On May 31 2012 16:32 Osmoses wrote: When I get blisters I just tear them off and be in pain for a week, leaving the skin intact is genius oO
@phyre: that makes alot of sense. Think I'm gonna focus on squats first, going for volume on wednesdays and weight on mondays and fridays.
tbh I dont see why you cant learn to squat, bench and deadlift at the same time? but 100 reps per workout with relatively heavy weights just seems... excessive. as sneakyz already pointed out, after the fifth set or so you are so tired that you wont be able to maintain good technique anyway and you might just end up hurting yourself
I reiterate my recommendation: do 5x5 (dl 1x5), start low and add more weight each workout. that gives you like 75 reps in one week which should be enough to learn the lifts imo
but thats just my opinion. if you like the GVT then by all means continue doing it
On May 31 2012 16:32 Osmoses wrote: When I get blisters I just tear them off and be in pain for a week, leaving the skin intact is genius oO
@phyre: that makes alot of sense. Think I'm gonna focus on squats first, going for volume on wednesdays and weight on mondays and fridays.
tbh I dont see why you cant learn to squat, bench and deadlift at the same time? but 100 reps per workout with relatively heavy weights just seems... excessive. as sneakyz already pointed out, after the fifth set or so you are so tired that you wont be able to maintain good technique anyway and you might just end up hurting yourself
I reiterate my recommendation: do 5x5 (dl 1x5), start low and add more weight each workout. that gives you like 75 reps in one week which should be enough to learn the lifts imo
but thats just my opinion. if you like the GVT then by all means continue doing it
I just read the article about the Broz gym where they train every single day for hours. Who's right?
@zafrumi: yes I think he mentioned the bulgarian program, but he also mentioned thousands of reps. And it's not just advanced athletes, he does his thing with beginners as well.
He also mentioned that it works because they workout every single day (multiple times). I dunno about you but I don't have time to do 13 workouts a week :p.
"Failing to train daily leads to more injuries, due to the inconsistent recovery rates amongst different tissues. Daily training is training under fatigued muscles. If you take days off, the muscles recover faster than other soft-tissues, which increases the likelihood of injury."
Probably not something you wanna be doing on a cut, huh?
edit: I definitely can't adhere to that kind of schedule. Big reason why I started working out again was because I realized I didn't have to spend half the day there to get results. And I'm not looking to become a powerlifter. Strength gains are nice, but above all I just want to be fit. My overweight got in the way of shit I wanted to do, like going sight-seeing or going to the beach, or even going out clubbing because I got really tired walking from place to place :p
I just want to work out every other day, get reasonable, natural results and not injure myself.
On May 31 2012 20:25 Osmoses wrote: Probably not something you wanna be doing on a cut, huh?
edit: I definitely can't adhere to that kind of schedule. Big reason why I started working out again was because I realized I didn't have to spend half the day there to get results. And I'm not looking to become a powerlifter. Strength gains are nice, but above all I just want to be fit. My overweight got in the way of shit I wanted to do, like going sight-seeing or going to the beach, or even going out clubbing because I got really tired walking from place to place :p
I just want to work out every other day, get reasonable, natural results and not injure myself.
Haha, everyone is going to recommend you do SS or SL based on what you've said so far. I don't disagree with them either, when I started SS I had never visited a gym in my life before, and it taught me the movements reasonably well in a short period of time.
That said, if you want to do the German volume thing, go for it. That way I can see if it works or fails horribly without having to try it myself :D
On June 01 2012 01:16 rEiGN~ wrote: my wrist is fucked and I don't think I can do anything else but squat (if even that, could aggravate the injury).
what kind temporary "program" do you recommend, or should I just increase workout frequency so that I squat every other day?
Dude I'm actually in the same boat at the moment. (maybe not as bad but) My wrist has been hurting all week. Even tonight I did a warmup 15kg dumbbell chest press and I couldn't do it.
I did squat tonight and that was alright. I tried a few other chest/tri exercises but just went really light. also did some core work.
I'll probably just train legs in a few days will probably do something like this
Squat 3x5 Leg press 3x12-15 Lying hamstring curl 3x8 Weighted back extensions 3x10
Won't be able to do stiff legged deadlifts or weighted pistol squats. (actually might be able to do them if I hold the dumbbell in my right hand only)
Having a sore wrist is the worst. Limits you so much.
On June 01 2012 01:16 rEiGN~ wrote: my wrist is fucked and I don't think I can do anything else but squat (if even that, could aggravate the injury).
what kind temporary "program" do you recommend, or should I just increase workout frequency so that I squat 3x5 (perhaps 5x5?) every other day?
Fucked how? I'm currently fighting some tendonitis in the wrist, and I find squats to be hard on my wrists while deadlifts put no strain on it at all. So I guess what you can do will depend on the kind of injury.
On June 01 2012 01:16 rEiGN~ wrote: my wrist is fucked and I don't think I can do anything else but squat (if even that, could aggravate the injury).
what kind temporary "program" do you recommend, or should I just increase workout frequency so that I squat 3x5 (perhaps 5x5?) every other day?
Fucked how? I'm currently fighting some tendonitis in the wrist, and I find squats to be hard on my wrists while deadlifts put no strain on it at all. So I guess what you can do will depend on the kind of injury.
hard to say, reasonable amount of pressure results in slight pain, so can't do almost anything. it's been 2+ weeks now, went to the doc as well and it has got better but still not completely healed.
Get a pair of powerlifting Wrist Wraps, and you can get back into training asap unless you broke a bone or something. They are like having a new pair of tendons.
I would run outside compared to inside any time. Trail running is so much more enjoyable than road running and both are better than going around a track in a building.
I just got some protein powder for a supplement to my diet. It tastes pretty decent. I'm just wondering how much I should take or how much you guys take. It says to take 4 scoops per 500ml water but I have just been taking 2 scoops for 250ml water. Should I only take it on workout days or just once a day? For reference Im 5'8 160. Wouldnt mind gaining a little weight but definitly not a lot, dont care as long as it is not fat.