On December 21 2010 13:00 Billy_ wrote: Sam, it's stupid when it's Jim, but not when Sarah *SUPERBADASS* Kerrigan,defeats three fleets with a small number of Zerg? I think that you need to think about it some more.
Who even said you that was small number? In mission briefing Kerrigan calls those allied forces "3 little fleets". UED Battle fleet is just the remnants that survived battle for Char, what was clearly said there, Mengsk had just rag-tag fleet. And you expect that Zerg you saw in the very begining of the mission represents the full might of the swarm? Srly, you didnt think that Blizzard would make the last mission in campaign to be another self-winning with giving Zerg Swarm adventage of superior numbers, did you? Kerrigan controled entire swarm, a major military power in koprulu sector, while Raynor is just a guy with small bunch of followers, who cannot efectivelly do anything.
On December 23 2010 07:20 BleakRoe wrote: The video doesn't look close to anything Blizz would produce. The movie is horrible, looks like some kid did it in a basement.
Take 2 minutes to read the original post and realize why you're either: a) lazy b) an idiot
I believe this video is fake, due to the upper left corner showing the date 4.8.9 means it was made way before Wings of Liberty, Maybe a scrapped wings of liberty ending?
On December 23 2010 07:20 BleakRoe wrote: The video doesn't look close to anything Blizz would produce. The movie is horrible, looks like some kid did it in a basement.
On December 23 2010 11:11 wrenchpicker wrote: I believe this video is fake, due to the upper left corner showing the date 4.8.9 means it was made way before Wings of Liberty, Maybe a scrapped wings of liberty ending?
Yeah I saw that too. But I wasn't positive if it meant the date...
On December 23 2010 11:11 wrenchpicker wrote: I believe this video is fake, due to the upper left corner showing the date 4.8.9 means it was made way before Wings of Liberty, Maybe a scrapped wings of liberty ending?
One would hope Blizzard wouldn't be so lazy as to not have a rough draft of the major events that should occur in all three games. Sure Starcraft isn't Babylon 5 but even more shortsighted narratives like Stargate have been planned out well in advance in a rough format.
Didn't read all 30 pages, but my impression was that this was an alternative ending to Wings of Liberty.
First, at the end of the existing campaign, Kerrigan as the Queen of Blades ceases to exist. In the video she is still the queen of blades but she should be uninfested by that point. Secondly, I seriously doubt anyone working for such a production company would risk their livelihood to leak an actual in production cut scene o the biggest client the company has ever had.
Ugh. WOW.... as another poster said, this is just infuriatingly bad. I also didn't read all 30 pages, but I read a few replies and the poster who said SC/BW was about power and that WoL is too character focused was right - that's why WoL left such a bad taste in my mouth. Blizz shouldn't kill Mengsk, he is probably one of the most complex (and interesting) characters still around, after they slaughtered Kerrigan with her generic lines and even more generic voice. (I challenge you to play the last few missions of WoL without cringing at how cliche her dialogue and voice his, or even listening to wise-old-man-yoda Zeratul in the Protoss side missions.) This cinematic is way, way, way too cliche, and is made like a slightly overthetop Saturday morning cartoon.
IMO the best part about this cinematic was Mengsk's dialogue. I really don't see a strong reason to keep up with the storyline if there aren't interesting figures like Mengsk around (who really took a beating in WoL as well, but at least he is a remnant of what made SC/BW's story good.) If there was one highlight here, it was his reaction to the situation as it turned sour on him.
I'd gladly wait a few extra years for HotS if they would just save face and trash this (and maybe all of HotS, depending on what else happens in it) and just re-align the plot in a more serious way.
Mengsks character was already derailed in BW. In fact, he got a bit of an upgrade in WoL imo. Or is it really so easy for you to dismiss the way he was consistently screwed over in BW and that the way everyone just fucked him and his feeble resistance and his short sightedness? I doubt that a guy like Mengsk as we saw him in BW could mastermind the overthrow of the confederacy. I didn't see much charisma from him in neither BW or WoL, but at least in WoL he actually had a contingency plan of sorts with Tychus, so at least we know he attempted to plan ahead almost got what he wanted.
Uhhh... Right. I'm sure that Mengsk could have anticipated the UED coming, just like everyone else did, and just kept going fine and dandy with the Dominion. Or not. No one could anticipate the UED arriving, and so he made do with what he had in the new developing (and very dire, for him) situation - just like he did in SC1. Maybe you just missed this? WoL makes him actually short sighted, given the information he possesses and the abilities he is supposed to have. The saving grace of WoL, for Mengsk at least, is that he received comparatively little campaign screen-time, so his character is realistically salvageable from its SC/BW state, unlike poor Kerrigan.
The reason why the storyline is corny and sucky: It needs to be lame enough to sell in ALL countries.
I remember when Left4Dead came out, L4D was banned in several country's including Great Britain until they had to make it a lot less violent and gory. Same thing for SC2, they can't really have a good storyline in space without violence, and they can't have too much violence and realism because the game will get banned.
It's not that Blizzard has talentless people, it's quite the opposite, they're the best in the business, it just comes down to a money thing. Would they rather: Appeal to the hardcore audience and show what SC2 really is with a real storyline and actionclips, or dumb and lame it down so they can sell it in every country for more money. Guess which one they picked.
I've rewatched this once again, and I am disappoint with the story concept even more.
Much like a lot of the posts that came before this one, and who knows maybe some after. We can only hope that this was a secondary potentially ending to WoL, as it seems like based on Blizzard style this ending and the one we know from the game could lead into a very similar HotS.
Here's the rest of the dialog that you didn't copy and paste:
Sarah Kerrigan: I lied. I liberated this planet because it was the UED's primary staging point, not because I was under any obligation to you. I used you to destroy the psi disrupter and now that I've got my broods back, you're no longer necessary for my plans. I think I'll leave you here, Arcturus, among the ashes of your precious Dominion. I want you to live to see me rise to power and I want you to always remember, in your most private moments, that it was you who let me loose in the first place.
Again, look at the situation he (and everyone) was in - from emperor to outcast overnight with the UED's arrival. All of this is a setup for the dialogue and scene above. Mengsk was desperate. (Let's also not forget that both Raynor and Fenix took Kerrigan at her word here, too, as her personality wasn't fully revealed yet.) Like most people in a desperate situation, he'll take people at their word when that's all he has going for him, and there is some semblance of it being true. Plus, Kerrigan was in a bad situation, too, because of the UED. He anticipated a restoration of the balance of power after these events - good for him, and good for Kerrigan. Kerrigan thought she could do better though. Mengsk's line was a genuine outburst at being betrayed, comparable to his betrayal of Kerrigan. In fact, Kerrigan all but says this above, plain as day. It's a feature of the story: Mengsk was fallen and weakened, and this was a setup for an ironic scene predicated on his earlier betrayal. And, while I think it was a lapse for him to not plan a bit better, the lapse was clearly setup (and it was an elaborate and character-driven setup) to make it as realistic as possible that Kerrigan/Mengsk etc. work together, so that this very betrayal scene could take place. Also, if he hadn't worked with Kerrigan, what would he have done? The UED would have steamrolled them all, and he would never have retained the Dominion.
You are entitled to your view, but I think it would be enhanced by understanding what sort of character Mengsk is and what his limits are. He is a genius, but fallible, and he had lost everything, again. It's actually unrealistic that a character always make the right decision... and it's clear what sort of scene Blizz was trying to construct with your quoted passage, and how it was meant to establish Kerrigan's character. What is unrealistic in WoL is that, with knowledge of Kerrigan's treachery, Mengsk doesn't better prepare for her eventual return. That's the sort of foresight he should have had and doesn't seem explicable to me.
If he felt betrayed it meant that he expected something other than a knife in the back. If you don't see this as a problem then I don't know what else to say other than good for you, and good on Blizzard for meeting your standards. Glad to see that you're keeping an open mind that Arcturus might not have fucked up as horribly as the limited screentime he got in WoL suggests. He has been preparing his own super army. And suppose that all he's allegedly spent on hunting Jim down was just a smokescreen? Real life dictators have done such things before whenever they want to distract the general public from something the government does not want them to be paying attention to so that would be a good bit of Mengsk development and also be a nice and clean explanation as to why the Dominion was mostly passive to the raiders.
She pins Mengsk to the wall, claiming he turned everyone into monsters Mengsk tells her to just get her vengence over with and then choke on the ashes Kerrigan says it is not vengence, but justice...screen whites out
Kerrigan is overlooking the city as Rayor arrives and asks what next Kerrigan says she will leave humanity to its fate. The zerg are free now, even from her. So whether they bring life, or destroy worlds she will help them find the answers. out there among the stars
As she says this a massive flock of mutalisks is flying into the sky towards some kind of glowing thing in the sky (not sure if its a portal or just clouds made red by the setting sun)
So yeah....that could pretty much ruin starcraft, but I'm going to just hope that this was some masterstroke of Blizzard who (hypothetically) knows how to write something of a not terrible story. So yeah, blizzard just leaks this just to mess with our heads, while they actually make a good storyline =D
Really I think its just an advanced storyboard they were thinking about using for some god forsaken reason. Hey, i guess in the process of making a good story, even some terrible ideas get thrown around.
I mean, the whole thing isn't awful, even the ret conned implant wasn't that bad. When Raynor burst in to rescue his damsel, the cheesy justice line, and the "free" zerg parts...It's just bad, omg it's bad. I mean, even the cheesy "some things are just worth fighting for" part of WoL didn't make me want to punch someone like this does.