New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
On August 22 2013 14:13 remedium wrote: August is clearly the magic TL inhouse month. Two years in a row, that's hard science. Summer just ended so people starting "school" aka subsidized video game time.
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
I wanted to give a shoutout to a player that I was very impressed with tonight, FieldOfDreams. guy is level 20 (dunno if he is smurf or not, w/e) with 16? champs. I guess he was forced to pick Ezreal into a Caitlyn lane, which is a pretty horrendous matchup and he held his own for the most part.
I really admired his willingness to go all-in and be assertive. His aggressive use of arcane shift, while a bit liberal, gave the opposing lane (me) a feeling of danger that really shouldn't have been felt. The only suggestions I would give him to work on would be to understand auto-attack ranges more, as he and Janna lost lane pressure completely by level 4 due to harass from Thresh and I.
Otherwise, he played waaaay beyond a level 20, his positioning in teamfights was pretty solid, and he didn't get caught and cost his team the game like me 
ye just wanted to give props to probably the best level 20 of all time l0l
gotta get all dat gaming in right before school
anyways I have a couple questions that I didn't quite get discussed during the game. I was Brandonito, played Leona support twice. Both games had an Eve jungle.
How exactly do you ward against an eve jungle? Should all of your wards just be pinks and you should always pink their far away lane bush as well as the river? Is there any use for green wards?
Also, as for sightstone. Both games I didn't even get it as I pretty much just massed pink wards around the map. Should I be getting it later in the game to throw down some wards? I think the answer is yes but Orb (Lee sin) who went sightstone so I didn't end up doing it. If not sightstone, what type of early item(s) should I be going for?
United States37500 Posts
Best plays today was either OSS17's baller Crescendo that hit four enemies and his team just melted them all. Or the Swain that stole Baron with Nevermore.
United States37500 Posts
On August 22 2013 14:23 3 Lions wrote:I wanted to give a shoutout to a player that I was very impressed with tonight, FieldOfDreams. guy is level 20 (dunno if he is smurf or not, w/e) with 16? champs. I guess he was forced to pick Ezreal into a Caitlyn lane, which is a pretty horrendous matchup and he held his own for the most part. I really admired his willingness to go all-in and be assertive. His aggressive use of arcane shift, while a bit liberal, gave the opposing lane (me) a feeling of danger that really shouldn't have been felt. The only suggestions I would give him to work on would be to understand auto-attack ranges more, as he and Janna lost lane pressure completely by level 4 due to harass from Thresh and I. Otherwise, he played waaaay beyond a level 20, his positioning in teamfights was pretty solid, and he didn't get caught and cost his team the game like me  ye just wanted to give props to probably the best level 20 of all time l0l I personally like posts like this. Commend your fellow TL LoL user if they did well. Positive reinforcement is good. I'd like to credit Roffles for his ability to pitch tents and Milo for the best Equalizers I've seen, ever.
On August 22 2013 14:25 Complete wrote: gotta get all dat gaming in right before school
anyways I have a couple questions that I didn't quite get discussed during the game. I was Brandonito, played Leona support twice. Both games had an Eve jungle.
How exactly do you ward against an eve jungle? Should all of your wards just be pinks and you should always pink their far away lane bush as well as the river? Is there any use for green wards?
Also, as for sightstone. Both games I didn't even get it as I pretty much just massed pink wards around the map. Should I be getting it later in the game to throw down some wards? I think the answer is yes but Orb (Lee sin) who went sightstone so I didn't end up doing it. If not sightstone, what type of early item(s) should I be going for?
Against Eve, if you want to pink (in bot lane) try and pink in the forward brush (one closest to your enemies). If you get lucky, you can pink the tribush, hopefully use that to clear an enemy ward for some monies, then have that pink watch for Eve.
Always Sightstone as Support. Always, unquestionably.
Played about 5 games tonight, didn't win a game, but learned a lot and had a good time.
Too much to focus on any one game really, I was practicing Nami and so came out of the games with a good general sense of things I can improve on.
No panic Q's when Blitz gets a good grab on my ADC, I need to focus on targeting correctly and hit the opposing ADC instead of Blitz to help keep my ADC safe.
I need to use my skills better, and more often in lane at all times to help keep my ADC not just alive, but beefed up in order to help them poke, CS and set up opportunities to win trades in lane.
I need to not waste my ult**
Better placement choices for my pink wards, to gain and hold vision dominance.
More to come as I play more games :p
In particular I want to thank StorrZerg for his point-by-point analysis of my first 3 games. He and Roffles in and after game 2 were particularly helpful and informative on some basic things I need to focus on right now.
First game ez/sona vs leona/draven: lane phase went okay. Played it out really safely, but my cs'ing wasn't as good as draven and I fell behind ~10 by 10 minutes. We got a nice gank by eve though (when draven went ballistic on sona for no reason and got crescendo'd and bursted). But then I think she went a bit too ham and got caught under tower in later ganks with leona ult/draven ult and gave a few kills back. Also there was a gank where I didn't notice kass teleporting in until too late, resulting in a pretty nasty countergank. Top and Mid seemed to lose pretty hard and the game just snowballed from there.
Second game ez/nami vs twitch/thresh: I got hit by some poke early and also lagged out a bit at the start, leading to a 20 cs deficit early on. After that though I stayed relatively even in cs. Nami facechecked lane brushes several times which caused some deaths/flashes, so we ended up losing our turret, but I managed to stay alive. The rest of the game didn't go well in our favour but we got some picks, so I got several kills and ended positive, but still 50 cs down to twitch and wasn't able to turn the game around.
Third game janna/vayne vs ez/zyra: Went a stupid path when I was going back through our jungle and nearly got killed by invade. This meant vayne was zoned pretty badly for the first two or three levels. Got killed once or twice through dives, although vayne picked up a kill and actually ended up okay in lane, being even or slightly ahead in cs. We were doing okay in general, but a few throws (Kiss doesn't play Galio lol) and also I wasn't good at peeling for vayne. Need to practice pressing R at the right time.
Last game ez/sona vs sivir/lulu: Started off very well as sivir and lulu somehow got overaggressive and kept feeding me kills. At one point I was 5-0, although I wasn't farming well (partly marvelling at the incredulity of the situation, I need to keep focused). A few good ganks by lee sin allowed sivir to come back somewhat however. We still held an advantage in the mid-game but kind of threw it away by dilly-dallying, I also fed a few unnecessary kills playing too aggressive. Eventually Nasus just got too big and steamrolled us. I used a standard adc build since I was snowballing early but it didn't feel like it did enough damage, and blue build would have probably been better for self peeling.
All in all, thanks for the games and the feedback. I'm sorry I couldn't speak, I hope to resolve that issue, it was definitely a factor in the first three games.
@Nemireck I think you were the Nami in one of my games? I think you need to be careful facechecking bushes against strong bot lanes like twitch/thresh. Otherwise you did fine, good game
Ya that was me lol. Trust me, I was kicking myself both (all 3?) times... Believe it or not, I know better, I was just mindlessly moving to ward the bush.
Registration - Ingame name azerbaijan - Rank and division Silver 3 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC/Jungle/Support - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC: Varus/Graves Jungle: Maokai/Lee Sin Support: Janna/??? I need to pick up another support since I guess Soraka is no longer cool
Shoutout to Storrzerg for giving the analyses post-game last night
I found a lot of flaws in my gameplay that could be easily fixed
Sounds like you guys had fun last night, sorry I missed it again.
On August 22 2013 14:40 NeoIllusions wrote: Best plays today was either OSS17's baller Crescendo that hit four enemies and his team just melted them all. Or the Swain that stole Baron with Nevermore.
Nope, best play was Nemirock's 4-man Nami Bubble during our level 1 fight (very first game). 4 Person bubble is like a having an ulti at level 1.
Last nights games taught me that despite doing decently on supports and jungle (like, not feeding unreasonably), my sololaning is really, really bad.
Guess I'll try to play more of top/mid, coz I'm really lacking right now. So if you see me on your team, be prepared for some feeding.
And don't let me pick kennen. Like, ever.
On August 22 2013 14:40 NeoIllusions wrote: Best plays today was either OSS17's baller Crescendo that hit four enemies and his team just melted them all. Or the Swain that stole Baron with Nevermore.
On August 23 2013 00:00 ShoreT wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2013 14:40 NeoIllusions wrote: Best plays today was either OSS17's baller Crescendo that hit four enemies and his team just melted them all. Or the Swain that stole Baron with Nevermore. Nope, best play was Nemirock's 4-man Nami Bubble during our level 1 fight (very first game). 4 Person bubble is like a having an ulti at level 1.
but damn, that bubble.
On August 22 2013 14:40 NeoIllusions wrote: Or the Swain that stole Baron with Nevermore.
booya grandma
United States37500 Posts
On August 23 2013 00:00 ShoreT wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2013 14:40 NeoIllusions wrote: Best plays today was either OSS17's baller Crescendo that hit four enemies and his team just melted them all. Or the Swain that stole Baron with Nevermore. Nope, best play was Nemirock's 4-man Nami Bubble during our level 1 fight (very first game). 4 Person bubble is like a having an ulti at level 1. If it had been a real engage, I'd definitely credit Nemirock as well. But that level 1 was unfortunately just Roffles and I posturing. No kills were made.
On August 23 2013 00:11 Anakko wrote:Last nights games taught me that despite doing decently on supports and jungle (like, not feeding unreasonably), my sololaning is really, really bad. Guess I'll try to play more of top/mid, coz I'm really lacking right now. So if you see me on your team, be prepared for some feeding. And don't let me pick kennen. Like, ever. Also: Show nested quote +On August 22 2013 14:40 NeoIllusions wrote: Best plays today was either OSS17's baller Crescendo that hit four enemies and his team just melted them all. Or the Swain that stole Baron with Nevermore. *Blush*
Your Kennen was fine. Just group earlier. Like way earlier. You have to realize your role in the team comp. You're a Kennen, who has a god damn AoE stun, not a Singed. So like I said before over TS, you should never be solopushing a lane after 20 min, every team fight requires you to be there. Also, getting picked off because you overextended lost us some tempo.
npnp, learning is good.
On August 23 2013 01:01 MCMilo wrote: i hate you all. <3
Had fun playing last night though. I understand its supposed to be serious but I got to practice Thresh/Fizz and Swain a bit (plus a jungle Karthus) which I mostly don't play much/at all.
Only suggestion I can make to people (Mathias/Roffles) is to relax a bit. All the yelling/swearing isn't really necessary in a pickup custom game.
United States37500 Posts
I hear stuff about Mathies already. >_> Will continue to collect users' feedback about the IHs.