[NA IHs] Running at Dusk - Page 25
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
United States563 Posts
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United States5211 Posts
On August 15 2013 12:03 Roffles wrote: ![]() Second game: Close game for about 30 minutes. I had a miserable game. Getting hit with the edge of the hitbox of the Ezreal Ult. (I could've flashed it, but I figured it wouldn't hit. Then it hit so I panic flash but I'm dead anyway. Flash used and I'm dead, worst result.) Panicking and ulting TF when I should've just autoattacked. Computer stuttering when we could've taken Riven, then computer catches up to tell me I'm dead. @Ketara: While I appreciate the advice, I'd prefer that you don't give it until after the game. If you want to comment on my timings and my builds, do it after the game, not during the game. It's distracting to me and it clutters up my head when I'm trying to think why I prefer LS quints + double Doran's over Vamp Scepter when going IE first. Or "Dude, Q the wave already," when Sona has Crescendo up and is obviously setting up for a tower dive that I feel we can't win. If I have to defend myself, or even question myself every time I have to make a move in-game, it impacts my play negatively since I can't focus on what's ahead or even communicate the right things to my teammates when all I can think about is how to defend myself. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On August 15 2013 12:41 XilDarkz wrote: I still haven't been in one of these and I still don't see the OP ever editted with a time. I'm extremely busy on LCS days. Just check the last few pages to see if Roffles or Cheep are running them. They've actually started more IHs than me and I trust them both to make IHs fair and educational. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
ps bronze v ranked 5s are the best | ||
United States213 Posts
On August 15 2013 11:07 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Because I don't know him and he's a douchebag asshole who treats me like shit for no reason and I don't want to incorporate people like that into my life I hope you will change your mind and play with us again. You provide the most useful insight on why our team loses, and your game sense/cerebral play is a joy to learn from. I had the experience of playing a game while Durr spectated and sat in our TS channel. He berated most of the team for stupid plays and mocked our decision making. He was correct in his analysis, but the way he spoke down to everyone made the games joyless. I still appreciated his comments and am thankful that a superior player took his time to teach me. Maybe I just misinterpreted his tone or took his comments towards others too personally. | ||
United States15065 Posts
There's sometimes almost no difference between providing constructive criticism and harassing people, unfortunately. I enjoyed the games today, even though I'm apparently a terrible ADC. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 15 2013 14:05 Ketara wrote: Yeah our game with Durr we made a stupid play in mid and he explained what went wrong and he was correct, and it made sense, but he kept talking about it literally until the game was over, rather than talk about how to actually come back in the game. It was a little frustrating. There's sometimes almost no difference between providing constructive criticism and harassing people, unfortunately. I enjoyed the games today, even though I'm apparently a terrible ADC. I don't want to be an ass, but you need to learn to be more receptive to criticism. You had an entire channel trying to give you advice aftergame and you basically just ragequit. You have to learn and attempt to learn, not just cry about it. Your mentality has to change if you want to get better. | ||
United States15065 Posts
I get that I played poorly. I don't really understand what I should have been doing differently, since the advice was just to keep farming which is more or less what I was trying to do the entire game. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 15 2013 14:10 Ketara wrote: I left because I was getting upset. There's nothing wrong with that. I get that I played poorly. I don't really understand what I should have been doing differently, since the advice was just to keep farming which is more or less what I was trying to do the entire game. We were telling you why things were being done the way they were. Nami got the oracles just so she could keep us away from your side of the river. Look at what happened when she had oracles, cleared the wards on your red and wraiths. When we pushed, we got double killed. If you want to learn and if you want to really get better, you can't just keep crying and try to prove your point against 9 others who are giving you differing advice. You need to be receptive to criticism. I don't give a shit if you're bad, as long as you're willing to learn and get better, that's what these things are for. | ||
United States15065 Posts
But giving me advice on how other people should be playing their roles when I'm getting my ass kicked in lane is not helpful. You tell me I should have kept farming, I did. Cait was still doubling my CS. It'd be great to get some advice on how to do my role better, rather than explanations of why other people needed to be doing what they were doing. And I really don't appreciate your tone. I was not crying. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 15 2013 14:23 Ketara wrote: That's fine, I get that. But giving me advice on how other people should be playing their roles when I'm getting my ass kicked in lane is not helpful. You tell me I should have kept farming, I did. Cait was still doubling my CS. It'd be great to get some advice on how to do my role better, rather than explanations of why other people needed to be doing what they were doing. And I really don't appreciate your tone. I was not crying. You were crying. Please don't try to deny it. I have many eyewitnesses. You were blaming others for your poor play. | ||
United States15065 Posts
If you guys are going to be so mean as to bring people to tears, I probably shouldn't be playing IH games anymore. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 15 2013 14:29 Ketara wrote: Okay, apparently the inhouse crew made me cry on TS then. If you guys are going to be so mean as to bring people to tears, I probably shouldn't be playing IH games anymore. Okay. Let me be honest and not a dick. There were people trying give you advice and legitimately help you improve your play. You need to stop blaming your teammates when you're losing and think about why you're losing the lane. We were telling you how to effectively farm even if you're losing the lane. Even if you're down like 30-40 CS, if we take the tower, you can still farm. We were telling you these things, but instead you focused on crying about how Kiss wasn't bot every 25 seconds of the game. We're not trying to be mean. No one is trying to harm anyone else's feelings. We play with many players that are worse than you, but the difference between you and them is that they are usually more receptive to criticism than you are. Your team was helping you in game to calm you down and get you back into the game. After game, we were trying to give you tips and pointers on why it was fine and that you really just needed to farm while Nami cleared wards to allow you to do so freely. I absolutely did NOT hear anything that was along the lines of "OH KETARA U SUCK DICK AT THIS GAME LOLOLOL". You were crying as soon as we hopped into your channel, crying about why you didn't get a hard camp every single level of the game. It's your fault that you took a shielded headshot at lvl 1. It's your fault that you didn't respect the Caitlyn damage at 1-2. It's your fault that you weren't able to CS well in lane. You cannot blame other people on this for being completely smashed in lane. You have to be reasonable and receptive to what others are trying to tell you. | ||
10417 Posts
On August 15 2013 13:26 Couvre wrote: I hope you will change your mind and play with us again. You provide the most useful insight on why our team loses, and your game sense/cerebral play is a joy to learn from. Because you were so nice and that was probably one of the biggest compliments I've ever received I'll reevaluate my withdrawal. Thanks for changing my mind. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On August 15 2013 14:23 Ketara wrote: That's fine, I get that. But giving me advice on how other people should be playing their roles when I'm getting my ass kicked in lane is not helpful. You tell me I should have kept farming, I did. Cait was still doubling my CS. It'd be great to get some advice on how to do my role better, rather than explanations of why other people needed to be doing what they were doing. And I really don't appreciate your tone. I was not crying. We did give you advice. Here's some of the advice you got:
Edit: Beaten by Roffles. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
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United States15065 Posts
On August 15 2013 14:35 Roffles wrote: Okay. Let me be honest and not a dick. There were people trying give you advice and legitimately help you improve your play. You need to stop blaming your teammates when you're losing and think about why you're losing the lane. We were telling you how to effectively farm even if you're losing the lane. Even if you're down like 30-40 CS, if we take the tower, you can still farm. We were telling you these things, but instead you focused on crying about how Kiss wasn't bot every 25 seconds of the game. We're not trying to be mean. No one is trying to harm anyone else's feelings. We play with many players that are worse than you, but the difference between you and them is that they are usually more receptive to criticism than you are. Your team was helping you in game to calm you down and get you back into the game. After game, we were trying to give you tips and pointers on why it was fine and that you really just needed to farm while Nami cleared wards to allow you to do so freely. I absolutely did NOT hear anything that was along the lines of "OH KETARA U SUCK DICK AT THIS GAME LOLOLOL". You were crying as soon as we hopped into your channel, crying about why you didn't get a hard camp every single level of the game. It's your fault that you took a shielded headshot at lvl 1. It's your fault that you didn't respect the Caitlyn damage at 1-2. It's your fault that you weren't able to CS well in lane. You cannot blame other people on this for being completely smashed in lane. You have to be reasonable and receptive to what others are trying to tell you. I was upset when we came into the channel because Kiss said that I never communicated that bot lane needed help, when I had literally been doing that since before the game started. We needed help, and I had kept saying it the entire game long, then as soon as the game was over Kiss said that I wasn't communicating how far behind we were. I don't play bot lane much and I don't know what you're supposed to do in that situation. Should we have left the tower earlier? Should I have stayed more passive at the tier 2 tower afterwards? Should I have builded any differently? I understand the logic behind warding the jungle so the enemy bot lane can't push hard. But the issue was by the time the tier 1 tower went down, Cait was so far ahead of me that even 1v1 she could prevent me from getting CS entirely. Trist doesn't really have a way to safely farm from behind, since she has no skillshots to get CS at range and has to push the wave just from autoing. So did I misplay it so badly at levels 1 and 2 that there was no way to come back from it? I felt like my big mistake early on was going in when Monte landed the bubble on Cait rather than disengaging, which forced me to go back early and lose a wave of EXP. That was a big problem. After the tower went down, I really don't know how I should have been playing differently. I was asking for help because I knew that our late game was pretty reliant on me having farm and I could not farm basically at all. I didn't start getting any reasonable CS until Caitlyn left bot lane to go group up and win the game. Should I have kept farming then too? But again, I was not crying. You did not make another player so emotional that they started crying on teamspeak, and I sort of feel like you're lording over me the fact that I got upset. I was getting pretty upset sure, and that's why I left. I didn't want to get more upset, and do something like start crying. I do appreciate the criticism, it's clear that I need to do better against a Cait Janna combo early in the game. I would appreciate it more if it didn't come with such an attitude. | ||
United States5491 Posts
On August 15 2013 14:47 Ketara wrote: I was upset when we came into the channel because Kiss said that I never communicated that bot lane needed help, when I had literally been doing that since before the game started. We needed help, and I had kept saying it the entire game long, then as soon as the game was over Kiss said that I wasn't communicating how far behind we were. I don't play bot lane much and I don't know what you're supposed to do in that situation. Should we have left the tower earlier? Should I have stayed more passive at the tier 2 tower afterwards? Should I have builded any differently? I understand the logic behind warding the jungle so the enemy bot lane can't push hard. But the issue was by the time the tier 1 tower went down, Cait was so far ahead of me that even 1v1 she could prevent me from getting CS entirely. Trist doesn't really have a way to safely farm from behind, since she has no skillshots to get CS at range and has to push the wave just from autoing. So did I misplay it so badly at levels 1 and 2 that there was no way to come back from it? I felt like my big mistake early on was going in when Monte landed the bubble on Cait rather than disengaging, which forced me to go back early and lose a wave of EXP. That was a big problem. After the tower went down, I really don't know how I should have been playing differently. I was asking for help because I knew that our late game was pretty reliant on me having farm and I could not farm basically at all. I didn't start getting any reasonable CS until Caitlyn left bot lane to go group up and win the game. Should I have kept farming then too? But again, I was not crying. You did not make another player so emotional that they started crying on teamspeak, and I sort of feel like you're lording over me the fact that I got upset. I was getting pretty upset sure, and that's why I left. I didn't want to get more upset, and do something like start crying. I do appreciate the criticism, it's clear that I need to do better against a Cait Janna combo early in the game. I would appreciate it more if it didn't come with such an attitude. I wasn't in the game because I had a fairly busy day, but I'd really suggest just dropping this. You and Roffles have different versions of what happened, but it didn't seem like you were getting harrassed as bad as you're making it seem, it seems like the criticism was far from constructive at some points, but no one was telling you to die of cancer or just uninstall. Being emotional over a game isn't dumb, but getting to the point where you are arguing walls of text with the defacto admin (besides Milo) of the inhouses just seems dumb. I think the best thing is to put it behind you, not worry about it, and take the advice they gave which was constructive. | ||
United States60033 Posts
I got away with a lot things I shouldn't of that game. -Enemy team should have definitely punished our team with a level 1 invade. Their level 1 was straight up stronger. -Also shouldn't of gotten Trundle first blood, but got lucky cuz Vlad ate fatty turret shots. -Probably could have came bot a few more times, especially after I got Trundle a 3-0 start. There was no need for me to keep going top, it was silly. Especially since it could have transitioned into far better Dragon control (which was really poor by me, I definitely should have gotten some wards that game, but was winning so hard I didn't really feel like it was necessary). -Need to work on smite mechanics, got dragon smited from me (Not even mad; perks of being a Curse fan). As far as game mentality goes, especially for these in-houses. It's okay to be bad. That's the point of the entire thing. It's to show how bad you are, and bounce ideas on how to improve. | ||
Korea (South)1667 Posts
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