Roffles #1 troll
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
United States2300 Posts
Roffles #1 troll | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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France1934 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
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United States6994 Posts
Unless its ARAM then its like 50/50 | ||
United States1001 Posts
I can't tell you how many times I scan our jungle entrances and find nothing. Feels like solo queue with better lane warding. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On September 04 2013 04:44 upperbound wrote: Roffles #1 troll ARKANOID PLS | ||
95 Posts
- Ingame name xeroborn - Rank and division s4 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) any position, i main jungle or mid, with a lot of lucian adc. - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on - Marksmen: lucian, vayne - Mid: ahri, lissandra -top: aatrox, nasus -jungle: elise, sejuani -support: nami, zyra | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
In regards to crankiness or bad manner, try to keep it at a minimum. I understand that some of you like to be sarcastic or cynical but there is a line. Please don't cross it. Lastly, I encourage bigpros to point out mistakes during games. No one should get butthurt that someone is telling you you're doing something wrong midgame. If the suggestion is valid, rectify it quickly. It'll make for a better game. | ||
14521 Posts
On September 04 2013 07:33 NeoIllusions wrote: I would like to stress the importance of postmatch discussions. Monty brought up the point yesterday that users are sometimes too eager to start a new game as soon as one finishes. Try not to gloss over each game too quickly and point out actual areas that need improvement. In regards to crankiness or bad manner, try to keep it at a minimum. I understand that some of you like to be sarcastic or cynical but there is a line. Please don't cross it. Lastly, I encourage bigpros to point out mistakes during games. No one should get butthurt that someone is telling you you're doing something wrong midgame. If the suggestion is valid, rectify it quickly. It'll make for a better game. Something to consider if/sometime in the distant future if it lasts that long when replays are released, is to have a certain time/day when these things would be replay analysis only. It can be a group of people, and it will most likely be smaller than the normal turnout. If people are serious about it, it would work very well. Too bad replays aren't an official part of the system yet. Actually pretty much sucks. | ||
United States5211 Posts
On September 04 2013 07:33 NeoIllusions wrote: I would like to stress the importance of postmatch discussions. Monty brought up the point yesterday that users are sometimes too eager to start a new game as soon as one finishes. Try not to gloss over each game too quickly and point out actual areas that need improvement. I actually disagree on this one, to some extent. After the Roffles GP/10 Graves, there was a long postmatch discussion, as OMnom was flabbergasted as to how he could've done better. A lot of the information that our initial analysis was based on was actually incorrect once I loaded up the replay. We had mistakenly assumed and argued for quite some time that their Ezreal had Triforce/IE when our Graves only had BT, when in reality Graves had completed BT/PD/LW only 30 seconds after when Ez completed those two items. Consider that we held this discussion for about 20 minutes before I actually decided to watch the replay. Postmatch discussion could carry a lot of knee-jerk reactions and misinformation. I've also been on the receiving end of some incorrect assumptions. On the other hand, lowbies actually benefit a lot from grinding out games, receiving calls, and developing "muscle memory" for map movement, and the experience at a low level may trump the benefits of long post-game discussion. This could especially true if you just have a bad game. It's better to evaluate your ability and mistakes over 3 games played than just one. Maybe you just played poorly and missed your skillshots. It happens. But it does you no good to get locked into a discussion about how you should've hit them. You already know that. I would rather suggest that replays be made available and accessible here in this thread, and that if you have questions then you can at least point to the replay to show where and how you came up with your analysis, or at least where you're confused. I'm not opposed to post-game discussion, but it should also be looked at carefully and with respect to the efficiency of getting experience playing games. On September 04 2013 06:43 Pooshlmer wrote: I was going to write a long post about map control, but I discovered my replays didn't work so I can't confirm my intuition. From what I've seen in games and the amount of wards I've killed with oracles, most people's mid/late game vision/map control seems pretty bad. If the trend keeps up I'll try to elaborate with my updated lolreplay. (It does work, right?) I can't tell you how many times I scan our jungle entrances and find nothing. Feels like solo queue with better lane warding. Map control and warding is not just about running up and putting wards down but also about timing.There are quite a few games I've played where I had to play extremely risky to put down wards because of vision/creepwave location/heroes visible. You need to be more specific and carefully follow the vision/team movement in a replay before you can comment on their warding. | ||
United States506 Posts
- Ingame name Cure Moonlight - Rank and division Currently Gold 3. Was Silver 2 about 2 weeks ago. Dunno if it matters, but I thought I'd make a note of it nonetheless. - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid Support - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Ahri, Ori, Lux Alistar Sona - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division I main the three mids and only really play the two supports, so I'd very much like to improve on them. | ||
14521 Posts
On September 04 2013 08:46 kainzero wrote: On the other hand, lowbies actually benefit a lot from grinding out games, receiving calls, and developing "muscle memory" for map movement, and the experience at a low level may trump the benefits of long post-game discussion. This could especially true if you just have a bad game. It's better to evaluate your ability and mistakes over 3 games played than just one. Maybe you just played poorly and missed your skillshots. It happens. But it does you no good to get locked into a discussion about how you should've hit them. You already know that. I would rather suggest that replays be made available and accessible here in this thread, and that if you have questions then you can at least point to the replay to show where and how you came up with your analysis, or at least where you're confused. I'm not opposed to post-game discussion, but it should also be looked at carefully and with respect to the efficiency of getting experience playing games. I understand where you are coming from, but if a person wants to grind games, shouldn't they just be using solo queue? These games are supposed to be a place where you get constructive criticism from your lane opponent/ teammates. Where you could really think about your play, and have some time to digest a game afterwards. What's the point of all that work if people will just forget about what they learned that game? That's what happens in solo queue. Why would someone use this method which is understandably a slower method for grinding games out? The purpose of this idea, from my understanding is this: 1.) Gather people from TL to play together. 2.) Get these people to help each other improve. 3.) Give people an idea of what working with a team is like. 4.) Hopefully that bring about random 5s teams that play together in the future. Whether that is 5s normals/ranked is up to them. We all know playing with a team with communication is much better than solo queue will ever be | ||
Korea (South)1667 Posts
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United States5718 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
Just my 0.02 On September 04 2013 08:46 kainzero wrote: Maybe you just played poorly and missed your skillshots. It happens. But it does you no good to get locked into a discussion about how you should've hit them. You already know that. Just going to answer to this specifically You need to know whether you should have relied on hitting them skillshots in the first place, if there were other things you did wrong (just eclipsed by the missed skillshots) or if it really was bad aim that messed it all up. I know the exact kind of post-game "discussion" you are criticising here (hell, I heard it at LAN tournaments before..) but just mentioning that this discussion isn't necessarily fruitless. :3 | ||
Canada1875 Posts
On September 04 2013 09:32 ketchup wrote: I understand where you are coming from, but if a person wants to grind games, shouldn't they just be using solo queue? In SoloQ, you don't have someone in your ear mentioning things you should be doing better. That's why. Something as simple as "This bush should stay warded" followed by a ping is often enough to immediately improve a lowbie's support play. You don't necessarily NEED to take a break after EVERY game to discuss what happened. Sometimes the reasons are obvious for a particular game and simply being mentioned as they happen is enough. Sometimes you need to play a few games in a row to iron out whether a particular problem is a habit, a bad game, or poor synergy between the players (speaking specifically to bot lane issues, since that's where I am 90% of the time) involved. That's not to say post-game discussion isn't important... There certainly SHOULD be at least a short discussion after the game, even if it's just to describe why a certain team comp worked better, or to make sure all the players agree on what went wrong. Sometimes it's simple, and other times you need a longer discussion to iron out the issues. I remember a game where I was being heavily criticized for my play in a lost lane, even though a good portion of the blame was shared with my lane partner. In cases like that, you should (and we did) discuss the issues after the game, along with your opponents to get their perspective to iron out exactly what went wrong: "I should have warded bush X instead of bush Y first, then you could have had an easier time keeping track of where he was. But you should have helped me harass champ X more when we COULD see him and been more careful in your positioning." "Ya, I didn't feel like you were helping him deal with me so I wasn't afraid to be aggressive." "I should have used this skill on Champ Y instead of Champ X when you got caught, but that wouldn't have happened if you'd done Z in the first place." "Yeah, you kept using it on X and I was free to wail on your adc." "Oh yeah! I could have used this spell on myself to achieve this goal instead of using the skill on you!" "For sure, it would have made it easier for you to control aggression in the lane against us." It's important to get your opponents in on that conversation, because sometimes you make incorrect assumptions about what was right and wrong about your play. You might think you were doing something wrong, and get "Actually, I was really scared when that was happening and I hit my groove when it stopped" from your opponent. Other times your opponents can help just by describing their plan. An ADC in one of my games kept eating my bubbles, and after the game during discussion I described specifically how I was aiming them, and how he could have reacted differently, not just to avoid them, but also turn the aggression back on me so that I had to be more careful. | ||
United States1077 Posts
- Ingame name Arghmyliver - Rank and division Unranked/Bronze - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Jungle ADC - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Shyvanna/GP Caitlyn/Quinn - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division One day... | ||
United States7639 Posts
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