One thing I don't get is how the GSL format is responsible for having too much terrans. Unless you change it to an invitational I don't know how any format can have an influence on the races. (btw, the invitationals keep inviting more korean terrans than every other race xD) Too much terrans in code S, 2 terrans qualified in code A with 6 protoss and 6 zergs qualified in code A. How can a format change the results, race wise ?
On September 16 2011 01:26 MrCon wrote: One thing I don't get is how the GSL format is responsible for having too much terrans. Unless you change it to an invitational I don't know how any format can have an influence on the races. (btw, the invitationals keep inviting more korean terrans than every other race xD) Too much terrans in code S, 2 terrans qualified in code A with 6 protoss and 6 zergs qualified in code A. How can a format change the results, race wise ?
A format change does nothing alleviate the race distribution at all.
The hosts had a problem with the fact that there were too many Terrans and they also had a problem with a format. I suppose they decided to group those criticisms into one big ball and just let rip at the GSL as usual.
I understand what Day9's point were in that it very hard to bring fresh blood into Cose S, but to be quite honest, the people in Code S certainly deserve to be there. They are world's above most other players on the planet and all of them earned their spot. Look at the groups in Code S that were drawn today and tell me that each season isnt getting more and more stacked? It's a slow process, but deservedly so.
I find it useful to immediately bring up the MLG system whenever someone gets to whining about GSL format.
Have you never watched an All Star game in..... any sport? ^^
No, I think that's mostly a north american thing tbh.
In pretty much any sport All Star games aren't taken too seriously. They are just events players do for fun/entertainment. You generally don't see players working their hardest in these games. Same can be said for the GSL All Star games. It was just for fun.
Exactly. NFL NBA NHL MLB are all joke games. Just people trying to do something impressive for the hell of it. For MLB or NHL (not sure which) home field is won through winning the All Star game and even still it isn't taken that seriously.
This is the biggest point I think the SotG panel didn't understand. All-star games are for personality NOT gameplay. There is nothing wrong with that, some people love them, and some people will never watch them, and the panel entirely missed the point. I don't get why you guys are zeroing in on Incontrol, everyone on SotG said they hated the games and didn't see the point of them, not just him. Personally I enjoyed them because I am a big fan of a lot of those players and it was nice to see them goof around in a not so serious environment, we don't get that chance very often.
I think the biggest point of this weeks SotG is that most of the hosts would rather see a glorified showmatch with two high level players giving it their all. It wasn't really about the ethics of an All Star game.
Have you never watched an All Star game in..... any sport? ^^
No, I think that's mostly a north american thing tbh.
In pretty much any sport All Star games aren't taken too seriously. They are just events players do for fun/entertainment. You generally don't see players working their hardest in these games. Same can be said for the GSL All Star games. It was just for fun.
Exactly. NFL NBA NHL MLB are all joke games. Just people trying to do something impressive for the hell of it. For MLB or NHL (not sure which) home field is won through winning the All Star game and even still it isn't taken that seriously.
This is the biggest point I think the SotG panel didn't understand. All-star games are for personality NOT gameplay. There is nothing wrong with that, some people love them, and some people will never watch them, and the panel entirely missed the point. I don't get why you guys are zeroing in on Incontrol, everyone on SotG said they hated the games and didn't see the point of them, not just him. Personally I enjoyed them because I am a big fan of a lot of those players and it was nice to see them goof around in a not so serious environment, we don't get that chance very often.
I think the biggest point of this weeks SotG is that most of the hosts would rather see a glorified showmatch with two high level players giving it their all. It wasn't really about the ethics of an All Star game.
But they wanted the showmatch to be something like Nestea vs MC and have a cash prize to make the players play their best. Maybe GSL doesn't have the money for that in their budget and should they really just give it to one of the two sc2 gamers with the highest prize winnings?
The Arena of legends thing looks like it'll be very similar to what they were asking for anyways an invitational with matches between the biggest names for some money. (Wonder how much they'll talk about it on SOTG) Most people probably don't have the time to watch all the serious 1v1 competition content from just the GSL already let alone all the foreign tournaments do they really need more?
On September 14 2011 21:02 MrBitter wrote: Lucifron is incredible.
So is Kas, Strelok, Sjow, and Tarson.
Stephano, Nerchio, Ret, and Dimaga
Mana, Nightend, Hasu, and Socke
European scene is incredibly deep, and it makes me sad that SotG doesn't show it more love.
Would love to volunteer myself (or more appropriately, Rotterdam) to come drop some truth bombs.
I know you read these posts, JP. Show EU some love, bro!
I get the impression that they aren't watching most tournaments in general, nothing to do with Europe in particular. They likely don't have the time to sit down and watch the EU scene when they're not even watching GSL closely. Most of what they talk about are players they have direct contact with at these events.
In fact... I think you and Rotterdam should make your own State of the Game and have some European pros on there. I'd definitely watch that. Go go! ^_^
On September 16 2011 01:26 MrCon wrote: One thing I don't get is how the GSL format is responsible for having too much terrans. Unless you change it to an invitational I don't know how any format can have an influence on the races. (btw, the invitationals keep inviting more korean terrans than every other race xD) Too much terrans in code S, 2 terrans qualified in code A with 6 protoss and 6 zergs qualified in code A. How can a format change the results, race wise ?
A format change does nothing alleviate the race distribution at all.
The hosts had a problem with the fact that there were too many Terrans and they also had a problem with a format. I suppose they decided to group those criticisms into one big ball and just let rip at the GSL as usual.
I understand what Day9's point were in that it very hard to bring fresh blood into Cose S, but to be quite honest, the people in Code S certainly deserve to be there. They are world's above most other players on the planet and all of them earned their spot. Look at the groups in Code S that were drawn today and tell me that each season isnt getting more and more stacked? It's a slow process, but deservedly so.
I find it useful to immediately bring up the MLG system whenever someone gets to whining about GSL format.
And yet GSL is actually creating ways to infuse new blood into code S outside of normal channels, see DRG.
On September 16 2011 01:26 MrCon wrote: One thing I don't get is how the GSL format is responsible for having too much terrans. Unless you change it to an invitational I don't know how any format can have an influence on the races. (btw, the invitationals keep inviting more korean terrans than every other race xD) Too much terrans in code S, 2 terrans qualified in code A with 6 protoss and 6 zergs qualified in code A. How can a format change the results, race wise ?
What I took from the discussion, was that there is already a high number of Terrans in Code S and with the current format, and how relatively easy it is to stay in Code S, it's hard for that number to get much lower any time soon.
On September 16 2011 01:26 MrCon wrote: One thing I don't get is how the GSL format is responsible for having too much terrans. Unless you change it to an invitational I don't know how any format can have an influence on the races. (btw, the invitationals keep inviting more korean terrans than every other race xD) Too much terrans in code S, 2 terrans qualified in code A with 6 protoss and 6 zergs qualified in code A. How can a format change the results, race wise ?
I think they meant the format makes it difficult for old players who are below par to drop out and for new players to come in. The early seasons were just Terran fests because Terran was broken at the time, so now we're stuck with a lot of Terrans. That's how I percieved it anyway.
On September 16 2011 01:26 MrCon wrote: One thing I don't get is how the GSL format is responsible for having too much terrans. Unless you change it to an invitational I don't know how any format can have an influence on the races. (btw, the invitationals keep inviting more korean terrans than every other race xD) Too much terrans in code S, 2 terrans qualified in code A with 6 protoss and 6 zergs qualified in code A. How can a format change the results, race wise ?
I think they meant the format makes it difficult for old players who are below par to drop out and for new players to come in. The early seasons were just Terran fests because Terran was broken at the time, so now we're stuck with a lot of Terrans. That's how I percieved it anyway.
The early seasons were much less 'Terran fests' than this one.
Thank you for a good episode again. And I have to say I like Destiny. I've already said before that he seems like a smart guy and this just proved it again.
Did not see the all-star games so I can't comment on them. However, I did see a BW all-star game once, and that was freaking hilarious. And they had a serious game between Jaedong and Bisu thrown in between all the BGH madness and whatnot.
On September 17 2011 01:47 Kilby wrote: Thank you for a good episode again. And I have to say I like Destiny. I've already said before that he seems like a smart guy and this just proved it again.
And also Tyler is frikking awesome.
Has anyone back up or said anything about what Destiny said? I wouldn't question it if I had not seen it on World of Warcraft many times over when it wasn't the case and was often used for trolling.
On September 16 2011 01:26 MrCon wrote: One thing I don't get is how the GSL format is responsible for having too much terrans. Unless you change it to an invitational I don't know how any format can have an influence on the races. (btw, the invitationals keep inviting more korean terrans than every other race xD) Too much terrans in code S, 2 terrans qualified in code A with 6 protoss and 6 zergs qualified in code A. How can a format change the results, race wise ?
A format change does nothing alleviate the race distribution at all.
The hosts had a problem with the fact that there were too many Terrans and they also had a problem with a format. I suppose they decided to group those criticisms into one big ball and just let rip at the GSL as usual.
I understand what Day9's point were in that it very hard to bring fresh blood into Cose S, but to be quite honest, the people in Code S certainly deserve to be there. They are world's above most other players on the planet and all of them earned their spot. Look at the groups in Code S that were drawn today and tell me that each season isnt getting more and more stacked? It's a slow process, but deservedly so.
I find it useful to immediately bring up the MLG system whenever someone gets to whining about GSL format.
For such a math guy, Day9's point was utter BS. The majority of players that started in Code S have been replaced, up to 1/4 of them can be replaced each month. Was nice to see destiny on the show, I'm not a regular stream watcher of his, but it seems like whenever he comes on SotG or other shows he is very articulate and has good points, wouldn't mind seeing him as a guest on the panel if someone can't make it.
On September 14 2011 22:11 JayJay_90 wrote: if i recall it correctly he called him a "not fully developed sc2 player" and even asked, if he's even supposed to talk about the matchup Luci - DRG
hmmm how about that! did you see the games? DID YOU SEE THE GAMES?!?!!?
On September 14 2011 22:11 JayJay_90 wrote: if i recall it correctly he called him a "not fully developed sc2 player" and even asked, if he's even supposed to talk about the matchup Luci - DRG
hmmm how about that! did you see the games? DID YOU SEE THE GAMES?!?!!?
I did ;D
He got slaughtered. Both games it never looked like he had a chance to win.
On September 15 2011 11:17 Oldini wrote: Don't know why people think stream sniping is against Blizzard ToS it isn't. If you stream be prepared to be sniped and cheated through there.
No one thinks sniping is against the ToS. Nor do people think it's that bad. It's when you stream cheat and mix that in with actual game hacks when it becomes bad AND against the ToS. Don't ask me which sniper actually in-game hacks, you can find that out easily.
Using streaming and to harass people is against the ToS. What Deezer is doing to Destiny is close to stalking and would be beyond creep if was anything else but a video game. Can you imagian if Destiny played cheese instead and Deezer followed him to every event, coffee house and park he played in? We would be telling him to call the police.
The fact that Deezer hunts him down, even on smurf accounts, leaves games to play against Destiny shows that it goes way beyond simply playing Starcraft 2. Deezer is harassing Destiny(and other players) for his own enjoyment, which isn't ok.
Not even that. Sniping in itself is against the ToS. It is fixing matches on the ladder, and abusing the MMR system. It's the exact same as the people who got banned awhile back for tanking their MMR down to bronze to do achivements. Blizzard does not like it when you manipulate their matchmaking system. I'm really surprised they haven't acted on it yet.