[11:50] <rolle3k> http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/791268/1/Ownage/ladder/1878/#current-rank
[11:50] == DemuSpark has changed nick to DemusSpark
[11:50] == protesen [~oadok@c83-251-209-204.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #teamliquid
[11:50] <protesen> wdup
[11:50] <Hiicantpk> rolle
[11:50] <Hiicantpk> dont even get me started on him
[11:50] <rolle3k> thats me
[11:50] <PDe> You know ultras can burrow
[11:50] <rolle3k> l0l
[11:50] <PDe> Imagine
[11:50] <Hiicantpk> seriously
[11:50] <rolle3k> yes
[11:50] <rolle3k> srsly
[11:50] <PDe> Strolling down ready to wreck shit
[11:50] <PDe> then
[11:50] <Hiicantpk> you b drophacking then
[11:50] <PDe> 6 ultras unburrow right under you
[11:50] <rolle3k> no, 1337 tactics obviously
[11:50] <Hiicantpk> winning games in 17 seconds?
[11:51] == KaS-Nemesim [~tomerp338@heaven.verbrennung.org] has joined #teamliquid
[11:51] <rolle3k> yea
[11:51] <rolle3k> lol
[11:51] <rolle3k> drone rush++
[11:51] <Hiicantpk> and building a creep tumor at 17 secs?
[11:51] == Zhek [z@modemcable187.7-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:51] <Noamm> rolle3k: using a guest pass i presume ?
[11:51] <Jebus> lol
[11:51] <rolle3k> yes
[11:51] <rolle3k> of course
[11:51] <rolle3k> ;p
[11:51] <Noamm> and you got the invite from someone from this chan
[11:51] <rolle3k> no
[11:51] <Jebus> yes
[11:51] <Hiicantpk> dude
[11:51] <Jebus> from noamm
[11:51] <rolle3k> lolwut
[11:52] == dDadau [~Kena@p54AF6F18.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #teamliquid
[11:52] <Hiicantpk> why you drophack, its just a waste of 60 bucks
[11:52] <ruskie> http://4gifs.com/gallery/d/165248-1/Keffiyeh_throwing_cash.gif
[11:52] <ruskie> moneymaka
[11:52] <rolle3k> Hiicantpk, its a guest pass
[11:52] <rolle3k> 4_4
[11:52] == EnjoYmE [~slid@77-23-96-198-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #teamliquid
[11:52] <PDe> It's still more gay than every resident of china holding a basket of AIDS each
[11:52] <Hiicantpk> so?
[11:52] <rolle3k> Hiicantpk, hows a guest pass a waste of 60 bucks
[11:52] <rolle3k> lol
[11:52] <Hiicantpk> do you instantly win if you have a guestpass?
[11:52] <Hiicantpk> oh
[11:53] <PDe> He hacks
[11:53] <Hiicantpk> still
[11:53] <PDe> duh
[11:53] <Hiicantpk> waste of your guestpass
[11:53] <protesen> lol inferno online cup
[11:53] <PDe> no
[11:53] <rolle3k> na
[11:53] <protesen> madness
[11:53] <PDe> waste of his time
[11:53] <rolle3k> I get them kids mad
[11:53] <rolle3k> lolol
[11:53] == peja_ [~peja_@] has quit [Ping timeout]
[11:53] <PDe> Well
[11:53] <protesen> sup ruskie
[11:53] <PDe> If you troll people in copper
[11:53] <PDe> I would laugh
[11:53] <Hiicantpk> Yes, trolling is fun, but drophacking isnt
[11:53] == lexpar [webchat@modemcable042.246-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #teamliquid
[11:53] <PDe> Exactly
[11:53] <PDe> You don't even get a reaction
[11:53] <rolle3k> yea because its all about having a good win/loss ratio
[11:53] <rolle3k> am I rite
[11:53] <PDe> No one gives a shit
[11:53] == inSC|ScarPe [~scarpe[ar@dslb-084-061-045-102.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #teamliquid
[11:54] <Hiicantpk> spelling "TLO" in turrets = funny, drop hacking to get a perfect record = not funny
[11:54] <protesen> Maven| might wanna lower the game volume a tiny bit
[11:54] == n0rn [norn@n0rn.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Signed off]
[11:54] <PDe> You're basically sitting there laughing and when that stops being fun you brag on IRC
[11:54] <roachh> damn how many people are watching the King of Beta last videos, taking so long to load

[11:54] <Hiicantpk> well
[11:55] <Hiicantpk> at least i wont have to deal with you. ur in EU
[11:55] <rolle3k> PDe exactly
[11:55] <PDe> but we're not impressed
[11:55] <rolle3k> I'm going US soon lol
[11:55] == KaS-Nemesim [~tomerp338@heaven.verbrennung.org] has left #teamliquid []
[11:55] <rolle3k> writing a bot to do winning on its own
[11:55] <Jebus> hiicanptk r u pro?
[11:55] == CymanTD [~Miranda@dslb-188-099-032-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #teamliquid
[11:55] <PDe> Because all you did was go to some forums and download a hack along with a free pass to a botnet
[11:55] <rolle3k> PDe lol
[11:55] <rolle3k> na
[11:55] <rolle3k> I wrote that drophack
[11:55] <Jebus> prove it
[11:55] <PDe> yearite
[11:55] <PDe> Bold claims
[11:56] <roachh> report him!
[11:56] <roachh> loll
[11:56] <roachh> ;P
[11:56] <rolle3k> I'm mod at some site where R1CH used to release his hacks
[11:56] <rolle3k> true story
[11:56] <Hiicantpk> You come to US, imma cmoe to your house at night and slice ur balls off
[11:56] == [SS]Trigger- [~daft1988@Tri66er.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[11:56] <HunterX11> they should have a tournament of Advanced BW like Advanced Chess
[11:56] <PDe> So how exactly do you make hacks like that
[11:56] <HunterX11> where players can use bots
[11:56] <rolle3k> reverse engineering
[11:56] <rolle3k> flooding packets
[11:56] <PDe> Honestly, if you made the hack then mad props, I think it's hard to even code basic stuff
[11:56] <rolle3k> til the client runs out of memory
[11:56] == sleksa [~lol@dsl-hkibrasgw2-fe63fa00-7.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Ping timeout]
[11:56] == [SS]Trigger- [~daft1988@Tri66er.users.quakenet.org] has joined #teamliquid
[11:56] == Maezel [Maezel@] has quit [Signed off]
[11:56] == Zhek [z@modemcable187.7-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #teamliquid
[11:57] <PDe> How does that work
[11:57] <rolle3k> PDe, I got auto mine and auto queue aswell
[11:57] <PDe> I thought you werent directly connected to your opponent
[11:57] <protesen> what hack
[11:57] <PDe> That you could only fuck with the servers
[11:57] <protesen> hackors
[11:57] <rolle3k> I'll show you the code of my AutoMine/Queue thingy
[11:57] <AimHere> HunterX11, there already is a BW AI tournament, where people write bots to try to win BW
[11:57] Mod edit
[11:57] <HunterX11> AimHere: no but i mean where people are playing themselves augmented by bots
[11:58] <HunterX11> since you can actually play the game while BWAPI is running
[11:58] <rolle3k> Drophack also utilizes CUnitAction
[11:58] <HunterX11> and like issue commands to the bot
[11:58] <Hsab> there was this bot someone made play on iccup
[11:58] <HunterX11> like pick your build but have the bot macro and micro
[11:58] == `Memoria^^ [~adr-ian@dslb-094-219-059-135.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[11:58] <Hsab> and he posted screenshots of people bm'ing the shit out of the bot after losing lol
[11:58] <HunterX11> human controlling strat etc
[11:58] <PDe> Well that's actually really cool
[11:58] <HunterX11> since thats what the bots are bad at
[11:58] == Fresh]AJ [~actionjes@ActionJesus.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:58] <Hsab> must not be the highest point in a mans life when he calls an AI that beat him a faggot
[11:59] <PDe> I'm against cheating unless you write it yourself, so carry on you madman
[11:59] <AimHere> That doesn't look anything like code that packet floods an opponent
[11:59] <HunterX11> Only blood can dance on my grave!
[11:59] <rolle3k> PDe, yea well I wouldnt release that drophack anyway
[11:59] <AimHere> Oh, automine/queue, sounds about right
[11:59] <Goblin> haha i calld inferno and told them the guy is muted and its been like that for the last 30min :D lets see if he notice
[11:59] <PDe> Good
[11:59] <rolle3k> cause it comes with code to prevent you from crashing
[11:59] <rolle3k> then I couldnt drop other people
[11:59] <rolle3k> D: