I'll be going on a holiday with friends for 10 days. So here are my results for 2 months of lifting 60 kg, 176 cm. Gained 1/2 kg's. 5RM: Squat: 40-->75 Deadlift: 50-->90 OHP 20-->35 Bench Press 40-->57.5 Pull ups max 2-->15 Now: 3*5 with 5 kg Chin ups max: 3-->15 Now: 3*5 with 7.5 kg
I've been deadlifting a lot more trying to reach my goal of 95 kg's, but it still wasn't enough My OHP sucks as well. Probably a technique thing.
On June 02 2013 21:58 Recognizable wrote: I'll be going on a holiday with friends for 10 days. So here are my results for 2 months of lifting 60 kg, 176 cm. Gained 1/2 kg's. 5RM: Squat: 40-->75 Deadlift: 50-->90 OHP 20-->35 Bench Press 40-->57.5 Pull ups max 2-->15 Now: 3*5 with 5 kg Chin ups max: 3-->15 Now: 3*5 with 7.5 kg
I've been deadlifting a lot more trying to reach my goal of 95 kg's, but it still wasn't enough My OHP sucks as well. Probably a technique thing.
OHP is going to be the hardest out of the big 4 to progress on in terms of weight. Check this out, this might help with OHP.
If you gained half a kilo in 2 months then you definitely need to eat more, it's really hard when you're skinny tho, I know. Started at your weight just a bit taller than you. If you haven't already I'd suggest you read Starting Strength, should give you some proper tips about form, but I wouldn't do low bar squats, they're gay. And don't sacrifice form for additional weight.
On June 03 2013 03:38 decaf wrote: If you gained half a kilo in 2 months then you definitely need to eat more, it's really hard when you're skinny tho, I know. Started at your weight just a bit taller than you. If you haven't already I'd suggest you read Starting Strength, should give you some proper tips about form, but I wouldn't do low bar squats, they're gay. And don't sacrifice form for additional weight.
Yeah, well. It seems as if I have lost fat, if I compare before/after pictures it's quite a difference and I'm not the only one that has noticed. I'm also eating a ton more then I used too. I hadn't eaten breakfast in years before I started lifting 2 months ago, but now I just have too. Anyway, I'm not really worried as long as my lifts are going up. All my motivation stems from that, ofcourse having my body become more appealing is nice, but my priorities have definitely shifted and I never had the goal of getting really big. Just to look athletic, which I seem to be accomplishing. I do High Bar squats btw. Also, just did 60 push ups out of boredom. I remember doing a 100 push up program for months and I could barely do 25 lol. Thanks for the video on the Press btw.
Edit: Because you motivated me I ate 4 eggs with 6 slices of bacon and cheese as an evening snack. Gainsssssss.
On June 02 2013 21:58 Recognizable wrote: I'll be going on a holiday with friends for 10 days. So here are my results for 2 months of lifting 60 kg, 176 cm. Gained 1/2 kg's. 5RM: Squat: 40-->75 Deadlift: 50-->90 OHP 20-->35 Bench Press 40-->57.5 Pull ups max 2-->15 Now: 3*5 with 5 kg Chin ups max: 3-->15 Now: 3*5 with 7.5 kg
I've been deadlifting a lot more trying to reach my goal of 95 kg's, but it still wasn't enough My OHP sucks as well. Probably a technique thing.
Your squat is going up nicely :O I am envious. My 5RMs:
I have some recent deadlift/squat videos, if anyone wants to help me with a form check
I no longer hyperextend my neck and my hips go up slower, so I have more leg drive.
I am inflexible, easily spottable. Also, I go way below par (at the heavier sets, it's notice able), so that's a reason why my squat is so much lower than most of the people, since they stop at par or even slightly above.
DL: keep your butt lower at the starting position. Tuck your shoulders into the bottom opposite corner before you pull. Ditch the running shoes and make sure you pull a little bit at the beginning to get all the slack out of the bar & to avoid jerking on the bar. Squat: Bring your feet closer together. Keep your traps and your core tight the whole time.
On June 03 2013 12:06 infinity21 wrote: DL: keep your butt lower at the starting position. Tuck your shoulders into the bottom opposite corner before you pull. Ditch the running shoes and make sure you pull a little bit at the beginning to get all the slack out of the bar & to avoid jerking on the bar. Squat: Bring your feet closer together. Keep your traps and your core tight the whole time.
I suffer from a mild form of lumbar hyperlordosis, I can't keep my feet closer together or it's going to look a lot like a good morning working on the flexiblity though. But yeah I have to keep my core tigther, trying to work on that.
And these 'running shoes' are actually Otomix, they are very solid bottomed shoes like all-stars are and give support at the ankle, they are used by some pro bodybuilders too. They don't crush in at the sole like running shoes do. roelly wears them :D :
I have extemely long legs.. ~100cm, and a short torso ~60cm (rest is neck+head for a total of 192cm). If I lower my hips even more during the deadlift, I'd definitely hit my shins during lift off, the skin there has been scraped off several times x) got to the high hip position after trial and error. I don't have conventional bodypart ratios . I make sure my shoulderls are always at or over the bar though, and not behind. So they get 'tucked in' automatically. I'll try to put some pre-tension on the bar today.
You're suuuuuuuper horizontal, even for a low bar back squat imo. Looks like you have plenty of strength for more, i'd keep your torso more upright. On that note, i don't get how people do LBBS, it just looks miserable lol.
I've been working on fixing my second pull in the snatch; I have a tendency to pull too early, before the bar is really into my hips. Was so exhausted after ~ 1.5 hours of snatching that I couldn't go all that heavy in CJ. Which I suppose is alright, since snatch is my weaker lift by far.
@TossFloss: First off, I've never done low bar squats. Depth is okay, rest is pretty much out of whack. You turn your feet out a little too much, you don't brace your spine into a neutral position before you attempt the squat. If your upper body simply caves in at those weights you need to work on it and lower the weight, don't sacrifice form for weight. Also your upper body is way too horizontal, part of the reason is the fact that you carry the bar way too low on your back. It should be right above your rear delts but it seems to be on your arms. If you look at your feet when unracking the bar and stepping back you're prone to rounding you back. I haven't read the squat chapter in SS, because I don't squat low bar, but I suggest you take a look at it.
And if you stall at these weights you definitely don't eat enough. Trust me, eating is like magic.
@decafchicken, Thank you! I'll start paying more attention to my back posture.
@decaf, I've actually read through the squat chapter several times already. I guess I have problems applying theory into practice I'm going to deload to a comfortable weight and work on posture like you suggested. Regarding eating, I'm trying to cut weight (down 20lbs from 4 months). I want to cut another 10 lbs (dropping to 165lbs). Must my lifts suffer?
Well, I dunno. I never cut so I wouldn't know or at least I'm not able to tell you from my own experience. But afaik as long as you're a beginner you should be able to increase the weight even thought you're cutting. Can't really help you with your form though, maybe someone else does low bar squats here who could help you out. I don't like it because of the short ROM.
On June 03 2013 12:06 infinity21 wrote: DL: keep your butt lower at the starting position. Tuck your shoulders into the bottom opposite corner before you pull. Ditch the running shoes and make sure you pull a little bit at the beginning to get all the slack out of the bar & to avoid jerking on the bar. Squat: Bring your feet closer together. Keep your traps and your core tight the whole time.
I suffer from a mild form of lumbar hyperlordosis, I can't keep my feet closer together or it's going to look a lot like a good morning working on the flexiblity though. But yeah I have to keep my core tigther, trying to work on that.
And these 'running shoes' are actually Otomix, they are very solid bottomed shoes like all-stars are and give support at the ankle, they are used by some pro bodybuilders too. They don't crush in at the sole like running shoes do. roelly wears them :D :
I have extemely long legs.. ~100cm, and a short torso ~60cm (rest is neck+head for a total of 192cm). If I lower my hips even more during the deadlift, I'd definitely hit my shins during lift off, the skin there has been scraped off several times x) got to the high hip position after trial and error. I don't have conventional bodypart ratios . I make sure my shoulderls are always at or over the bar though, and not behind. So they get 'tucked in' automatically. I'll try to put some pre-tension on the bar today.
Thanks ^_+
Interesting shoes. If you're dealing with some type of mobility restrictions, that's out of my comfort zone. Maybe you can ask eshlow for some advice. For your DL, if you keep your back angle straight during the initial pull, you won't scrape your shins.
Got up to around 90% of my max on both sn and c&j, so I'd say vacation didn't hit me too hard. Gonna train hard this week, take friday off then I'm off to Kendrick's seminar! For the first time ever I will get some live coaching.
Not mentioned already, but you need to pull your elbows DOWN and your back will alway straighten as a result
Jump Squats: (lol they are awesome, just learning) 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 100kg x3 Half Squats: 190kgx5x7, 210kg 20 sec hold OHP: 60kg5x6 (rep/weight/set pr)
Weight gain bringing up my squat and ohp, dunno about deadlift cause I cant do it :'( and bp stable which is good. Carb back loading is the nuts, but I'm not 100% satisfied with results cause I've put on some fat because of lack of discipline (eat candy on non-carb days)