On May 13 2012 05:02 Duravi wrote:Show nested quote +On May 13 2012 04:23 jmbthirteen wrote:On May 13 2012 04:21 BlueFlames wrote: First i saw a shitfest on reddit. Then came to TL to see what really happened. Then i watched the episode. To summerize. JP produced a impromt MLG advert (in a shitty quality) where Incontrols questions would not be answered and is now throwing a tantrum, because people complain about it. Normally i wouldn`t care to comment on so much fabricated drama, but your response was just so enlightening. Yeah JP we are all entitled and should just stfu and enjoy everything you put out, just because it has the branding of the show we all started to enjoy in the last year. I get it. You get it and we don`t get it. To bad you can`t fire your fanbase. what did people expect this SotG to be? From the start it was clear they were there to talk about the MLG/Kespa deal. Why? Because its huge fucking news and JP was able to get us Sundance and Lee before anyone else. There was no discussion. There was an MLG advertisement under the guise of being State of the Game, a show many of us like. How about if for this week's episode on Game of Thrones, HBO decides to just play an ad for their upcoming shows instead, but calls it Game of Thrones. That would go over splendidly.
It was in no way an advertisement. There was a fairly major announcment, people had questions, concerns and things that they didnt know about the major announcement and JP managed to get a interview with Sundance to answer questions.
At its heart State of the Game is essentially a news show about whats going on in SC2. So when breaking news happens and you score an interview with the person who made the news thats perfectly about the State of the Game.
On May 12 2012 20:13 Vadrigar wrote:Show nested quote +On May 12 2012 13:33 pepsimaxibon wrote: hey, another incident involving an e-sports personality which leads to them becoming a paranoid, generalising elitist - sim citying themselves in behind a sandbag wall of "haters", "entitlement" and "pitch-forks"; blanket spurning the unwashed groupthink mob for their nerve to criticize rather than attempting to engage them as individuals. Quoting an opinion better expressed than mine. JP holds absolutely no value in the community. The only thing he does is bring together people who actually have some input into the scene, but then he hinders them with his inevitable MLG bias and general ignorance about the scene. I watch SOTG from time to time despite JP, just because there's nowhere else I can see Day9, Artosis, Nony, Incontrol talk about SC2... DJWheat is no better than JP, but for different reasons... I believe the market is wide open for a SC2 talk show. Hopefully somebody new goes for it...
Man, what will happen when someone puts together another talk show about SC2? Will you hate them as well? If they make the show and try to make money off of it, will you say they are bias because they aren't doing things for free? Will you complain about the person who spends all the time putting together the show that you watch for free?
I love the kids who say things like "All this person does is bring people together...they have no value". If you work in any professional environment, you know how valuable and rare that skill is. There would be no SotG without JP. He keeps the show alive and kicking despite the hate from an entitled section of the community.
On May 13 2012 05:04 Duravi wrote:Show nested quote +On May 13 2012 04:49 DeepElemBlues wrote: i dont understand what the big deal is
it's JP's show. he can make a state of the game about his intense love for dandelions and unicorns and talk about that if he wants.
big news in the community, he gets sundance and lee together at the same time and 95% of the show is incontrol asking them questions, JP literally doesnt say a SINGLE word for about 20 minutes in a row and actually only talks for maybe 3 minutes out of a 38 minute show.
how is he being a toady for MLG/Kespa in that situation? incontrol was doing quite fine asking questions thank you very much. he didnt need JP to swoop in and save him from sundance allegedly being evasive.
JP gets a big scoop interview situation and some stupid immature people get mad over it being corporate shilling somehow? was JP sitting there asking questions like "How great do you think it is that MLG and Kespa have joined forces? Aren't you guys just super awesome?" He sat there and didn't say ANYTHING and incontrol asked probing questions.
if sundance / lee didn't answer to those questions to your satisfaction, is that JP's fault? actually sundance not answering incontrol's questions to your satisfaction is still valuable information brought to us thanks to JP's efforts to throw a show together in the very short timeframe he could get them all on at the same time.
JP did what good journalists do to get us valuable information and some people shit all over him for the absolute stupidest reasons You are correct, if he wants to trash the brand he created he has every right to do so. He can be the George Lucas of starcraft talk shows.
How did he trash his brand? By setting up a situation where incontrol asked probing, relevant questions of Sundance and Lee? Haters gonna hate.
Quoting an opinion better expressed than mine. JP holds absolutely no value in the community. The only thing he does is bring together people who actually have some input into the scene, but then he hinders them with his inevitable MLG bias and general ignorance about the scene. I watch SOTG from time to time despite JP, just because there's nowhere else I can see Day9, Artosis, Nony, Incontrol talk about SC2... DJWheat is no better than JP, but for different reasons...
Bringing Sundance, Lee, and incontrol together and then allowing 20 minutes (actually more like 30, just re-watched the show) of uninterrupted discussion between the three = hindering that discussion with MLG bias and ignorance? Makes sense.
Did you even watch the show? JP doesn't say a word for like 30 minutes of incontrol asking questions. Literally. Not even one word. How did he hinder incontrol trying to get at the truth? By keeping his mouth shut?
On May 12 2012 12:30 itmeJP wrote: You people are so fucking ignorant and ungrateful. I have the unique opportunity to bring Sundance on the show because I work in the office with him. The "show" was going to be a quick one-off about a huge thing that happened in the world of eSports yesterday, and then you shit on him and the "show" because he can't answer (business wise) the questions iNcontrol asked.
The show was literally planned 15 minutes prior to going on air and I'm in NYC with zero SotG assets except for the vid intro and intro/outro music -- no art. Production was terrible but the content was there and I would of rather have the exclusivity (LOL) / timeliness of the topic rather then waiting a week to discuss it.
The idiocy and pure bullshit this community feeds its personalities makes people want to quit on a daily basis. If I didn't have friends on the show that made me enjoy it and was just doing this myself, I would of quit long, long ago. Lay off the fucking kool-aid and think for yourself rather then joining the mob, getting pitchforks, and making people / tournaments / organizations drop all interactivity on social media.
User was warned for this post (unnecessary flaming)
I'm sorry TL but this was very necessary flaming.
On May 13 2012 04:44 Bojas wrote:Show nested quote +On May 12 2012 12:30 itmeJP wrote: You people are so fucking ignorant and ungrateful. I have the unique opportunity to bring Sundance on the show because I work in the office with him. The "show" was going to be a quick one-off about a huge thing that happened in the world of eSports yesterday, and then you shit on him and the "show" because he can't answer (business wise) the questions iNcontrol asked.
The show was literally planned 15 minutes prior to going on air and I'm in NYC with zero SotG assets except for the vid intro and intro/outro music -- no art. Production was terrible but the content was there and I would of rather have the exclusivity (LOL) / timeliness of the topic rather then waiting a week to discuss it.
The idiocy and pure bullshit this community feeds its personalities makes people want to quit on a daily basis. If I didn't have friends on the show that made me enjoy it and was just doing this myself, I would of quit long, long ago. Lay off the fucking kool-aid and think for yourself rather then joining the mob, getting pitchforks, and making people / tournaments / organizations drop all interactivity on social media.
User was warned for this post (unnecessary flaming) Wow I am so sad that some people in this community forced such a post out of you JP, I love what you do with SOTG and I've watched every single episode since early 2011. I wish people didn't feel like they are entitled to criticize the shit out of this show just because they put it on the internet. They should be grateful for every second and if they're not - don't watch it simple as that. So much drama for absolutely no fucking reason.
He was probably stressed out with something else and read the thread. Pretty sure he doesnt believe half dozen of random people that always comment here about "sc2 drama/bashing" equals to entire sc2 community nor entire SotG viewership.
On May 13 2012 05:52 Reapafied wrote:Show nested quote +On May 12 2012 12:30 itmeJP wrote: You people are so fucking ignorant and ungrateful. I have the unique opportunity to bring Sundance on the show because I work in the office with him. The "show" was going to be a quick one-off about a huge thing that happened in the world of eSports yesterday, and then you shit on him and the "show" because he can't answer (business wise) the questions iNcontrol asked.
The show was literally planned 15 minutes prior to going on air and I'm in NYC with zero SotG assets except for the vid intro and intro/outro music -- no art. Production was terrible but the content was there and I would of rather have the exclusivity (LOL) / timeliness of the topic rather then waiting a week to discuss it.
The idiocy and pure bullshit this community feeds its personalities makes people want to quit on a daily basis. If I didn't have friends on the show that made me enjoy it and was just doing this myself, I would of quit long, long ago. Lay off the fucking kool-aid and think for yourself rather then joining the mob, getting pitchforks, and making people / tournaments / organizations drop all interactivity on social media.
User was warned for this post (unnecessary flaming) I'm sorry TL but this was very necessary flaming.
What JP said and this ^^ sums it up pretty well.
I've often seen people complaining in chats over free content that other people pour long hours into creating and providing. People need to grow up and realize they are being immature little kids and maybe for once in their life be grateful.
On May 13 2012 06:04 -stOpSKY- wrote: I've often seen people complaining in chats over free content that other people pour long hours into creating and providing. People need to grow up and realize they are being immature little kids and maybe for once in their life be grateful. Let the kids be immature and ungrateful. If those people want to quit, then they're more than welcome to. If I've noticed anything about this community, is that's supported by its own members who do it for the love of the scene, community and the game they play. StarCraft in general is filled with some of the most talented and resourceful people of any community I've been part of. If people like JP or those he is referring to want to quit, there are lots of people willing to take that place.
And just as a note, this isn't an indictment or criticism to JP or those people. In general, any contribution is better than no contribution, no matter what the motive. But if people are getting stressed, or upset or what have you, it's not healthy and they should probably stop if they can't do something they enjoy and are passionate about. If it feels like work, you're doing it wrong.
Ignore the haters JP. If you hadn't talked about this, they would be giving you shit because of that too. This was big news (and basically the only news this week), and I don't know what else you would have been able to talk about.
The community is basically creating a catch 22 for you, so ignore them. It's worthless to argue.
JP screw the haters.
I was glad I got to catch the SOTG yesterday. Thanks for getting SD and iNc on to discuss the announcements.
Love everything you guys do for the community, so please just keep it up!
I listened to the interview and I loved it. Ya know the best part about it? It was a free, honest statement by some of the most influential people in eSports and gave me some information I didn't have before.
Thanks, everyone involved.
Thanks for the last episode JP. So hyped for anaheim now. :D
Just had to say Incontrol is really good at interviewing people. I really don't know how things will be going with that Kespa partnership but it's most likely going to be great.
Will continue to support JP and SotG, love your hard work and amazing show man.
Say what you want about JP, SOTG would NOT exist without him.. you should think about that before you flame him, he made the effort to get involved in the scene and he created an amazing podcast from it.
Good grief. I really wish JP etc didn't read this thread. The value-for-trash ratio - it's just not worth it.
Keep up the good work everyone! <3
Does a mod actually have to read all of this shit?
I do hope for their sake that they rely on people reporting posts.
Sweden47 Posts
Well this and the destiny debacle last week makes me think about what kind of people there are in this community.. Causing shitstorms as soon as something isn't perfect for your little bubble
I wonder if they will touch on the destiny thing again as he was announced to be a caster at the Gigabyte tournament and than they decided to drop him. It's getting more and more out of hand.
I have to admit, I like how people instantly switch sides the moment JP says something.