On April 17 2010 15:48 lolaloc wrote: Hello self-nominators.
Let's play a game. That platform you're standing on is currently going down towards an acid pit because of heavy weight. You have to decrease your weight to prevent it going down any further. Once the platform feels light enough, it will start going up back to the surface. Be creative. The problem here is, theres no way to kill other self-nominators. Hot_bid, hear my words! Let every self_nominator have the choice of casting one vote, whoever gets voted against more then once is out of the running. Every nominee must make it his task to endear himself to all the others so as not to be voted against oh my so dericious :3
On April 17 2010 15:34 DownMaxX wrote: This is awesome. I'm glad I didn't self-nominate. :3 word up. I was so disgusted by the amount of self-nominations. I mean sure, I'd love for a betakey, everyone would, but there's a lot of people more deserving than me (nominated pyrogenetix and pachii, but there's like two dozen ppl on the TL staff without keys that straight up should just get one). Unfortunately 90% of the people who nominated themselves are actually less deservant than me... "I'm been reading TL for years!" says the random dude with 2 posts who joined april 2010... bleh!
Bottom line: Awesome idea HB! I'm bringing out the popcorns for this one..
Not to mention, if I opt out, that means a higher chance of keys go to the unwashed masses which means more "Serious Discussion"-esque threads. Oh, the dilemma...
i dont see how this can work rofl, no1 will give up!
Don't think it's suppose to =D
Hyrule18974 Posts
I should have self-nominated myself so I could cross myself off the list to look good.
Only one condition... you guys have to decide who gets them.
If we actually get to "decide who gets them", does that mean that we have to get the list down to x amount of keys willing to be given away to people on this list? Or does he mean once we get down to y amount of people, the x amount of keys will be given out randomly?
I counted 63 people on the list (including the super awesome people who opted-out).
2 people out in the first 15 minutes
at this rate we'll definitely make it
I'm guessing I made a math mistake but it would only take like 8 hours to completely eliminate the list if we continued opting out at a constant rate of 2 people per 15 minutes so this doesn't refute either of the options I listed above.
In the original beta key thread Hot Bid said they had 10 keys to give away for the nominations category. I'm guessing the TL mods are going to give at least 1/2 of those to nominees who actually deserve them (ie FuDDx). That means there are going to be less than 5 keys given out. Let's organize so we can decrease the size of the list.
I'm going to propose a system. Beta keys can be shared. If we all find a partner who plays at a different time than us and one of the two drops off the list, we can effectively halve the size of the list and double our chances of playing SC2 beta. I suggest we start a list and post are normal playing hours (in KST) so we can match up. Please cooperate or suggest a better system. If we are all selfish and think "other people will opt-out so I'll get a key), none of us are going to get a key.
1. Madnessman (22:00-02:00 KST)
i am going to withdraw my nomination -beta key +karma :D
USA29055 Posts
I have to say.. this was the coolest fucking thing I have ever seen TL do. I'm not even kidding. This is like Saw 6 or some shit.. fucking amazing.
Btw: None of them will get any keys because NO WAY are there that many selfless people from THIS group.
But to all those that step down: I applaud you.
On April 17 2010 16:01 {88}iNcontroL wrote: I have to say.. this was the coolest fucking thing I have ever seen TL do. I'm not even kidding. This is like Saw 6 or some shit.. fucking amazing.
Btw: None of them will get any keys because NO WAY are there that many selfless people from THIS group.
But to all those that step down: I applaud you. I bet the people that ARE selfless will get a key just saying . If everyone doesn't come down to it. (Maybe the first 5 get in a raffle or something I'm betting)
i'm playing on european time i don't mind to share with someone from america
I sort of hope there is a secret plan to ban people still on the list after 48 hours
I'd be willing to work with someone from Europe but I'm not sure this is the point. I don't think Hot_Bid will accept working together.
sfgbidfgbdfuiogbduigbduj! >:[
I opt out, even though this probably means Galaxy will come in the next patch just to spite me.
On April 17 2010 16:01 eSen1a wrote: i am going to withdraw my nomination -beta key +karma :D I applaud you
Where did pathology go?!?!?! Myself and a few of my friends were making fun of him for the past few hours for being foolish enough to nominate himself. Put up his name so we can keep heckling him!
ps - great Idea on this contest hot bid
Yo does nobody care about my suggestion? We can 1/2 the size of the list by sharing a key with someone who plays at a different time then you!
See the real problem with this process is that people will become exponentially less likely to withdraw their names as the list gets closer and closer to zero. No one wants to be the last one to miss getting a key.