what the! neat. look at me, outselling a glenn beck book! :D
I seemed to have missed it, because its not on that link anymore, or at least I don't see it
On January 07 2011 15:16 hacklebeast wrote: I seemed to have missed it, because its not on that link anymore, or at least I don't see it
my time in the sun was brief but glorious
Are there any reviews for this yet written by high level players?
That is something I would like to see.
On January 07 2011 19:23 undyinglight wrote: Are there any reviews for this yet written by high level players?
That is something I would like to see.
First couple of top tier players to PM me or post here asking will get a free copy as long as they agree to tell me what they think
That said, some serious reviews are coming. Review copies are just now being received (I didn't time this well, I agree! ), so hopefully over the next week we'll get some weighted opinions in.
I bought the pdf version, and I'm happy so far to have such a large amount of stories and information collected into one place. It's very interesting. I'm glad to support this effort.
That said, I'm glad I didn't pay for the physical book.
The Starcraft Bible looks like it simply is a copy and paste of text into a Word document. That is to say, the Stacraft Bible doesn't look very good - like an actual book.
To improve the Starcraft Bible as far as book format:
* Use "justified" text, which is flushed both left and right. Right now the Starcraft Bible it's flushed left, but ragged right. See Justification.
* The "optimal" width of text (as determined by typographers) is closer to 65 characters (including spaces). This is for legibility purposes. Right now the Starcraft Bible uses closer to 80 characters width. http://www.creativepro.com/blog/typetalk-there-optimum-line-length
* Put in page numbers.
A lot of the formatting problems could by solved by using LaTeX rather than Word (or whatever was used). LaTeX is to documents like html is to web pages. It is standard and used by many people (mostly in academia).
An example of a book written in latex that also gives an introduction to LaTeX is here: The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε
With the use of a few LaTeX tags here and there, and simply using a lot of LaTeX format defaults, the Starcraft Bible could have the format similar to most other books. I'm very familiar with LaTeX myself and it is quite powerful. (I'd also be willing to help out in putting the book in latex format, if anyone is interested).
Thank you for the tips! Really, I appreciate that. At the end of the book, I acknowledge that my formatting abilities are nonexistent. I will be looking over your tips in more detail soon and hopefully in the future everything can look much, much nicer. Thank you
Ordered from Amazon.com to the UK. anyone else interested on pricing:
Book works out to be around £15 here or there Shipping for 2-3 weeks is around £5, shipping for 4-6 weeks is around £3. The super fast 2-3 days shipping is like £20 so yeah monkeys to that.
Ignore their broad descriptions on the shipping options, those are the figures quoted to me once you've placed your order (You can go back through and change the shipping speed after you've placed the other to play around and see what happens).
I opted for the 2-3 week. It's only £2 dearer than the default option and you get it quite a bit sooner. Remember you can also use your Amazon.co.uk (and probably .de etc I suppose) account information to log into .com and all of your billing and shipping address information is retained.
Happy buying!
edit: Also note that I tried ordering for a friend too, but they seem to judge shipping on consignment weight or quantity as you can't order more than one copy on a single delivery costing. So it's easier to just order individually than try to dodge the shipping costs.
Will it always be paper back? I want a leather bound hard back version. =p
On January 08 2011 06:35 FishFuzz99 wrote: Will it always be paper back? I want a leather bound hard back version. =p
Wouldn't that be awesome? No plans yet but hey, here's to hoping.
I agree with ajabberwok about the formatting, and I have to wonder why some content are repeated, to be precise, I'm thinking about some of the interview with Day9. That part of the book could have been handled a bit differently, to avoid repetition.
But that aside, I really enjoyed the book, some parts almost play out like a really good documentary, and I was really touched by some of the stories, especially the story about sAviOr.
Being a veteran (and sucky) StarCraft player, but a totalt n00b, when it comes to the community, eSports and such, I enjoyed the history lesson.
I might even buy the paperback, if/when it pops up on the EU version of Amazon, instead of "just" having the PDF.
On January 08 2011 09:02 utyske wrote:I agree with ajabberwok about the formatting, and I have to wonder why some content are repeated, to be precise, I'm thinking about some of the interview with Day9. That part of the book could have been handled a bit differently, to avoid repetition. But that aside, I really enjoyed the book, some parts almost play out like a really good documentary, and I was really touched by some of the stories, especially the story about sAviOr. Being a veteran (and sucky) StarCraft player, but a totalt n00b, when it comes to the community, eSports and such, I enjoyed the history lesson. I might even buy the paperback, if/when it pops up on the EU version of Amazon, instead of "just" having the PDF.
I'm glad you enjoyed the content :D
I will be working on the format in any future releases/projects. I apologize for the mistakes this time around!
Pretty sure you forgot Jinro in that. =(
Just bought a copy on PDF, looking forward to reading this immensely.
Ordered my book the day it came out. I can not wait for it to come =)
This is awesome. I love getting e-sports and Starcraft out to the mainstream. Best of luck and I may pick up a copy of this to give as a gift.
It would be nice if somebody could do a better cover for the paperback version =)I Hope an updated version will come out soon.
I just realized:
The picture you have as a banner has NOTHING to do with your book!
Too much arm-hair(kk foreigners but still) + energy drink + recent, but NON-LOGITECH MINI OPTICAL + no mousecord bungee (that's not so recent no?)
My guess: Dreamhack, or some other lan
I respect what you have done. I may pickup the pdf version, but i dislike reading books on my pc.
Also I like your timing :p A lot of newcomers came to TL after sc2 release and some of them maybe interested in sc history as a whole. Props on that too.