TL Health and Fitness Initiative 2012 - Page 180
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Zurich15313 Posts
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Switzerland1272 Posts
On April 24 2012 21:42 zatic wrote: FML back on consultant lifestyle. Traveling all week and no time or gym anywhere plus hotel food :-( sucks! make the best of it and go to the hotel gyms or jog in the morning or something ![]() question for you guys: I will most likely have the opportunity to get a female friend of mine into working out. she just wants to lose some weight and maybe turn some fat into muscle. My plan was to get her on SS with some light cardio (15 min or so) after the workout. does anyone have a different suggestion? or even some experience with training for women that they are willing to share, i.e. what to look out for what to keep in mind? | ||
United States12704 Posts
In general I'd say this friend has to want it herself, just like for anyone. When the lifting gets tough, just your encouragement won't be enough, she has to be self-motivated. So basically coax that commitment out of her in a way that's all her and not you. Kinda like you facilitated it. Positivity is king. That's my experience so far. Edit: I'll ask her what she thinks, might be more insightful ![]() | ||
Switzerland1272 Posts
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Canada150 Posts
On April 24 2012 11:41 GoTuNk! wrote: I know westside is effective (you are another proof of that :p) but I was wondering how on earth do you design your programs. Do you have a coach or smth? Because they seem beyond complicated =/ To be fair, these next 3 month will be the first time I truly train "westside" style. What I was doing in my parents garage had influences from the the westside method but was mostly a test of getting strong with the least space / equipment / exercises options. Because even though I did some speed work with bands for the deadlift, my upper body training was kind of a "non-linear progressive overload" training. It's true that the Westside Methods looks complicated with all the flashy special exercises, chains and bands, constant rotation of exercises and all that. But at it's core, it's pretty basic and will work if one follows the principles. If anyone plans on doing a conjugate method influenced training cycle, here are some guidelines to achieve success. -Start with an accumulation block The common mistake people make when they start "Westside" is go over the board with the added resistance and cycle their max effort exercises way too much. This makes it impossible to master the technique for the three lifts because not enough repetitions are done. And when they go for a max 8 weeks later, the gains are minimal because their technique sucks. It is a mistake to think you can get better at something without practicing it. With that in mind, the accumulation block is a time to get physically and technically ready to handle heavy weights. Speed work is done for shitload of sets as fast as possible. But you have to go through the set up every time. So if you do 20 sets of doubles for the box squat, you have 20 opportunities to practice setting yourself under the bar, get your back in position, learn to hold air in your belly, work from your hips, and 40 reps to practice the actual movement. Since the weight is only 50%, it cleans the technique (as you get closer to your max, you get into fight or flight mode and for new lifters, the technique flies out the window most of the time.) -DO WHAT YOU SUCK AT This is one of the biggest reason people fail doing a Westside influenced training. They do 4-board bench press, 4 inch above parallel box squat, 6 inch above knees rack pulls and all that shit. When you do max effort work, it should always be exercises that you suck at, not exercises to impress whoever is around. When you box squat, it is parallel or below. A box squat will ALWAYS be harder than a regular squat. So if you can box squat more, you are doing it wrong. When you bench, bring the grip in, do some incline, rest on the ground for the floor press, don't turn it into a partial press, etc. The max effort work should hit your weak spot and teach you how to strain and overcome the sticking points. And for us who aren't elite powerlifters, max effort work should be turned into a heavy effort most of the time (3rm, 5rm). -Write down everything you do and push your accessories to the max Ever seen a guy bench press 405lbs yet incapable of going over 60lbs on the skullcrushers? I highly doubt you did, because to bench 405lbs, you need the triceps strength of a 405lbs lifter. The "triceps strength of a 405lbs bench" obviously varies from person to person because of morphology. For the upper body training, you shouldn't neglect pec work, biceps work and other muscle groups less "popular". You will never have a muscle too strong for your own good. But at the end of an upper body training, your upper back and triceps should be SMASHED. For the lower body training it's the posterior chain and core. So keep track of every set / reps you did and beat that next time you train. In an accumulation block, you mostly want to gain reps and shorten rest periods while in intensification block you want to go heavy on your accessory work. Obviously this is simplified to the max... Anyone interested in the Westside method should go through the articles on There is also an excellent thread on t-nation started up by a poster named StormedTheBeach. It is an absolute must read. | ||
United States19932 Posts
On April 24 2012 12:28 AoN.DimSum wrote: easy! 1.5bw snatch??? T_T so strong. | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
On April 25 2012 02:12 Osmoses wrote: Got compliments from my co-workers today. They said I was getting really beefy. Made me happy, nohomo. Very nice! Tis an awesome feeling. My highlight so far is a former college friend came into town, big guy who played football and lifted heavy stuff, we're just chatting and catching up and he goes, "So, you lifting now? I thought so." Those confirmations are just great, keep up the good work ![]() | ||
United States19932 Posts
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Sweden5302 Posts
Couldn't see a difference myself but his eyes were large enough that I chose to believe him. | ||
United States215 Posts
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Denmark708 Posts
Squat: 106kg 5-5-5 OHP: 57kg 5-5-4 Deadlift: 127kg x6 (last PR was 126x5) Felt like doing an extra rep on the deadlift, did and felt proud. | ||
Iceland1699 Posts
On April 25 2012 03:18 Warillions wrote: im 5'11, 175 lbs, 27 years old. im about to start lifting and a diet plan to gain muscle. trying to bulk up. my wife is suggesting some protien shots from, thats all she said she dont know the name of em, instead of the protien shake. is this good bad or what, ive nvr herd of em. but i do know a lot of ppl using shakes. whats up?> I've never heard of them either and couldn't find them over at Just get a proper meal plan together and with some shakes you'll be doing fine. | ||
Chile4591 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + I'm amazed at how awesome sometimes heart can win games. Against prolly the best team ever, with 1 player less for an hour, Chelsea managed to hold the 1-2 lose and qualify. They did so with 2 CB injured and 1 expulsed, being 10 vs 11 for an hour. Special mention to drogba was such a baller, he was fucking every where recovering balls, while atacking alone. I look up at him (and many others) as a source of inspiration for their heart in the game. I don't think Chelsea can't win finals against RM or Bayern, because they seem completely burned out plus many players who can't play. But I hope they do. Edit: also thx @ blonde on blonde, will check if I can add some of that stuff to my training. | ||
United States3939 Posts
started 5/3/1 yesterday though =] It's super weird only squatting once a week... | ||
Canada150 Posts
On April 25 2012 05:55 GoTuNk! wrote: Everything below is an spoiler of UEFA CL Semi finals. + Show Spoiler + I'm amazed at how awesome sometimes heart can win games. Against prolly the best team ever, with 1 player less for an hour, Chelsea managed to hold the 1-2 lose and qualify. They did so with 2 CB injured and 1 expulsed, being 10 vs 11 for an hour. Special mention to drogba was such a baller, he was fucking every where recovering balls, while atacking alone. I look up at him (and many others) as a source of inspiration for their heart in the game. I don't think Chelsea can't win finals against RM or Bayern, because they seem completely burned out plus many players who can't play. But I hope they do. Edit: also thx @ blonde on blonde, will check if I can add some of that stuff to my training. You should add kneeling jumps and box jumps. 6 to 10 jumps twice a week, rotating the jump variation everytime. Never fail a jump and land like a ninja. It'll do wonders to your squat / deadlift. | ||
Canada290 Posts
Sick lift, I especially like the celebratory look at the camera =] | ||
Denmark708 Posts
I remember reading somewhere that this could be caused my adductor tightness and hip extensor weakness. Does anyone have an idea how to fix it? I suppose I could do a lot of hamstrig/glute work, like goodmornings or SLDL. I also have the option to box squat, never done that before, not sure if it's worth the time. | ||
United States3939 Posts
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Denmark708 Posts
On April 25 2012 15:55 Hurricane wrote: try pointing your toes out more? Maybe just reset your squat a bit and focus on form while you work back to your current weight. I don't see box squats helping much. I will try pointing out my toes a bit more and check what happens, thanks. I actually reset my squat 2 weeks ago, just got back up near my 5RM. | ||
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