New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
Actually I had a couple of questions regarding the OP as well.
1. So I know that we should play champions that are suited for a particular role in said role. (E.g, playing Arhi mid, and not doing something like a Tyrndamere support) But are we limited to FOTM champions? For example, what if I wanted to play Urgot bottom lane as ADC? Is that okay or is that too uncoventional?
2. How valued is team composition in these in-houses? Because I know the whole point of these in-houses is to strive to become better. But lets say that I wanted to be really good at Mordekaiser mid lane. Would it be alright for me to go and pick him for the vast majority of the in-houses so I could improve as him or would I be expected to pick a mid laner that would better composition wise?
3. Is it alright to counter pick ourselves? E.G, if I saw that someone picked Elise for top lane, would it be okay for me to then pick Darius into Elise (based on the knowledge that I knew they would be Elise before I even picked) just so I could become better at fighting my counter-picks? Or is this frowned upon?
For 1, as long as youre picking a serious champ that you actually want to practice, it is generally allowed. If you hard troll with jungle Graves, people will dodge.
For 2 and 3, it's a tough thing to balance. On one hand we try to allow people to practice what they really want. On the other hand, we value good drafting and team compositions as an important part of setting up a good environment for improving. The key is to talk about it withyour team instead of just locking in -- if you give good reasons, people will do their best to roll with it.
I think these are for improving at the game. Being able to play alongside and vs players alot better than you and learning from them. Map movement, objectives and comunication are the skills you should be able to improve on and should focus on. Unconventional non fotm look ok as long as you don't go overboard. Just make sure to comunicate that you want to play mordekaiser during champ select, don't be that guy last pick morde fk you guys. as for wanting to trying/improving make sure you have some soloqueue background on those champions. 1v1ing some1 better is also an excelent way to get better at the champion in a short time
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Ye, generally, if your pick is somewhat borderline (Urgot/Kennen ADC, Poppy top, Galio mid, Hecarim jungle), if your team is ok with it, then it's ok imo. I am not the one setting the rules but it seems about right :3
Yesterday's game (Zyra support) The lane was Zyra/MF against Lulu/Vayne, which probably is very rough on lulu/vayne. The one thing that I really noticed this game is how important potions are for supports. I traded rather clumsily for the early levels, eating probably too much autos for free, but as I started with 22 defensive masteries and 4 hp pots against lulu with no mana pots and a faerie charm, at lvl 3 lulu was oom and i was pretty much full hp. From there we bullied them out of the lane rather easily. The rest of the game was an ugly snowball and not really much to analyse as a steady stream of global gold from objectives allowed me to keep vision control (plus team warded a lot).
So yeah, bottom line is, pots win lanes, esp. bottom.
There's no hard and fast rule for what is and isn't kosher, it's subjective. That said, the further your pick is from the meta, the more warning you need to give your teammates. Here's a fairly rough guide using jungle picks:
- No Warning: Zac, Jarvan, Nocturne
- These junglers are frequently seen in competitive/solo queue play, so no one will be surprised when you pick them.
- Some Warning: Kha'zix, Leona, Alistar
- These junglers are past their prime, rarely seen in competitive/solo queue play, or require your team to make some adjustments to their play to accommodate you.
- Lots of Warning: Akali, Darius, Karthus
- These junglers are either significantly inferior to other options or require your team to make huge adjustments for your sake.
- Get Out: Graves, Kennen, Soraka
- These junglers are blatantly terrible or troll picks.
Obviously the list isn't exhaustive, but you get the idea. The more your team has to adjust to your pick, the more you should talk to them about it. It's not just your team either, you need to respect your opponents' wishes as well. While you may have concrete proof that Tank Jungle Gragas is a legitimate choice, if either team isn't comfortable with it you should let it go.
United States37500 Posts
On September 14 2013 06:25 Frudgey wrote: Actually I had a couple of questions regarding the OP as well.
1. So I know that we should play champions that are suited for a particular role in said role. (E.g, playing Arhi mid, and not doing something like a Tyrndamere support) But are we limited to FOTM champions? For example, what if I wanted to play Urgot bottom lane as ADC? Is that okay or is that too uncoventional?
2. How valued is team composition in these in-houses? Because I know the whole point of these in-houses is to strive to become better. But lets say that I wanted to be really good at Mordekaiser mid lane. Would it be alright for me to go and pick him for the vast majority of the in-houses so I could improve as him or would I be expected to pick a mid laner that would better composition wise?
3. Is it alright to counter pick ourselves? E.G, if I saw that someone picked Elise for top lane, would it be okay for me to then pick Darius into Elise (based on the knowledge that I knew they would be Elise before I even picked) just so I could become better at fighting my counter-picks? Or is this frowned upon?
Hi Frudgey,
1. Common sense dictates. By no means am I enforcing everyone to play FotM champions. If you wanted to play Urgot, I'm totally fine with it. However, a pick like that better be the first thing you tell your team in TeamSpeak well before bans even begin.
Also, with such an unconventional pick, it's also good if you can talk to your team about what kind of team comp you envision would be best with your pick. I mean you could just say "Hey, I want to play Urgot" and let everyone else build around you but it's far more courteous if you come with a big picture plan since it's your champion that everyone else is playing around.
2Sang has a thing for Fiora and even though I don't like the pick, he does try his hardest with her. Also considering I play Pantheon mid frequently, I'm not one to judge. If it wasn't for Smash/LoCi's affinity for Panth, along with Atrioc's recent guide, I'm positive most people would think Panth is a bad pick as well.
@Scip, all your things are fine, AD Kennen I'm really not fond of because he's considerably better AP than AD.
2. Team composition as well as drafting are highly valued in these IHs. I'm sure you can poll any number of our regulars and they'll tell you how much better a thought out team comp is compared to just everyone picking what they want to play/improve on and hoping for the best. Haphazard teams rarely last past midgame from past experience.
Again, if you want to play Morde, tell your team well in advance. Would also be courtesy to let the opposing team know what they're getting into.
3. Counterpicking is perfectly fine. For example, Guitar wanted to get better at Kassadin, period, to the point where he'd openly FP Kassadin and let the other team get their pick of a counter. Guitar ended up going against Fizz a few times but solid ganks from Guitar's jungler put him ahead where he pretty much carried late game. There's nothing wrong with wanting to play and learn losing matchups.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Jimbzz still rapes amateur tournament weekly with AD Kennen
United States37500 Posts
On September 14 2013 07:28 Scip wrote: Jimbzz still rapes amateur tournament weekly with AD Kennen Perhaps there's a reason why Jimbzz is raping amateurs instead of playing in LCS?
I knew you/someone would bring Jimbzz as a counter point. But my opinion still stands. There are better options for ADC and Kennen is still better as AP.
Edit: I know, Scip. But I'm personally saying a firm no to AD Kennen. That's what I'm getting at.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
That's why I mention him as a borderline that you should make sure your team agrees with. :p
Ask team
If team says ok, then ok. If team says no, then no
manners 101
Registration - Ingame name Foxxy Ahrii - Rank and division Diamond V - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two)
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on
- If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
Registration - Ingame name ShurykaN - Rank and division Gold II - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, Adc - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Ahri, Leblanc, Graves, Vayne - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
On September 14 2013 06:14 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On September 14 2013 06:13 StorrZerg wrote: i know its in the op as something not to do but i would like to try doing 2v1 lanes or at least talk about it and see if there is interest in something like this happening. Asking for 2v1 lanes is supporting Koreans. Do you want to support the Koreans, Storr? I welcome our SKT overlords.
On September 14 2013 07:35 RebelSlayer wrote: Registration - Ingame name Foxxy Ahrii - Rank and division Diamond V - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two)
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on
- If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
Registration - Ingame name ShurykaN - Rank and division Gold II - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, Adc - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Ahri, Leblanc, Graves, Vayne - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
This guy is a joke. Waste peoples time GG
Thanks for all the feedback you guys gave me regarding my questions. You all helped clear up my questions regarding in-houses.
On September 14 2013 08:00 ChoBz wrote: This guy is a joke. Waste peoples time GG
Nice Ahri ban.
On September 14 2013 08:08 RebelSlayer wrote:Show nested quote +On September 14 2013 08:00 ChoBz wrote: This guy is a joke. Waste peoples time GG
Nice Ahri ban. Say something beforehand, I was not the team captain.
I would like to amend that if you're a character specialist, you can probably do some lanes that may look unorthodoxed such as kennen adc. This is not to say this is same as when Mathies claimed he should Syndra to duo mid but if he was to say, prefer Syndra support (assuming no one else in the IH minds) because he played her for so long and feels comfortable, I would say it should be acceptable. There are certain players who literally plays only one champ for every position and I do think there's some merit to practicing a champion to that extent. I do feel your team should be 100% ok with it and that it's a champ you def want to work on.