On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote:+ Show Spoiler +rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people. keep up the great work geoff and thank you for doing sotg!
There are so many shitposting retards in this thread. It's disgusting.
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On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: -snip-
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
Just focusing on this part. One of you is to blame for bringing him on. You knew it would happen, you knew the community would've done this (if you didn't you're not on much lately) and you should've just not done it. I think JP was the one who made the poor choice to bring him on so I think he's to blame. IdrA isn't to blame for what he did because <insert name here> pushed him into that situation. Doesn't excuse his actions, I think he should still be respectful towards a guest, but he isn't to blame for being put into a situation he said no to. He didn't want to for a reason, and the reason showed itself. And that doesn't mean JP should be kicked out or anything but well someone had to make the poor choice.
But yeah community is shitty. It's been shitty for a long time. Destiny incident, Spades, Naniwa on multiple occasions (not like those aren't deserved), the previous two SotG incidents. The community wants to make drama as much as it can. It seems to thrive on it. They jump on it whether things are true or not.
But if you know things will get bad on the show, don't bring them on. The community is always looking to do this shit. Just keep doing what you're doing, try and bring qxc on when you can (I always enjoy when he's on) and ignore the fans when they demand someone who will cause drama on the show.
Geoff i <3 you
People won't even remember this after this weekend.
Dear Team Liquid...I am surprised at how in this very forum people are banned for just a hint of BM or Whining,yet you allow your very own Team Member to disrespect and insult a fellow player and community member.Im not sure if you have a double standard here or if you did not watch the SOTG in question..if you do watch the"Avilo pre-show" starts @ 1:20min. If you watch the episode there will be no doubt of what happened...im not surprised by Idras actions but it is still not good for the community or player/viewer enjoyment. Thank you.
iNcontroL and JP
Keep State of the Game as it is!!!!
Your current viewers still love it!
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Didn't IdrA also shit all over Chuncher for being overweight, mainly due to him being knocked out of TSL3 after looking past him in his pre-game interview. That example means that I don't necessarily take IdrA's (or anyone elses) opinion on people as gospel, but I'm sure that half the drones listening to this show will take SoTG's opinion as their own.
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
So basicly Idra and Avilo are the same, they are also both mediocre players kinda like you.
EDIT: The recent addition of sc2 team tags in signatures makes it really easy to spot fanboys.
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I just watched the show and considered the drama this has caused, I was expecting way worse. There wasn't really anything ground breaking, IdrA didn't do anything we didn't expect him to do. I don't know the logic about why he did it, and it doesn't really matter honestly. The only shocking point is that Avilo was so abruptly dropped off the call, I believe it should have been done in a different way. It is the host's responsibility to control the discussion. When it started spiraling downward, JP should have just stopped it right here, and thank Avilo for coming on.
But still, not a big deal. I'm gonna go back to stuff like cleaning my room, because that is the impact it had on my life. The impact on esports is probably even lower.
On June 29 2012 23:23 HeroMystic wrote: The problem with Avilo's points were they they were exaggerated and all over the place, jumping from one point to another (Talking about Zerg getting up to "80" drones, which Idra said you can just get 3CC and macro greedily, then Avilo said the Zerg can just all-in you, which are two completely different scenarios). Let me break this down for you. If we define a zerg production cycle as the 3 natural larva plus the 4 from a Queen inject, a 3 base zerg will have 21 larva per cycle. When a zerg is at 60 drones, he can decide to either drone again or make units. They aren't two completely different scenarios. It's a very quick decision zerg can make that Terrans are either supposed to magic scan to detect (remember, IdrA says stop wasting money on Hellions) or just don't about it and let Zerg get its super army (again, taking IdrA's advice).
The point isn't that Terran's can't win. It's that they are now at a constant disadvantage in TvZ because they can't punish greedy Zergs. They are at a constant disadvantage in TvZ because there really isn't such a thing as a Zerg all-in any more. Even 6 pools can now break even for Zerg, though you have to do a little bit better with it than Greg does.
Cant we all just get along?
On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
Oh my god, iNcontroL is a bully because he was snickering during the interview and he makes fun of avilo! -- HELLO, I fucking mock EVERYONE. That very show I teased khaldor and wolf. Is there anyone I haven't mocked or teased? Does that make me a bully? Only if you are insecure or uninformed I guess. I mock friends AND I mock shit heads. Avilo happens to be a shit head. He is a broken record on balance AND he is a broken record on his insecurity with who is talking about him.. if that makes me a bully FINE. I guess that is the case. I fucking tried to hand that kid an olive branch and promoted his stream but he turns around and goes ape shit in this very thread one week ago naming me over and over as someone who failed in WCS which meant he was better etc etc.. I don't give a fuck if you guys don't understand my teasing and mocking of him but if you don't care to TRY to understand then wtf?
JP cut him off without letting him finish? Oh the horror! -- He was at that time incoherently babbling over IdrA about how he "agreed with greg" and kept twisting what greg was saying around as if it was a point in favor of terran. The argument was neither entertaining nor was it informative.. it was a guy hopping on the show after starting a shit storm the week before, first thing he asks about is me teasing him or taking "pot shots" and then he goes on to interrupt idra, take his words and twist them and speak over everyone else.. greg lost his cool and JP controlled that shit. Should he have barked over Avilo "thanks for coming on" and then hung up on him? I guess in some wierd internet way that would be less impolite.. ok.
We called it. We said this was Mia Rose all over again. A terrible idea amidst an otherwise fine show. So that is on us. But I got to be honest with you: Fuck a lot of you. Fuck you forever. Get all up in arms about Avilo and start trashing IdrA, JP and myself. Asking for us to quit the show and leave SC2. This show isn't earning me or IdrA money. And lately, it has been really fucking annoying actually. We aren't allowed to make mistakes when we discuss shit. We have to give context for everything we say to be careful that some uppity 30 post prick who has been around for 6 months won't run off and try to create drama.
This shit WILL blow over because at the end of the day there is no grabby sound bite.. there is no image of greg double birding the screen in a fit of rage. There is a bunch of insecure asshats interpreting things as bad as they possibly can with 0 context for why Avilo was spoken to that way. It just sickens me how completely tunnel visioned a lot of this community is.. you WANT to get people fired you WANT to make people break and snap.. great.
Well enjoy your 2.3 days of drama. After this avilo will go on to shit on everyone he talks to that doesn't agree with him. He will continue to play the martyr for as long as the community will give him that attention. We are going to keep doing the show because most of you deserve it and we will continue to make the same kind of jokes and from time to time make mistakes by allowing people on the show that don't deserve it and bring out the worst in people.
I love you Geoff <3 Don't worry about vocal minority haters.
On June 30 2012 01:35 Inquisitor1323 wrote:Show nested quote + On 6-30-2012 MichaelDonovan Wrote: Just because you didn't understand the conversation, that doesn't mean IdrA rolled over any points. That conversation was fine. Qxc would agree, I think. Stop creating drama where it doesn't exist.
Every time QXC made a point Idra countered it in a way that forced QXC to agree with him. Example: Qxc said that now hellions were not good because queens could stop them. Idra said: "just run your hellions around the queens" and QXC said "oh good point". Does Idra honestly think that no terran has tried this before? Then QXC said "then there are speedlings at the ramp" to which Idra responds "no there arent". Once again, QXC just says good point and they leave the issue alone. Qxc plays terran here, not Idra. QXC shouldnt have to just blindly agree with everything Idra says.
Qxc and Idra has a better understanding of the game than most of us and they understand that both sides have options. When Qxc brought up that the 5 marine push would not work on some maps because of the overlord would scout it, Idra also agreed, but then pointed out maps where that push would be more effective. It was not an argument, but a discussion between two highly skilled players who know how the match up works and what options the both sides have. Qxc did not blindly agree, because he understood what Idra was talking about, but also had his own points to make.
On June 30 2012 02:24 Plansix wrote:Show nested quote +On June 30 2012 01:35 Inquisitor1323 wrote: On 6-30-2012 MichaelDonovan Wrote: Just because you didn't understand the conversation, that doesn't mean IdrA rolled over any points. That conversation was fine. Qxc would agree, I think. Stop creating drama where it doesn't exist.
Every time QXC made a point Idra countered it in a way that forced QXC to agree with him. Example: Qxc said that now hellions were not good because queens could stop them. Idra said: "just run your hellions around the queens" and QXC said "oh good point". Does Idra honestly think that no terran has tried this before? Then QXC said "then there are speedlings at the ramp" to which Idra responds "no there arent". Once again, QXC just says good point and they leave the issue alone. Qxc plays terran here, not Idra. QXC shouldnt have to just blindly agree with everything Idra says. Qxc and Idra has a better understanding of the game than most of us and they understand that both sides have options. When Qxc brought up that the 5 marine push would not work on some maps because of the overlord would scout it, Idra also agreed, but then pointed out maps where that push would be more effective. It was not an argument, but a discussion between two highly skilled players who know how the match up works and what options the both sides have. Qxc did not blindly agree, because he understood what Idra was talking about, but also had his own points to make. I have to agree with you on that sir. Well played.
This is truly why we can't have nice things.
I'm a strong supporter of professionalism, but you can't hold SOTG under a microscope for it. Its a fun show with a bunch of guys joking around talking about Starcraft 2 and what not.
First off, Idra didn't want to talk with avilo. Idra put up with avilo and talked about TvZ with him until avilo started talking over him and began putting words into his mouth. You can't blaim Idra for anything. He put up with it until it went too far.
Second, on Incontrol. The first thing avilo did when he got on to talk about TvZ was lay the foundation for a drama fest. He then gets overally defensive about a blog post about TvZ balance and says "ya just because he's not popular in the community doesn't mean he's wrong", or something along the lines of that. Really? Plus to add to this, avilo trash talked Incontrol a week or two ago in this thread about the WCS. I mean come on... Can you really hold Incontrol responsible when avilos opening statement was to start drama?
Third, on JP. JP handled the situation by hanging up on avilo and then talking to him after that saying that he was sorry and it was for the better. He even said that he did that on stream and even posted here saying that he did that.
Please, everyone just stfu. I look forward every week to SOTG and if everyone keeps looking at the show and the guests under a microscope and nitpick every single thing they do, we'll lose this show and possibly other shows and future shows that are in the making.
So please, just calm down and play some Starcraft 2.
We are lucky to have someone like Geoff who does so much for the community and puts up with all of its bullshit. Thanks Geoff <3
Dont use 'Avilo is Bad' as an excuse for what happened on that show Incontrol.
just because he isn't liked, doesn't mean you should put him on a show, and then trash the fuck out of him. I dont care if he was speaking fucking spanish.
I could break your whole post down point by point, but im one of those people your saying 'fuck you' too. Which is fine. Cause i dont know you, and from what im reading, honestly dont want to know you.
'Judge a person not by how he treats his equals, buy by how he treats his inferiors'. All of you on that show save NoNy and QXC could benefit from following the above quote
On June 30 2012 01:27 Disengaged wrote:Show nested quote +On June 30 2012 01:15 Bellygareth wrote: Am I the only one to think it's not a big deal? I fail to see why the community should care. It can even be summed up in 3 small phrases: - The chat set up a trap. JP took the bait. People feign to be offended cause there was not enough drama going on... Nope. You are not alone. I don't think "ITS A TRAP!". Conspiracy theories lol I'm using trap as like a trick or whatever. I'm just saying that the guys calling call avilo where not doing it to have a decent conversation with Avilo, but to create drama. It was predictable. As Incontrol said, the hosts even knew before that it would be bad. Meh. Changing subject, the TVZ discussion between QXC and Idra was really interesting. This kind of discussion could be remade I wouldn't complain .
On June 30 2012 02:11 iNcontroL wrote:Show nested quote +On June 30 2012 02:08 Silver777 wrote:On June 30 2012 01:42 iNcontroL wrote: rabble rabble rabble ! ! ! !
I can't believe IdrA said stfu to someone! - WHO THE FUCK is shocked by this? SERIOUSLY. If IdrA doesn't like someone it has been shown, time in and time again that he will tell them exactly what he thinks. Avilo has EARNED his position in the community. 99% of the people bitching are looking in on something they have no clue about.. they see IdrA an etablished pro not being decent to Avilo a scumbag whiner who constantly attacks us every chance he can get.. it just so turns out nobody gives a damn because they were trained to ignore him by his constant balance whining.
The simple reality is maybe you, other pros, a few hundred other people see he has earned some sort of position in the community, but the majority of people know NOTHING about avilo except what is said on SOTG. The reality is he didn't act like how you guys continued saying he would, he simply made non-concise arguments and was flustered from the start as he clearly doesn't go around talking to thousands of people at once like you guys. Then you guys shit all over him. This is the majority of peoples first impression of avilo themselves. If you guys decide to invite him on, then acting like hes a POS doesn't help anyone as its mostly an inside joke that few people get, leading to the drama situation that is rightly deserved from you guys creating it yourselves. What do you want from me, accountability? Did you read my post? I said it was a mistake.. I said it was a bad idea.. what more do you want from me? A comment about how "well, all this reaction from the community is 100% my fault and justified because you guys don't know who avilo is!" ? Come on.
How about behaving like a decent human being and give Avilo an apology? I never expected you to bully people Incontrol. What you did yesteday was condescending and just plain mean
I didn't get to watch the live cast but I can say I've watched the VOD. So if anyone plans on watching it still that hasn't, just watch up to the Avilo part and turn it off. Nothing against Avilo, just a bunch of senseless drama...
QXC was a "breath of fresh air" on the show. Well done man. Nothing I enjoy more than a reasonable conversation about the issue everyone wanted to talk about.
I wish the show would try to be a bit more upbeat too. Talk about really cool and sick strats they've seen instead of always being so negative about everything. Fuck drama.