That moment when you start reading shounen again because you cant find any good seinen series/dont want to re-read Hellsing/Psyren for the 5th/6th time....
Maybe I should just pick up Jormundgand again...bleh
Well, I tried to put my faith in the light, but only 4-3 in the end. 2 defeats where I couldn't do anything at all the whole game, though, and the third one was a paladin with a super good draw, class cards that I lacked (or may as well not have had, like the 2 consecrates I only saw in one of seven games) and mad top decking skillz (like the Holy Wrath drawing an Argent Commander to kill my Fen Creeper, then play it when I'm down to right 4 HP at the end of his next turn).
You lied to us, Teut! At least I got a Peacekeeper out of the pack. I wonder if it's an invitation to persevere. Holy crap so many typos in that post. Def. too tired, time to sleep.
On January 30 2014 09:47 Alaric wrote: Well, I tried to put my faith in the light, but only 4-3 in the end. 2 defeats where I couldn't do anything at all the whole game, though, and the third one was a paladin with a super good draw, class cards that I lacked (or may as well not have had, like the 2 consecrates I only saw in one of seven games) and mad top dekcing skillz (like the Holy Wrath drawing an Argent Commander to kill my Fen Creeper, then play it when I'm done to right 4 HP at the end of his next turn).
You lied to us, Teut! At least I got a Peacekeeper out of the pack. I wonder if it's an invitation to persevere.
someone who puts their faith in the light doesnt spend 99% of their time whining about bad things istead of looking for the best plays #PUTYOURFAITHINTHELIGHT
its like that mitchel and webb sketch "I put my heart and soul on the line and gave my 100% and really that's all I coulda done" "well, that's not REALLY all you could have done, you could have practiced, rehearsed, learned the lines to the song you were singing.."
On January 30 2014 07:41 Frudgey wrote: Just when I think this thread is nothing but silly posts, people start talking about sensitive subjects.
That's because nobody REALLY understands what this thread is. Except probably fucking Yango :|
On January 30 2014 08:19 Cixah wrote: I love Mitchell and Webb. They are fantastic. Even just the Mitchell and Webb Show is good. Haven't heard of this one though.