Ok, here is the game:
Riven vs Tryndamere top Hecarim vs Lee Sin jungle Ziggs vs Orianna mid Ashe+Shen vs Corki+Taric bot
Corki got fed early by Ashe and Shen, also mid was losing and ended up getting disconnected, I was doing fine with a 5-3-4 at the 20 minute mark. I called a surrender vote because Corki basically could 2 shot ziggs and ashe and 3 shot shen. 3 people voted yes in an instant. Some time later, 4th person voted no. I was eagerly waiting for the 5th person to vote a yes. But no, Riven voted no and said "FUCK NO" in the chat. 2 minutes later, 4 people were pushing our bot inner turret, riven asked me for a 2v4. I accepted instantly and we got in: Corki and Orianna down instantly. Tryndamere comes in, him and Lee Sin kill Riven first and then they kill me too.
Me: we did fine for a 2v4 Riven: indeed
2 minutes later.
Riven: let's do it again Me: OK :D:D:D
This time it was me and riven vs all 5 + mid inner turret and they made a mistake of focusing me while my W was open and I had a spirit visage too. Needless to say, I tanked the entire team (bursting Corki down first makes shit a lot easier) including the turret, riven got a quad and penta got stolen by an ult from freshly reconnected ziggs, we kill the mid inner, mid inhib turrets and the inhibitor. Boy we did well.
Multiple enemy team members spotted high up in the botlane, Riven and I decided to push top. Ended up taking an unresisted inhib.
The botlane was next, but this time it is me, riven and shen. Needless to say, fight was a no-contest (a 3v5 fight with the "5" being accompanied by a bot inhib turret is a fucking no contest). I die, they get aced (double kill by me, triple by riven), then they just surrender out.
I broke 1500 elo for the first time this season. Game was pretty uneventful... I was Jax against Jarvan, Olaf kind of camped me early so I was behind about 20-30 cs, but I never died during the laning phase. Our Vayne/Nunu wrecked bot lane in the meantime. Vayne almost got a pentakill (in a fight where I got down to like 100 hp and then didn't die for like 20 seconds... and then Zyra passive sniped me -.-), except Nocturne stole it.
Took something like an 8 game winning streak to get there. :>
You know how everyone complains how their team never has the good players? That's cuz they're on my team carrying me :p
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/8HNDEUh.jpg) Up up up!
For reference, I wasn't sure if I'd make silver at the end of S2 and ended up like 1250 or 1200 or something.
after my latest 1-8 xin triumph, and before chrispy logs on, i'm proud to say that I'm currently the highest elo NA TLer.
Da fuq are you really higher than Spellsy, ecco and navitar? And I'm sure there are some others I can't recall atm.
ecco is higher than me but hes like 200 elo in post count, i'm higher than the rest, 1 elo above you. On the EU side, scip and ente are a lot higher than me.
Scumbag bly. Says he's the highest TL NA - disregards the actual highest.
United States23745 Posts
Currently on an 8 game win streak in normals, not impressive for everyone but it's something for me, might give ranked a shot and see if my luck holds lol.
United States37500 Posts
l0l, are you bragging that you got into a normal game with Aphro? XD
I think he's bragging that the legendary Unko Daebak is on his team. Quite the honor.
No, he's obviously in awe of all the Super Saiyans on the enemy team.
unko means "shit" in japanese
Bit late to post this but...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gwM4d61.png) Decayed due to not having much time to play, quit my job for school on January 14th, got back in to league, still got it :D but now i gotta concentrate on school lol. But just glad to get back into plat again. Not sure if I can hit diamond though before season changes happen
On January 31 2013 08:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/x5iP4ha.png)
So... how bad did you lose?
Fking saiyans man, you kill them once they come back alive even stronger
On January 31 2013 09:24 ticklishmusic wrote:So... how bad did you lose? I think bot was 10 deaths in under 10 minutes to hooks and ganks but I was dumping on their mid doing AD Kass so I just decided to try to kill Aphro every teamfight
I suicide-sniped him in the middle of his team and I was like DATS HOW U PLAY ASSASSINS
+ Show Spoiler +On January 31 2013 08:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/x5iP4ha.png)
Report Kassadin and Vi for no skins. Impossible to win game with 4v3 in skins.
Playing some more J4 jungle. My bot lane is duo so they have coordination and probably would've won lane by themselves, but I counterganked their mid going down so they got first 2 kills of the game. My Kat is pretty bad but their mid crazy overextends harassing under tower and gives me a kill. Fast forward to 10 min mark we're getting dragon as 4 and they contest as 3 and we take dragon and a triple.
So everyone is doing super well except for our Akali top who just pushes all day without warding and doesn't use shroud right so dies randomly 1v1. She manages to get caught in their jungle by red and has their whole team to chase her to mid. She drops her shroud they're camping her, when I EQ over, getting a 5 man knockup, then ult all 5 in, pop locket and Akali manages to R out to a lane creep with 60 HP. While Akali was getting out they like panic spammed CC'd on me but with locket, W, and Aegis I'm not dying anytime soon and can flash out. In the last ~1s of my ult, Kat has made it from bot lane and just EQRWERQWEWERWEQWER pentakill