Arms so weak lol. Forearms/biceps definite limiting factor, but that should come quickly enough. Talked to gym manager about bring in some oly equipment. That would make my life like 100x better. Hope it goes through.
Lol fine 220kg then! Had a really shitty training today. Snatched up to 165, missed 175 behind three times, missed 185 behind a bunch of times. The pulls were easy but I couldn't lock out shit. Did some front squats and pull ups and called it a day.
Sigh...fell on my ass last night attempting 195 snatch, bruising it in EXACTLY the same spot as when i fell on my ass attempting a 245 clean a week ago. I need to grow more padding - front squats?
Turns out I managed to aggravate the pulled intercostal muscles again. Just fuck my life, I won't have hit any PRs in like 2 months. I don't get it, you do your whole fucking workout and the shit don't hurt, it don't hurt all fucking day then you wake up and it's like it was on day one. Really wasting my time..
On June 15 2013 03:14 decaf wrote: Turns out I managed to aggravate the pulled intercostal muscles again. Just fuck my life, I won't have hit any PRs in like 2 months. I don't get it, you do your whole fucking workout and the shit don't hurt, it don't hurt all fucking day then you wake up and it's like it was on day one. Really wasting my time..
what kind of injury is this? I would not stop training unless its really crippling, if you stop whenever something hurts you are never gonna make progress. Legend says Ivan Stoitsov went into training on a wheelchair, broke some PR's on the oly lifts and was carried home LOL
Ehhh... after the past year of pain I think I'd rather not attempt that deadlift PR again if I could go back. (Would have prehab'd it if I had known what was coming)
After 11 days of straight partying my bench only dropped 2.5 kg's and my squat only 5 kg's. I actually increased my chin ups too 68.5 kg's(BW+7.5kg) Quite happy, expected much worse results. Too many party's. My sleep rhytm is so screwed I'm sitting behind the PC at 3 AM after a party because I can't sleep before 5 AM anymore...
Did a crossfit WOD today, crossfit total: max deadlift - max squat - max military press
Ended up doing 345/275/135 = 755
I forgot how to deadlift I just did like slow clean pulls haha. Pretty weak numbers, some dude matched me, but it was a fun time. Whenever I'm there while there's a class, the head coach (my training partner) always introduces me as their "oly coach" hahah. Stayed after and snatched up to 175 and had people miring.
It's a muscle I need for holding air in my belly and make my core tight, when I cough for instance that muscle hurts. I need it to tighten my rib cage, which is super annoying because I do that for like almost every exercise. After a week I was able to squat and press again but the deadlift would still hurt because if I contract my lat and tighten my ribcage at the same time it gets a lot worse. It doesn't feel like the kind of injury you want to ignore. Something will always hurt, some slight knee and shoulder pain every now and then, but a couple of squats and presses will usually solve it. But with this one it's kinda different, you don't want to train through it. I guess I just won't deadlift for the next 4 weeks. If I'd cut away all the time I was sick or injured or I didn't know what I was doing I would have only 5 months of real lifting, the other 5 months were either me fucking around or being sick/injured. Lol. But it's okay, I'll come back stronger eventually.
I feel like you should listen to your body when you are in serious pain. It's telling you those things for a reason. But still, you should be able to find a way to keep your body fit without hurting it whether it be running, powerlifting, olympic lifting, or something else.
On June 15 2013 12:31 Donkeys wrote: Did a crossfit WOD today, crossfit total: max deadlift - max squat - max military press
Ended up doing 345/275/135 = 755
I forgot how to deadlift I just did like slow clean pulls haha. Pretty weak numbers, some dude matched me, but it was a fun time. Whenever I'm there while there's a class, the head coach (my training partner) always introduces me as their "oly coach" hahah. Stayed after and snatched up to 175 and had people miring.
I've watched Bigger Stronger Faster a half dozen times and I disagree, if you want to be elite. Mark Bell is one of the few people you SHOULD be listening to when it comes to training and recovery.
any ways some training PRs in the past week, testing out the maddog slingshot managed 315 for 5-6-5. raw bench without is 345 so it gives me about 40lbs overload.
was sick this day but still managed a 10 lb pr on the deadlift