On May 31 2012 01:17 Osmoses wrote: PT said lots of reps would help me get my technique right. Doing a lot of squts does help your technique, but doing sets of thirty is just dumb. You get tired halfway through, but because the weight is non-existant you can just muscle through it.
TL;DR if you sued him for retardation he could make a case.
On May 31 2012 01:17 Osmoses wrote: PT said lots of reps would help me get my technique right.
in my humble opinion, you should do 5x5 three times a week which is plenty
On May 31 2012 01:17 Osmoses wrote: PT said lots of reps would help me get my technique right. Doing lots of reps in a fatigued state will accomplish the complete opposite though, but by all means try the program and see if it works for you.
How much does the PT Squat? Have you seen/her perform a proper squat? If not, I would stick with online advice from people who squat a lot :p
To make sure I make the weight Im eating a lot less today/tomorrow, I feel so hungry =(. I'm not training so its ok phisiologically, but I'm just used to eat all the time
Well, just got back from the doc. No squats/dl for a month and then we'll see how my back is. I'm sad :/
Edit: or power cleans or ohp or anything that puts pressure on my back... Sigh...
On May 31 2012 02:29 GoTuNk! wrote:How much does the PT Squat? Have you seen/her perform a proper squat? If not, I would stick with online advice from people who squat a lot :p To make sure I make the weight Im eating a lot less today/tomorrow, I feel so hungry =(. I'm not training so its ok phisiologically, but I'm just used to eat all the time 
It's like when you're talking food with el decafo, and then you get super hungry, and he points out the fact that you should've bought 2x30cm's thingies, and not just one.
Well, like that. FML.
On May 31 2012 02:39 Risen wrote: Well, just got back from the doc. No squats/dl for a month and then we'll see how my back is. I'm sad :/
I feel for you, I remember when I tore my abductors apart, it was the worst 1.5months of my life, and I wasn't even THAT into working out. .
It will all get better bro! hang on tight!
Hi guys!
Long time follower, and maybe two months or so I made a promise that I would be allowed to defile this beautiful thread with my presence when I managed to DL x2 my bodyweight (145kg) which just so happened to be today. Big day for me :>
Regarding Osmoses squat question I'd like to point out that there are some different schools of thought on the subject for example http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/max_out_on_squats_every_day
"The following is a myriad of Broz's beliefs:
Beginners should start out with a broomstick for 3-4 weeks and do thousands of reps so that their Olympic technique becomes a motor engram." (Not saying you're a beginner Osmoses unless you consider yourself as one).
That being said, I still agree with posters in this thread I would prefer/recommend 3x5 or 5x5 and just work out the technique from there, just wanted to provide an alternative source of information.
On May 31 2012 02:39 Risen wrote: Well, just got back from the doc. No squats/dl for a month and then we'll see how my back is. I'm sad :/
Edit: or power cleans or ohp or anything that puts pressure on my back... Sigh... The cost of saving a life
my doc said i "might" have broken ribs (which coming from her is a garunteed yes lol) ;/ still gonna gym tho i felt like shit today and didnt go
On May 31 2012 03:00 YoucriedWolf wrote:Hi guys! Long time follower, and maybe two months or so I made a promise that I would be allowed to defile this beautiful thread with my presence when I managed to DL x2 my bodyweight (145kg) which just so happened to be today. Big day for me :> Regarding Osmoses squat question I'd like to point out that there are some different schools of thought on the subject for example http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/max_out_on_squats_every_day"The following is a myriad of Broz's beliefs: Beginners should start out with a broomstick for 3-4 weeks and do thousands of reps so that their Olympic technique becomes a motor engram." (Not saying you're a beginner Osmoses unless you consider yourself as one). That being said, I still agree with posters in this thread I would prefer/recommend 3x5 or 5x5 and just work out the technique from there, just wanted to provide an alternative source of information. Welcome! 2xbw deadlift is something to be proud of!
As for the broomstick comparison I think it works better with oly lifts because they're such fast movments with so much technique that muscle memory takes over, where as the squat is comparitively slower and easier. 20-30 squat reps with a barbell or light weight should be plenty per session for someone to learn the squat.
On May 31 2012 02:01 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2012 01:17 Osmoses wrote: PT said lots of reps would help me get my technique right. Doing a lot of squts does help your technique, but doing sets of thirty is just dumb. You get tired halfway through, but because the weight is non-existant you can just muscle through it. TL;DR if you sued him for retardation he could make a case.
He's doing sets of 10, not thirty.
I know where the PT is coming from, and I remember a Chaos & Bang (podcast from the guy that does lift-run-bang.com and the guy that does chaosandpain.blogspot.com) which I would certainly trust (Paul trains his daughter, who at 13 years old and under 100 pounds deadlifts over 3 plates, and Jamie total'd 1618 pounds @ 181, without even a belt or knee wraps in his last meet) where they talked about training new lifters. They would have them focus on one lift at a time (squat first, then learn the other lifts) and go for crazy volume, (50-100+ reps in all different set/rep schemes). But they're not talking "squat one day, bench the next, deadlift on a third day, etc. etc." they're talking "learn this motion. Then think about moving on" and doing it for the CNS adaptation, not the muscle improvements. I guess what I'm saying here is that this isn't the worst type of program you can do... but if you're trying to learn to squat, learn to squat, THEN go learn to bench. Also, change up the weight from day to day, you're going to want to work at more intense weights some days, where you might only be able to do a set of 6 or 8, and other days you get as much volume as you can.
@Wolf congrats on the 2x BW pull. I'm GOING to get 4 plates by the end of the summer, which should be ~2xBW at that time, and then hopefully my deadlift progress moves ahead of my increasing BW and I pull much more by the time I'm heavier. Keep up the good work, keep posting! Always cool to have more regulars in this thread.
@Decaf love the way the rest of the crossfitters just stop and look at you when you're lifting. Wish it had sound though, damn movie maker.
On May 30 2012 12:54 shawster wrote: welcome. read the faqs and stickies and stuff. just wanna ask though, why not weights?
anyways, gaaaah i'm too fucking skinny. 157 atm at 6'0. i gained 20 pounds in about 3~ months so far but i gotta eat more. off to grab another litre of milk. gonna try and get to 100kg squat by the middle of june, 95 atm. pulled 115kg today but with shit form. raised my hips and pulled with too much lower back.
great lifts decaf, i always enjoy watching people do olympic lifts. i can never get tired of watching people c&j, it never gets old.
I started 6'3 135, gained 20 pounds in the first three months and then stalled out at that weight for a LONG while. I'm moving again finally, but it makes me want to cry when I think how much progress I could have made if I kept eating. Keep counting calories, don't get complacent, keep lifting and get huge!
South Africa4316 Posts
On May 31 2012 03:00 YoucriedWolf wrote:Hi guys! Long time follower, and maybe two months or so I made a promise that I would be allowed to defile this beautiful thread with my presence when I managed to DL x2 my bodyweight (145kg) which just so happened to be today. Big day for me :> Regarding Osmoses squat question I'd like to point out that there are some different schools of thought on the subject for example http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/max_out_on_squats_every_day"The following is a myriad of Broz's beliefs: Beginners should start out with a broomstick for 3-4 weeks and do thousands of reps so that their Olympic technique becomes a motor engram." (Not saying you're a beginner Osmoses unless you consider yourself as one). That being said, I still agree with posters in this thread I would prefer/recommend 3x5 or 5x5 and just work out the technique from there, just wanted to provide an alternative source of information. Congrats on the 2xBW lift! I also picked up 2xBW for the first time today, 165kg x1, but I don't think it really counts until I lift 2xBW 1x5 :p Today I was just aiming for the single rep though. I'm hoping that a few singles at 5-10kg above my current progression target (155kg x5) will help me hit that 155kg when I next attempt it.
The last few times I tried 155kg, it was just too heavy for me to do an extended set on it. I could do 2-3 reps, but each rep would be a massive grind and after three reps my hamstrings would fail/cramp. That's why I'm hoping a few heavy singles (along with a relatively easy set of 5 on the lower weight I reset to after failing deadlift three times in a row) will make the 155kg feel not so heavy the next time I try it. Is this reasonable, or should I just stick to lifting 155kg until it goes up?
Just to add, the reason I'm doing more sets than suggested in SS is that I'm resting my wrists from squats for a short while (probably two weeks), so my legs are getting less exercise than usual.
Ahhhhh I have a blister on my thumb after lifting today (not an open one) so its just a bubbly ball of fluid on my thumb and i reaaaaaly wanna pop it just cause i cant stop messing with it. Whats the best way to deal with this? I'm gonna be lifting tomorrow regardless so should i see if it heals on it own or just pop it now and deal with it/tape it up tomorrow?
Canada6683 Posts
On May 31 2012 09:53 decafchicken wrote: Ahhhhh I have a blister on my thumb after lifting today (not an open one) so its just a bubbly ball of fluid on my thumb and i reaaaaaly wanna pop it just cause i cant stop messing with it. Whats the best way to deal with this? I'm gonna be lifting tomorrow regardless so should i see if it heals on it own or just pop it now and deal with it/tape it up tomorrow? I usually just take a pin and drain the liquid. The skin should dry up pretty quickly after that.
All i had was a less than clean razer blade. Washed it with soap, popped the blister, and threw some neosporin on it. Thats probably safe, right? :D
Anyways, todays workout: "Squat Nemesis" - work up to max, take off 30%, work up to a heavy triple in 5-10kg jumps, then do about 40-60% 3x5 working on speed. FS - up to 335 then 3x235, 245, 265, 275, 285, deload to 185 for 3x5 Hang clean and jerk - 2x 135, 185, 225, 245, 1x 245, 245 Power snatch doubles - 95,135,155,175,185,185,185
On May 31 2012 10:47 decafchicken wrote: All i had was a less than clean razer blade. Washed it with soap, popped the blister, and threw some neosporin on it. Thats probably safe, right? :D
Anyways, todays workout: "Squat Nemesis" - work up to max, take off 30%, work up to a heavy triple in 5-10kg jumps, then do about 40-60% 3x5 working on speed. FS - up to 335 then 3x235, 245, 265, 275, 285, deload to 185 for 3x5 Hang clean and jerk - 2x 135, 185, 225, 245, 1x 245, 245 Power snatch doubles - 95,135,155,175,185,185,185
Should be fine If you didn't do this, it's best to poke a hole / cut it with the razor on the side so when it drains you can use the skin as a natural bandaid. If you do it in the middle it'll be more likely to open up, infection, etc.
exactly what i did
decaf you should start using kilos, I see your posts and its just a bunch of numbers . Your FS is sick, I can't even do half of my back squat :s
When I get blisters I just tear them off and be in pain for a week, leaving the skin intact is genius oO
@phyre: that makes alot of sense. Think I'm gonna focus on squats first, going for volume on wednesdays and weight on mondays and fridays.