way fucking cooler than people buying a seat like they do in the US?
In which NA tournament do players have to buy a seat?