Had this game whee we were a 4 premade + our pick up playing mid.
Our comp: Cho Top, Malph, Ahri, Ashe, Nunu Theirs: Lee top, Diana jungle, TF, Corki, Sona
Basically, Diana was 10-0 during laning phase, bot got crushed pretty hard corki doubled the cs of ashe, mid was okayish and top did ok even if diana was annoying + TF
We lost 2 inhibs and none of their towers were down, turtled up SO MUCH that I, as malphite, got 200 creeps even if i was the jungler ... bascially it all went on the 3rd nashor when me and cho rushed to contest, ULTed in + smite got the nashor, tanked all 5 of them with cho while our team came, killed 2 of them and finally got more towers to push. Turtled more after till tf tried to backdoor, killed him and push 4 top and me mid pushing then corki + sona backdoored, i tp back to def bought GA, nearly killed both, but finally we got sona.
Then just pushed pushed pushed ftw with me and nunu hitting the nexus to the end while lee was sadly trying to killed me with 500 hp >_>
So I finally found what champion I need to play in Solo Queue (at least until the jungle change) and that is jungle Shyvana. In my last 5 ranked games as jungle Shyvana I am 5 wins and 0 losses. 4-6-10,6-0-11, 4-1-12, 9-6-11, and 6-1-19. Dragon form Shyv Q + Frozen Mallet = enemy team is sticking around for the teamfight whether they want to or not, which was especially hilarious in the most recent game as this allowed Karthus and Jax to carry hardcore.
I played blitzcrank today in an somewhat important tournament match, and carried my AD carry to victory.
And i haven't played blitzcrank for 2-3 months lol.
played a TT game as syndra where everything seemed to go wrong. i should've had about 3 or 4 kills in the early game but they would escape because i either missed a skill shot or they would get away with like 18 health. on the other hand, i had so many deaths because of things like being 3 hp from surviving an ignite tick, or syndra's scatter the weak being a fraction of a second too slow and therefore darius ulted me from half the screen away.
score was around 2-7 when we engaged in a teamfight and we wiped 0-3, with all their heroes at low life. fuck this game, i thought. then the enemy darius wrote "gg"
oh seriously? it's on.
we actually weren't that far behind because we CSed a lot better than they did. after a couple back and forth teamfights we climbed out. their ahri complained that sion was a broken champion... lol?
after a 40 minute game, we won. i still had lots of BS happen to me and i finished 0-8-8, and the overall kill score was 13-20, but we won.
gg first is one thing... gg after a teamfight when you're not really winning? that's what you get.
He was one of those "me top" guys. I asked him to play support. He refused and started cursing. Ingame he started spamming allchat how bad I am, and that their toplaner should go for the free kills. Their top cho got 4 kill, annie mid got 1, 1 suicide (those who farm these kids should also get banned imo). So I was playing iora against a 4/0 cho, lux against annie, poor graves (mad props to him) was forced to 1v2 against graves+olaf(lol). And their olaf was flaming me. Karma(not the champ) is a b*itch. + Show Spoiler + F*ck you, retarded (not in the mentally handicapped meaning) piece of sh*t, who tries to ruin others' games only because he has can' adapt to 4 other people. Btw, I won 12 of my last 15 games, only playing underplayed champs(+a bit of renekton).
EDIT: Sure, they were terrible, but a 4v5 is still a 4v5.
Got baited really hard by my own team as anivia early game. 0/2? NP. Continue farming, build items, finish game 11/2/10, just short of Randuin's for full build.
I'll admit I did better that game the moment I told my jungler and top lane to just leave my lane alone. Goal: 10.0+ KDA on anivia at the end of the season. Possible? Probably not but I'll damn well try.
I want to be added by Loco too..... hook me up brah!
Its gonna be a good season 3.
i can't tell which icon is diamond and which is silver GG
Played Cho jungle for this season's first ranked. Went 4/3/19 but that's not really the point. Bot got a kill early on so I went diving top and equalized mid. Tried to set bot up for a kill but Graves couldn't get them. He had one kill at 25min. We then had two 5v5 situations. Both penta for Graves. He finishes 11/1/10 with a double penta and average farm, the whole team left the final kill for him. Great fun :D
Love when you start getting called out early game for being bad then carry hard. Mf (me) and blitz vs voli and ez. Voli gets first on derp blitz at lvl 2 because blitz is hell bent on playing aggressive. He then pulls voli into me twice before lvl 6 and ez starts 3-0-1. I'm 0-2 and they pick up all 3 firsts within the 14-15 min mark plus a dragon. Ezreal has 18 minute trinity and BF.
Blitz "I wish we had an ad who knew how to play ad. MF is so bad.".
Irelia, kha, and voli attempt to dive zyra and I come from behind for the triple. I'm constantly in position to make plays for the rest of the game. 8-2-12 and ezreal ends 3-3-5.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zmxGp.jpg) 2nd zed game started out as the support not bad note the tears
On November 15 2012 02:27 OutlaW- wrote:+ Show Spoiler +2nd zed game started out as the support not bad note the tears Doing the standard AD caster build then? I haven't seen Zed a lot in games.
On November 14 2012 11:05 gtrsrs wrote: i can't tell which icon is diamond and which is silver GG
Check the corners of the borders. there are little dimonds there
On November 15 2012 02:27 OutlaW- wrote:+ Show Spoiler +2nd zed game started out as the support not bad note the tears Good 'ol Diamond Normal Games
i actually prefer losing to winning because then my queue gets shorter (depending on time it can last 50 minutes), riot really needs to fix their system or add some create smurf option for people with 500+ games played i think that the normal glasscannon ad build is the best atm, because it's only weakness can be worked around with skill superiority, cant really test otherwise atm(my main es ban)
Too bad im not there to carry your smurf ass. l0l You always banned never not banned
mang i dont even know why im banned i was being a fucking saint lately
gay ass niggas respectable gentlemen in tribunal spam punish i bet
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Miss all the CS, still go 13/0/4 and dangle the diana/skarner/olaf trying to bumrush me. Fuckin elo hell is amazinggggggg i can't believe i was missing out on games where the entire other team is dumber than intermediate bots.
I would like to thank all the brain dead silver players who built 300+ armor vs double AP while the other teams bot lane got stomped on to bring me to this magical elo.
Also, shout out to my own morg last game who would run to the other teams tower to "cut off the enemies escape" while the other team was diving our tower. Epic. Fucking epic.