United States527 Posts
On July 05 2011 12:43 DoomsVille wrote: Where the heck is Naniwa right now? Can't be in europe... everyone seems wide awake and it's right out.
Is he already in korea?
Hes at TLO's swedish prohouse. If you see, its Haypro right behind him.
Someone pm me day9's big announcement of course i get company when it starts xD please and thanks.
Great start to the show so far, except JP's salute. That was kind of weird. I would have been OK with more eagles flying around though.
Damn... I missed it
Naniler or Tylewa?
Decisions decisions.
i bet someone making TylerWa acc right now.
On July 05 2011 12:43 DoomsVille wrote: Where the heck is Naniwa right now? Can't be in europe... everyone seems wide awake and it's right out.
Is he already in korea?
Hes in the swedish pro house. Its already quite bright here especially in sweden.
I love how naniwa has absolutely no emotion when everyone laughs at a joke. I think on the emotionless scale he's even higher than Idra haha.
A majestic pose to freeze in
Isn't it 5 in the morning though? Do people actually wake up then?
Is Nani a pillar or just a guest? Missed it so far.
Sick posters...
Naniwa poster!
Hahaha Day9 picture is so damn funny.
Wonder how long until a picture of that Day 9 pose sweeps the internet lol
wouldn't be a MLG event without technical problems right? :D
On July 05 2011 12:47 eNtitY~ wrote: ARTOSIS WHAT?? :D
Is Nani a pillar or just a guest? Missed it so far.
Artosis is a pillar and Naniwa is a guest, pretty sure. Artosis was part of the new SotG intro.
On July 05 2011 12:48 duckii wrote: wouldn't be a MLG event without technical problems right? :D
And Day9 is providing entertainment - his pose is hilarious.
On July 05 2011 12:48 duckii wrote: wouldn't be a MLG event without technical problems right? :D
very true