So I thought I'd post a form check for my squats today at 205. As you can see in the video I really had problems with my second rep, and I decided to watch it right on the spot to see what was going on (sorry best angles I could muster propping the phone up on a Bench since I work out by myself)
and really, it was bad news bears. It looked like I wasn't getting down nearly as far as I should, and I was really wonky going back up.
I throttled back to 185 to see the difference
I immediatley noticed that my glutes were working a lot more on 185.
I still am not sure my form is correct, any help appreciated
PS, also, I'm having some problems with a muscle on the right side of my body that starts in my low back and stretches along my right ass cheek. It feels really tight and I don't know how to stretch it out; what is this muscle called and how can I fix it?
Do you see how your upper back is rounded and the barbell looks like it is out in front? You're always going to have problems hitting depth and getting back up if the bar (and center of gravity) is that far out front. Look up "valsalva maneuver" for help with staying tight.
Your bar placement might need re-adjusting. You are kind of sitting back like a low-bar squat, but it looks like the bar is high on your traps like a high bar squat. You are going to want to pick one or the other and go with it. It doesn't matter which one you pick, unless you ask Decafchicken. In that case, you should do high-bar
Jesus christ i thought you were going to face plant lol. Don't start off the squat leaning forward!! Also you're coming up with your hips first. Make sure you're getting low enough. And for the love of god, TAKE THAT PAD OFF THE DAMN BAR. Excuse my language.
Decaf's recommendation: -Take like 50 pounds off. -Either go high bar and keep your chest up or go low bar and learn to sit back properly, It looks like you're bending way too much at the hips and going way too parallel with your torso. -But seriously high bar ftw. + Show Spoiler [so much sexier] +
Lols 190 used to be so heavy can't believe i've put 35kg on my squat ~~
On September 21 2013 23:31 BenKen wrote: Just signed up for another PL meet. It's the 2013 USAPL Georgia & Southern States BP & Powerlifting Championships. This time I'm shooting for over 1000lb total at 165lbs.
Lol, they let me pick a lifting song this time. I'll have some Pantera please.
I suggest brass in pocket by the pretenders. Any song that tells you how special you are is a win in my book. And it's gonna get the LOLs from the crowd.
Haha, yeah I thought about that. The problem with pantera is they would have been playing that shit anyway. Picking something funny seems like way more fun every time I think about it.
without a bar on your shoulders, squat down with your ass right down between your legs and your back up straight to the sky, with your chest held high and up.
you will probably pop up onto your toes when you do this.
this is the correct form for squatting. you will feel that your back/torso cant be "crushed"/pushed forward by anything because you're holding it pretty much upright.
the problem now is trying to get into that position whilst keeping your weight on your heels (not popping up onto your toes). stretch your ankles (and hips) nonstop every day to try to achieve this.
PS, also, I'm having some problems with a muscle on the right side of my body that starts in my low back and stretches along my right ass cheek. It feels really tight and I don't know how to stretch it out; what is this muscle called and how can I fix it?
you probably fucked it using dangerous squat (or deadlift) form. should fix itself ..
On September 25 2013 17:11 FFGenerations wrote: PS, also, I'm having some problems with a muscle on the right side of my body that starts in my low back and stretches along my right ass cheek. It feels really tight and I don't know how to stretch it out; what is this muscle called and how can I fix it?
Yesterday Cleans 50 70 100 120 130 140 150 155 155 Things went really well up til those 155s, fucking UGLY. oh well at least i was feeling strong. Snatch 50 70 90 100 110 120 Lockouts were a bit ugly. blah.
Driving down to georgia for a 4 day music festival and murdering all my gains T_T Gonna try to at least eat really healthy and supplement and sleep in between partying my face off. Hopefully my body feels better even i do lose a bit of muscle :p
On September 26 2013 06:21 decafchicken wrote: Yesterday Cleans 50 70 100 120 130 140 150 155 155 Things went really well up til those 155s, fucking UGLY. oh well at least i was feeling strong. Snatch 50 70 90 100 110 120 Lockouts were a bit ugly. blah.
Driving down to georgia for a 4 day music festival and murdering all my gains T_T Gonna try to at least eat really healthy and supplement and sleep in between partying my face off. Hopefully my body feels better even i do lose a bit of muscle :p
Nah man, 4 days is perfect to get some of that sweet supercompensation. Maybe if you're lucky it'll balance out the partying and you'll end up right where you left off
Ok, so I took decaf's recomendations to decrease another 50 lbs and trying to keep my chest up. Here are the results
I definitely got deeper into the squats and I could feel it more in my inner thighs. I tried to keep my chest up, I don't know if I'm still doing something wrong or not.
I though while I was there I would just go ahead and take videos of my other 2 for the day to see if I'm doing anything else wrong
On September 26 2013 06:21 decafchicken wrote: Yesterday Cleans 50 70 100 120 130 140 150 155 155 Things went really well up til those 155s, fucking UGLY. oh well at least i was feeling strong. Snatch 50 70 90 100 110 120 Lockouts were a bit ugly. blah.
Driving down to georgia for a 4 day music festival and murdering all my gains T_T Gonna try to at least eat really healthy and supplement and sleep in between partying my face off. Hopefully my body feels better even i do lose a bit of muscle :p
Haha let's be real, you PR the day you get back.
@Arisen (in my non-expert opinion) it looks a lot better. You can see your back stays way more stable, your previous video had you doing like a vertical worm motion with that weight on your back. Also make sure you glutes and abs are tightened, I may be paranoid from personal experience but I get nervous whenever there's a hint of lower back hyperextension. Make sure you have the mobility to get all the way down before you have weight on your back
I had 3 random people tell me my squat looks great. So I'm definitely an expert on the matter(rofl) You still bend forward too much during the lift for a high bar squat Your core is just weak, greatly pay attention to form and slowly increasing the weight along with some core work should fix it. Keep your chest up. For the deadlift. Your lower back is rounded before you are even set up and it stays rounded during the lift. That's no good^.^ I'm not sure what advice to give you. What I used to do is look in the mirror to make sure my back is neutral before I lift. An exaggerated version of you is on the left.
115kg 3x5 squats today. Felt nice. About 83kg bodyweight. After having a break, I'm stronger than before while weighing like 4 kg less. It's nice. Going to aim for 1.5 x Bodyweight squats and 2x bodyweight deadlifts (sets, not pr's), and switch up to a more bodyweight oriented workout I think.
194 mon, 197 lbs (fed) on tuesday, 192 wednesday and 198 (fed) today. Waist is still the same as it was at 175. Little "puffy" looking on those fed days, but not bad at all on the fasteds. The important thing is that the trend is upward - i can cut later. Not sure if i'll go all the way to 220 before i do that... we'll see how happy i am with the mirror between now and then.
Couldnt find my belt, so no 265 deadlift. Pulled 5 triples at 225 instead, and then threw in some rdls which felt great. Probably going to skip 265 on monday and go to 270 if i find my belt before then. i want to make a few 10lb jumps on my front squat too, because i feel like thats going nowhere and doing nothing with how light it is.
Going to the gym first time in a long time. I'm pumped since a friend wanted help starting a routine and that always gets me excited. Going to try out some squats with just the bar probably and then hit the leg curl machine. I feel like I'm working the mobility but this imbalance isn't going away (I thought it was supposed to when you did enough with both legs anyways TT )
My girlfriend is now joining me at my homegym, but she has a huge buttwink at her squat. She already has inflexible calves, so she is currently temporarily squatting with 2cm heels.
Any clue as what really causes the buttwink and how to fix it?
two other lifts as well (which I think she performs well)
Arisen - squat looks much better but sill can be improved (more of the same).
try a rep of pausing at bottom for 3-5 seconds, get your balance, then when you come back up make sure 100% it is your HIPS that are driving up the rest of your body. your torso should be perfectly balanced so that all you need to do is drive your hips and everything will go up straight and without any detectable bend. squat down , pause, get your balance, torso held upright, now hips drive it back up. if at any time you are struggling - your torso or back is bending forwards in any way - you need to reduce reps/weight a little. getting this wrong will gradually fuck your back up over time, it isnt worth doing it any less than perfect
for bench press there is a decent youtube video "so you think you can bench" (i think) which shows what degree of tightness you can achieve with your body on the bench, how to set up (rather than just lying down like you seemed to). the key part of bench press (for me) is pushing your feet against the floor to keep your whole body stable as fuck. if i lose perfect powerful stability in my feet/legs against the floor (which is actually easy to do without realising!!) then i cant bench. watch the youtube.
for the deadlift, its easy to lift that weight using your stomach/abs. but a deadlift is a leg exercise - you lift the bar with your legs. put 100kg on the bar and get into your deadlift starting position. actually ill just post a pic of what i want you to do
youtube vids of olympic etc lifters will help
ps, as with the squat, you need to get deadlift form 100% correct otherwise you will just end up with a sore back, thinking you've been working it out when infact you've just been fucking it over
Kaluro - dont know what causes butt wink try having her do very slow/pause-at-bottom broomstick/barbell squats and see how her mobility changes according to different stances (feet pointing out more, feet closer together). if its better sometimes then you can see what parts of mobility need adjusting ..