On July 20 2012 14:56 funkie wrote: Love it when people say "Wear a belt"
I reply, "Grow a pair" :D
This is just me being curious, but why are you against using belts? I'm assuming it's not really the macho "using a belt would make me less manly" sentiments.
I don't feel like I need as of now. Just squatting 160/165kg at 76-78kg BW.
When I feel like I'm putting my core to danger (I haven't, I feel pretty strong unracking, going down, going up, etc), I'll get one, I have used one before, and to me, it's one of the most annoying things ever. Just one of those things that you have to get used to be able to lift more. :o
That's almost exaclty how I feel about it. I'm planning to use a belt at some point in my life, but right now I don't feel like I need it yet. I am starting to get close to the point where I will get one though.
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I do feel like sometime soon, I will have to use a belt to reach my goals, or to keep training as hard as I want. I do not fear or "not embrace" the belt, I know is an asset that will most likely help me improve all my lifts. :3.
On July 20 2012 23:55 Luxae wrote:
On July 20 2012 23:19 funkie wrote:
On July 20 2012 17:03 Luxae wrote:
On July 20 2012 14:56 funkie wrote: Love it when people say "Wear a belt"
I reply, "Grow a pair" :D
This is just me being curious, but why are you against using belts? I'm assuming it's not really the macho "using a belt would make me less manly" sentiments.
I don't feel like I need as of now. Just squatting 160/165kg at 76-78kg BW.
When I feel like I'm putting my core to danger (I haven't, I feel pretty strong unracking, going down, going up, etc), I'll get one, I have used one before, and to me, it's one of the most annoying things ever. Just one of those things that you have to get used to be able to lift more. :o
Fair enough. For me it seems that the issue isn't that I "need" a belt, but that there are a whole lot of benefits and nearly no disadvantages to using one. But hey man, if you're squatting 165kg unbelted at 75kg then you're obviously doing something right, so more power to you.
Haha, thanks?. I, by no means, have anything or hold anything against people who use belts. People who do, are self concious, and well, they're looking out for themselves, who wouldn't anyways.
I was absolutely complimenting you, not sure if I didn't come off as genuine A 165kg squat unbelted in your bw is quite beastly!
No problem man, I legit fist pumped when I saw my name haha This community has definitely fostered my passion for the sport/fitness in general. So shoutout to all you cool mofos who have been with it.
Cheers to that! Off to eat some yams and pork and drink some milk for y'all :D
On July 20 2012 16:23 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: I just wanted to say thank you all. I'm going to keep this short, as my gf is cooking me breakfast. HUGE shoutout to eschlow, decaf and sJarl for always trying to help newbies or people with questions. HUGE shoutout to all the others (funkie, catch, phyre, malinor) for keeping me motivated for a whole year. It's been a great one.
I've gone from an 1400 elo league of legends player with bad skin and no girlfriend, too weak to deadlift 40kg (yes I failed it first time) and weighing 71kg at 1.96, to a 1700 elo league of legends player with flawless skin, the girlfriend of my dreams, strong enough to deadlift 160kgx5 and be confident that I'll pull 165 next time at 86.3kg with a six-pack.
My lay-out sucks but basically I just want to thank you all for being awesome and helping me become awesome.
On July 20 2012 21:28 extr3me wrote: Speaking of deadlift, I nailed 250kg (PR) today :D
I do lift 220kg without belt, but with i do have now 250kg and I had 240kg. So the belt will always boost ur core for heavyweight training.
Dude seriously, what kind of russian bull steroids are you on?
You say you lift for 1.4 months, you have those lift numbers, you dont even know how much you eat? im just saying what everyone here is thinking (i know you are). Denying it in every PR post you write doesent really help either.
In all seriousness though, congratulations on the insane gains on what id call a very succesfull string of cycles . You have insane lifts and im anxious to see if youre gonna take it to some powerlifting meets or strongman comps!
I'm not judging you, but lets be grown ups and call a potatoe a potatoe
PS: where in Norway are you from? im guessing from the gym pic its a rural part of Norway
Can't even pick up a dumbbell to do chest presses, can't hold my legs still to do chinups or dips, without shooting pains. I think I dun goofed, guys. No matter how much I want my squat to not be pathetic (and I REALLY wanted that 400 lb deadlift by the end of august =() working through it has only made things worse. I'll see some sort of professional this week, and hopefully I'll be back and ready to run by next weekend to play rugby against decaf.
On July 21 2012 02:52 extr3me wrote: Someone wanna race 260kg in deadlift?
Lol it'd take me at least a few months to hit that(lol almost 3xbw) and you'll probably be at it next week. Speaking of which, blonde how's the dead lift/ jumping through the roof coming?
On July 20 2012 21:28 extr3me wrote: Speaking of deadlift, I nailed 250kg (PR) today :D
I do lift 220kg without belt, but with i do have now 250kg and I had 240kg. So the belt will always boost ur core for heavyweight training.
Dude seriously, what kind of russian bull steroids are you on?
You say you lift for 1.4 months, you have those lift numbers, you dont even know how much you eat? im just saying what everyone here is thinking (i know you are). Denying it in every PR post you write doesent really help either.
In all seriousness though, congratulations on the insane gains on what id call a very succesfull string of cycles . You have insane lifts and im anxious to see if youre gonna take it to some powerlifting meets or strongman comps!
I'm not judging you, but lets be grown ups and call a potatoe a potatoe
PS: where in Norway are you from? im guessing from the gym pic its a rural part of Norway
Thanks bro :D
I am on kre-alkalyn, cell max, proteinshakes and vitamin pills. Coming from Hedmark (Flisa) Its between Kongsvinger and Elverum. And yea, I am working so hard to became a really strong guy so I might be attendting powerlifting comps, but my bench sucks :p
My goal are to became an clean strongman As you might know theres alot of steroids in that sport, so I want to be "unique" and dont use drugs. I also dont want to brag about my scores when I do wright here at the forum, but I do like to write down my records and try to beat the hell of the leaderbords in weightlifting :D Will only be in deadlifts,squats,overheadpress and benchpress. I like to compete and so therefore I try and make new records.
On July 19 2012 07:49 Daigomi wrote: I've decided, on Friday I'm going to attempt 180kg (4 plate!) 1RM deadlift! I've never lifted anything heavier than 165kg, but I've done 4 reps on that two sessions in a row with relative ease, so I'm thinking I'll be able to do 180kg I'll also record a video so that you guys can point and laugh at my poor technique.
Nyahahaha! Technique isn't great as expected, but I'm happy. It went up easily enough, I could easily have done +5-10kg more. Also, the video is actually my second rep. My girlfriend messed up her camera so that she only started recording the first rep after I put the bar down
EDIT: Since it's posted, I might as well ask. I clearly lift too much of the weight with my lower back and much of that is thanks to the weight being heavier than it should be. However, I also do that a bit with my work weight, so is there anything I can focus on to improve it? Also, are there any other technique problems with the lift?
On July 19 2012 07:49 Daigomi wrote: I've decided, on Friday I'm going to attempt 180kg (4 plate!) 1RM deadlift! I've never lifted anything heavier than 165kg, but I've done 4 reps on that two sessions in a row with relative ease, so I'm thinking I'll be able to do 180kg I'll also record a video so that you guys can point and laugh at my poor technique.
Nyahahaha! Technique isn't great as expected, but I'm happy. It went up easily enough, I could easily have done +5-10kg more. Also, the video is actually my second rep. My girlfriend messed up her camera so that she only started recording the first rep after I put the bar down
awesome stuff man! 200kg next man everyone is catching up to me or overtaking me.. sad for me but awesome for you guys! keep it up
My lifts have started to improve now that I'm eating again. But although the lift was easy, I filmed myself and could once again verify that I have a huge buttwink. Gotta stretch more. I hate stretching.
On July 19 2012 07:49 Daigomi wrote: I've decided, on Friday I'm going to attempt 180kg (4 plate!) 1RM deadlift! I've never lifted anything heavier than 165kg, but I've done 4 reps on that two sessions in a row with relative ease, so I'm thinking I'll be able to do 180kg I'll also record a video so that you guys can point and laugh at my poor technique.
Nyahahaha! Technique isn't great as expected, but I'm happy. It went up easily enough, I could easily have done +5-10kg more. Also, the video is actually my second rep. My girlfriend messed up her camera so that she only started recording the first rep after I put the bar down
awesome stuff man! 200kg next man everyone is catching up to me or overtaking me.. sad for me but awesome for you guys! keep it up
Haha thanks! I'll move up to 170kg until I can do 4-5 reps there, then do some reps on 175kg and then attempt 190-195kg 1RM.
I've been making big gains in the last month and a bit (15kg up with squat and deadlift) and I realised today that it's because I've stopped cutting. You don't notice how much cutting slows you down until you start eating properly again for a few months and see all your lifts increase.
On July 21 2012 05:17 Osmoses wrote: My lifts have started to improve now that I'm eating again. But although the lift was easy, I filmed myself and could once again verify that I have a huge buttwink. Gotta stretch more. I hate stretching.
found a sick stretch, for hamstring (back of legs) :
push bed so thinner end / legs end is against wall, bring it out so there is a 6-12 inch gap until the wall . lie on the bed and put one leg/foot down the gap and the other leg goes up verticle/diagonal against the wall. this stretches your hamstring. and you can just lie like that for hours. and switch legs whenever.
i took 6 nytol (150mg diphenhydramine) last night, started having minor TIAs/palpitations which continued the next morning/midday. for fucks sake. finally (this night) im starting to feel okay, havent felt one for ages but that doesnt mean they arent happening. fucking nytol is a killer drug, never touch it. the wiki explains that it blocks sodium channels , fucking up the heart rhythm and causing stroke/brain damage/sudden death. been freaking out and hoping im not brain damaged all fucking day agh.
consequently i couldnt do more than squat 70kg 4-4-4 (menna be 80 7-7-7) and stopped bench after 60kg 1x15 , will try again tomorrow morning
On July 21 2012 05:17 Osmoses wrote: My lifts have started to improve now that I'm eating again. But although the lift was easy, I filmed myself and could once again verify that I have a huge buttwink. Gotta stretch more. I hate stretching.
found a sick stretch, for hamstring (back of legs) :
push bed so thinner end / legs end is against wall, bring it out so there is a 6-12 inch gap until the wall . lie on the bed and put one leg/foot down the gap and the other leg goes up verticle/diagonal against the wall. this stretches your hamstring. and you can just lie like that for hours. and switch legs whenever.
i took 6 nytol (150mg diphenhydramine) last night, started having minor TIAs/palpitations which continued the next morning/midday. for fucks sake. finally (this night) im starting to feel okay, havent felt one for ages but that doesnt mean they arent happening. fucking nytol is a killer drug, never touch it. the wiki explains that it blocks sodium channels , fucking up the heart rhythm and causing stroke/brain damage/sudden death. been freaking out and hoping im not brain damaged all fucking day agh.
consequently i couldnt do more than squat 70kg 4-4-4 (menna be 80 7-7-7) and stopped bench after 60kg 1x15 , will try again tomorrow morning
I'll try that out, thanks! :D Why the nytol, what're you suffering from?
Diphenhydramine sounds like benadryl, IIRC, also used in Tylenol PM in small doses for a sleep aid. Like, 25mg per pill, with 50mg being the suggested dose. I could be wrong, though. Let me check.
Nope, I'm right. With a name like Nytol, and that sort of dose, I assume it's sold as a powerful over the counter non-addictive sleep aid.
Oh, and that's in the "WTF were you thinking" dosage range.