Maaaan I'm becoming so fucking fat. It feels so uncomfortable to have this thing under your skin that can't even do shit and just sits there, it's like a fucking parasite. I'm sure I'm at like 13% bodyfat now, never in my life have I been so fat ;_; But there's nothing I can do, if I cut now that won't get me anywhere, summer's already here (ha!) and it would just slow me down and I'm still a weak fuck. I've been clean bulking for 10 months now and it looks like I'm forced to keep bulking for the next 8 months, too. I'll be so fat and ashamed I don't even want to think about it. I don't care how big my muscles are but being fat just makes me really self conscience. I guess if I find a bf that doesn't care then things could be worse, but it still bugs me a lot..
On June 08 2013 08:25 decaf wrote: Maaaan I'm becoming so fucking fat. It feels so uncomfortable to have this thing under your skin that can't even do shit and just sits there, it's like a fucking parasite. I'm sure I'm at like 13% bodyfat now, never in my life have I been so fat ;_; But there's nothing I can do, if I cut now that won't get me anywhere, summer's already here (ha!) and it would just slow me down and I'm still a weak fuck. I've been clean bulking for 10 months now and it looks like I'm forced to keep bulking for the next 8 months, too. I'll be so fat and ashamed I don't even want to think about it. I don't care how big my muscles are but being fat just makes me really self conscience. I guess if I find a bf that doesn't care then things could be worse, but it still bugs me a lot..
I never asked for this feel ;_;
If you're feeling that bad you could just take 2-3 weeks at a -600 deficit and cut a bit. Layne Norton recommends 6 week bulk 2 week cut cycles, but regardless of what you do it should make you happy. Plan your macros in advance and just cut for 2-3 weeks imo, then leanbulk for another 8-10 weeks and repeat. Staying 10-12% is a lot nicer than being chubby at 14%+.
On June 08 2013 08:25 decaf wrote: Maaaan I'm becoming so fucking fat. It feels so uncomfortable to have this thing under your skin that can't even do shit and just sits there, it's like a fucking parasite. I'm sure I'm at like 13% bodyfat now, never in my life have I been so fat ;_; But there's nothing I can do, if I cut now that won't get me anywhere, summer's already here (ha!) and it would just slow me down and I'm still a weak fuck. I've been clean bulking for 10 months now and it looks like I'm forced to keep bulking for the next 8 months, too. I'll be so fat and ashamed I don't even want to think about it. I don't care how big my muscles are but being fat just makes me really self conscience. I guess if I find a bf that doesn't care then things could be worse, but it still bugs me a lot..
I never asked for this feel ;_;
Try to eat only meat and eggs for a week. You will lose 2-4 pounds, feel better, and not notice strength lose. At some point you hit the curb though. Eat enough to not be hungry, but dont overeat.
meant to hit a 585 box squat for some singles but shit felt heavier then usual so ditched the box and has some fun, repped out 315 for 16 and nearly died. uuuuugh hate reps.. any ways heres the vid
On June 08 2013 22:01 steelANDmalice wrote: meant to hit a 585 box squat for some singles but shit felt heavier then usual so ditched the box and has some fun, repped out 315 for 16 and nearly died. uuuuugh hate reps.. any ways heres the vid
You decided to have some fun, nearly died and hated doing it! I love this logic!
Really impressive strength, love seeing your videos
Ok so I went to the Strongman gym yesterday, and none of the u105s turned up, nor did any of the natural heavyweights.
Everyone there was a massive fucking heavyweight and had competed in Britain's Strongest Man, with one of them having competed in World's Strongest Man twice. I can't even guess at the weights of some of them, and they were log pressing like twice my bodyweight. I felt like a little bitch hitting singles on what's for me a heavy weight, but was just their first warm up set.
I have never before felt so small. They could have tossed me around like a blow up sex doll and there's nothing I could have done.
On June 04 2013 03:28 TossFloss wrote: @decafchicken, Thank you! I'll start paying more attention to my back posture.
@decaf, I've actually read through the squat chapter several times already. I guess I have problems applying theory into practice I'm going to deload to a comfortable weight and work on posture like you suggested.
I'm a bit late to the party, but part of your problem is you are doing squats pretty close to what they describe in the book lol. All respect to Rippetoe, but he's wrong about the elbows when it comes to squatting. Rip teaches elbows up and back, but for LBBS you want elbows a little more like your pulling them into your lats (lower and at an angle towards the ground), not up and back .Your body will try to match the angle of your arms, and if your elbows are up and back, your arms (and body) will go horizontal. There are other things that will help too, like more core strength and being able to create dat intra-abdominal pressure (hold your breath, basically), but try to fix the elbows first. That should help.
Bar position is low even for LBBS, but just slightly imo. Spine of the scapula and on top of the rear delts is what you want, and it seems like the bar is in the neighborhood. Thing is, with your elbows in the air it pushes you over and might make it look like worse positioning than it really is.
On June 12 2013 14:26 decafchicken wrote: Haha yeah shoes are awesome! Congrats on the PRs! How long you been lifting? Double at 200 pounds already is good!
Oh god, no, only a single at 200 lbs haha. It's amazing how much more balanced I feel than when I was doing my lifts in basketball shoes. I've been doing Oly lifting seriously for about five months. SS-style stuff for almost exactly three years.
On June 12 2013 19:07 infinity21 wrote: Vitruvian, what's your BW? Pretty impressive lifts!
On June 12 2013 14:26 decafchicken wrote: Haha yeah shoes are awesome! Congrats on the PRs! How long you been lifting? Double at 200 pounds already is good!
Oh god, no, only a single at 200 lbs haha. It's amazing how much more balanced I feel than when I was doing my lifts in basketball shoes. I've been doing Oly lifting seriously for about five months. SS-style stuff for almost exactly three years.
@vitruvian we have pretty much the same weight/lifts. you have some pounds on my PRs (195/235). Your squat is sooo much higher than mine though lol (best set of 5 for me is 130kg). Race to 225 snatch? Or something?
Yesterday: squat 120kgx5x6
Today: block cleans up to 210 squat singles up to 285 clean pulls 240x4x3 klokov press 95x5x3 105x3
Kind of all over the place today haha. I might start the LSUS cycle next week. Gonna die.
On June 13 2013 12:48 Donkeys wrote: @vitruvian we have pretty much the same weight/lifts. you have some pounds on my PRs (195/235). Your squat is sooo much higher than mine though lol (best set of 5 for me is 130kg). Race to 225 snatch? Or something?
Yesterday: squat 120kgx5x6
Today: block cleans up to 210 squat singles up to 285 clean pulls 240x4x3 klokov press 95x5x3 105x3
Kind of all over the place today haha. I might start the LSUS cycle next week. Gonna die.
Don't do the LSUS cycle. Your technique is nowhere near where it should be for a cycle like that. Hell i don't think my technique is where it should be for something like that. TBH most of your focus should be on the full lifts and hang lifts.
On June 13 2013 12:48 Donkeys wrote: @vitruvian we have pretty much the same weight/lifts. you have some pounds on my PRs (195/235). Your squat is sooo much higher than mine though lol (best set of 5 for me is 130kg). Race to 225 snatch? Or something?
Sure! Why don't we agree on a best out of three: first to some number in snatch, some number in C&J, some number total? I propose: - First to 225 snatch - First to 275 C&J - First to 490 total (BTW it's really humbling to realize that the total we'd be racing towards is only slightly above the WR snatch...kinda makes me feel like a worm hahaha)
I was able to do some light deadlifts today, the first 2 reps would hurt a bit in the area where I pulled the muscle but then it was fine. Front squats and cleans are getting better as well.
I really haven't come close to any of my previous strength numbers, mainly because I switched it up a little bit and I'm doing higher rep ranges now. I also started cutting, thanks for the help guys. I'll be in croatia in 2 weeks and I'm coming back from an injury and I switched routine etc, I don't think bulking would have gotten me any results now anyway. In about 4 weeks I think I'll start clean bulking again for another 8 or so months.
Has anybody tried those bulking/cutting cycles where you switch it up every 2 weeks? Is it good, any experience to share?
On June 13 2013 12:48 Donkeys wrote: @vitruvian we have pretty much the same weight/lifts. you have some pounds on my PRs (195/235). Your squat is sooo much higher than mine though lol (best set of 5 for me is 130kg). Race to 225 snatch? Or something?
Sure! Why don't we agree on a best out of three: first to some number in snatch, some number in C&J, some number total? I propose: - First to 225 snatch - First to 275 C&J - First to 490 total (BTW it's really humbling to realize that the total we'd be racing towards is only slightly above the WR snatch...kinda makes me feel like a worm hahaha)
ughhh don't race to a 490 pound total or i'll vomit. How about 220kg.