The exception to this is the Oly lifters, who seem to use metric regardless of if they're american or not.
The 2014 Weightlifting Progress Thread - Page 47
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United Kingdom1629 Posts
The exception to this is the Oly lifters, who seem to use metric regardless of if they're american or not. | ||
Germany4719 Posts
On April 12 2013 21:14 kaluro wrote: Beginners would squat 140lbs and deadlift 160lbs for example ![]() And strong people would do a 220kg deadlift, while intermediates would be at 220lbs etc. If you do overhead work 3 times a week, do you also keep including other presses (Dips, (close grip)bench press, dumbell press [decline/incline/flat])? As that would put enormous volume stress on your front deltoids, and I don't know if they can sustain that for longer periods. Or do you do it like rippetoe, where you do one push per workout? I do 1-2 pushes per workout. Always 1 overhead (Press or Push Press) and 1-2x a week I add Dips, weighted or unweighted. I don't do any direct triceps work, but sometimes I feel like I should. I bench very rarely because of shoulder problems which happened because of benching... go figure. In general, I don't find overhead work that taxing. Just in combination with lots of Chin Ups it destroys my arms. | ||
Iceland1699 Posts
Don't fix what ain't broken ![]() | ||
Mexico308 Posts
snatch 135, 145x, 145, 155, 160, 165x, 165, 170x, 170x, 170, 180x, 180x, 180x, 180x c&j 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205, 210, 220x, 220x, 220 squat 255x5x5 Two of the misses at 180 were really really close, on one of them I had it locked out in the bottom but my wrist just gave out, would've been a 5lb PR. The 220 c&j was a 5lb PR, it was definitely a press out haha but I'll take it, it wasn't super bad. My jerks overall weren't very stable at the lockout today. Gonna post vids in the oly thread. | ||
United Kingdom1629 Posts
On April 13 2013 01:45 sJarl wrote: As long as your pressing is going up why change it? Don't fix what ain't broken ![]() I don't really agree with that. My press went up on 5/3/1, but only by 2.5kg a month. It was going up but after switching how I trained it it started going up a lot more quickly. The "if it aint broke don't fix it" thing has always annoyed me because it's anti-betterment. | ||
United States19932 Posts
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Norway145 Posts
Dumbellpress 1hand: 10x1 10, 20 8x1 30 5x1 40 2x1 50 OHP: 6x1 60 4x1 90 cycle 9km stairs machine 6mins | ||
Iceland1699 Posts
On April 13 2013 10:04 Deadeight wrote: I don't really agree with that. My press went up on 5/3/1, but only by 2.5kg a month. It was going up but after switching how I trained it it started going up a lot more quickly. The "if it aint broke don't fix it" thing has always annoyed me because it's anti-betterment. Well if it is going as well as you'd like it to but if you are getting solid 2.5kg improvement per month and managing to keep it at that then you've gone up 30kg in a year and for presses I'd be pretty happy about that. | ||
7088 Posts
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United States262 Posts
Starting/current/goal in lbs. Usually 1RM, sometimes 2 but I can't remember exactly Bodyweight: 135-140/155/160 at ~10%bf. I'm probably about 14-16% atm Squat: 185/265/315 Deadlift: 185/315/405 (someday...) Bench: 155/215/250 OHP: 70/110/150 | ||
Germany4719 Posts
all weights in kg
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Norway145 Posts
All weights are in kg(kilograms) Easy rack-pull: 10x1 60, 100 8x1 150 5x1 180 1x1 200, 220 Supersett with shrugs: 10x1 60, 100, 150 8x1 180 Supersett with biceps: 10x1 15, 12.5, 10 And some easy walk on treadmill. | ||
United States569 Posts
4/15/2013 to 7/1/2013 Bodyweight: 155lb to 145lb (1rm) Press: 135lb to 145lb Squat: 375lb to 405lb Bench: 195lb to 210lb Sumo Deadlift: 375lb to 405lb Conventional Deadlift: 345lb to 365lb Snatch: 120lb to 135lb Clean: 215lb to 245lb Clean and Jerk: 155lb to 185lb | ||
Finland780 Posts
![]() SS is a pretty harsh program for me atm, if I do everything properly, dont miss a workout, rest exactly as I should and eat well, I get really really nice gains. However, if I dare to skip a workout or eat slightly less than I should, I'm like doomed for a week or something. lol. Still, for the last few workouts things have been going great. Deadlift: 152.5 kg x5 Squat 109x3x5 (I was unable to fix my elbow problems with low-bar, so I switched to high-bar and dropped the weights down a lot. Used to have 122kgx3x5 with lowbar) benchpress 67.5 x 3x5 (I was stuck here for quite a while for whatever reason. But I finished the set, and hope to do 69kg on wednesday) overhead press: 49 x3x5 (I've been getting pretty incredible gains with this one for a while now. I don't know why, but I've been able to increase the weight almost every time now. I fully expect to do 50x3x5 on friday! ![]() current bodyweight: ~85kg, 187cm | ||
Iceland1699 Posts
Do you compete? | ||
United States19932 Posts
On April 16 2013 00:03 tripper688 wrote: Tripper688 4/15/2013 to 7/1/2013 Bodyweight: 155lb to 145lb (1rm) Press: 135lb to 145lb Squat: 375lb to 405lb Bench: 195lb to 210lb Sumo Deadlift: 375lb to 405lb Conventional Deadlift: 345lb to 365lb Snatch: 120lb to 135lb Clean: 215lb to 245lb Clean and Jerk: 155lb to 185lb Nice lifts, especially at your bodyweight! | ||
Mexico308 Posts
squat - 285x4, 275x3, 255x5 hang sn (hip) + hang sn (knee) - 115, 125, 135, 145, 150x, 150(PR), 155x hang sn (knee) - 135x3, 135x4 2 clean pull + hang clean (knee) - 155, 175, 195, 205(PR), 210x, 205, 200 push press - 135x5, 155x5, 165x5x2 Resting on saturday and sunday helped my wrist a lot. It had been hurting for ~2 weeks, always on the catch when cleaning, it felt fine today :D | ||
United States19932 Posts
Cj doubled 70 90 110 120 130 singles 135 140 143 145 148 150 then five misses at 154, cleaned it 3 times missed the jerks. Back squat 70 110 150 160 170 180 190 195 200 205x | ||
United Kingdom1629 Posts
HBBS to 160kg LBBS 3x10 @ 100kg Calf Raises (lol) 3x25 | ||
United States1963 Posts
Yay for progress! | ||
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