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The LoCicero Memorial for General Awesomeness - Page 75
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
Sexico5880 Posts
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1088 Posts
On November 01 2012 01:21 Cloud wrote: Dropping elo like crazy, trolls everywhere. Suddenly I get a 4v5 and all hope is lost to gain back elo but then... ![]() Manly. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
NO MATTER. the many months where i mained support (my peak last season was 1480 playing mainly support) come in handy. So we have a Varus, and I am already not pleased. I apologize to him in advance on the fountain, stating that I really hate it when the picks go sideways, and if we lose lane i may be irrationally upset. Varus assures me that he understands, and away we go. what ended up happening was quite pleasant. our silent lee sin did fairly well in top lane, but the rest of us spent the entire match communicating and dissecting our mistakes in a cordial and constructive manner so we could win. varus and I lost our lane against cait/taric, coming out a kill and~20cs behind. we agreed that we were too aggressive. in teamfights, however, this varus positioned incredibly well. we caught their carries out of position through good warding (thx) and communication, by sticking together and knowing which objectives we were after and discussing what we had to do to achieve them. I had no hopes whatsoever when the game started, but they followed direction very well, reacting to my calls and being in the spot they were supposed to be in. Varus stayed behind me but near enough for bloodboil refreshes, our malphite tanked turrets with his face when i asked him to as i gave a count on the enemy death timers. everything came together so nicely. my mood went from 'man what is with these solo queue clowns' at champ select to 'these guys are very nice and decent players and i am having fun' at game's end. they let me lead them even though i complained during champ select, and i expressed my appreciation. great experience! | ||
1088 Posts
I then bought Garen with my first 450ip and noob-theorycrafted a build that goes boots3->ninja tabi 2x dblade->phage and hog (situational)->belt->warmogs/mallet->atmas->randuins/fon/ga and mercs->IE and I went 8-3 w/l and in this last game I bet everyone was a smurf: noone sucked balls, I lost the lvl1 trades (never happened me before!), our bot lane lost but didn't implode, my olaf top wasn't a noobass that only wants to lasthit disregarding everything else, morgana roamed to help the other lanes even when compromising his own lane and was a hell of a smurf and soon took the role of the babysitter/leader (it was so great to have someone else doing all the calls and to only have to say "k" "gj" "fuck his shit") and all his calls were right and good and the carries knew how to position themselves and everyone was trying nice baits and ganks and both teams had actual supports (!!) who kept placing wards all game long (!!!!) and at some point they both got oracles and started to clear wards (!!!!!!!! at level 5-7 summoner!!!) and everyone was engaging so well and I got to dive their carries every single time because everyone did their job and got a fuckton kills while building off-tank and it was so fun and rewarding (we won after the 2nd baron contest) *~* After game I got +3 teamwork (!!!! first time I get 3 in the same game; Ashe was mad cuz he lost lane then got all his kills stolen by me and was mostly a slowing bot) and 2 dudes added me as a friend. :D | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
Denmark697 Posts
After our Singed dives their inhibitor turret and dies to 4 enemies, they turn to the rest of us, who were trailing behind. Having to take the same route past the inhibitor, and being damaged slightly from singed poison they were low and they were clumped up - so they got a nice bear to the face... followed by a W and some autos. Finally their Akali jumps me, being the only one to escape tibbers, and with help from the surviving members of the team - I get the penta. And the best part - I was taking tower shots the entire time, and still survived (summoner heal OP). | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
![]() I also wanted to be a showoff with my winrates lol. | ||
United Kingdom1266 Posts
![]() ![]() Also just got my Blue/Green ribbons, today has been a good day. + Show Spoiler + ![]() | ||
United States1237 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + ![]() Ran back from the fountain to a teamfight near mid, our team had lost a couple and theirs hadn't, but rammus was still up. They chased him from behind blue buff down around the brush-covered corner, all in a nice tight little group. Zyra with ult up couldn't ask for more! EWRQW+ignite on darius, Q when it came back up and boom, all dead. ended up 12.1k to 6.7k in mid. | ||
Canada4122 Posts
Currently in the folder are Navi, Loci, and Loco (Who recently added me) I'm the happiest loco fanboy on earth | ||
United States10467 Posts
This time I got "Players who follow the summoner code win 27% more games" Lol. Ok. My team started out losing bad. I failed a gank mid badly. Enemy kat just walked away as I derped around with Q and E... I don't know what I was thinking. Came back and tried again only to walk into tower and have to flash out. Then I failed a gank bot right after. I went chasing sona as she went up mid then graves died facechecking the brush of a low health ezeal. Game was quickly 1-6 after that as I was underleveled from ganking. Around the midgame though we started coming back. I didn't understand it at first until Elise pointed out that kat was afk. Later I found out she was trolling because jax had harassed her. This kat was doing really well too. We went on to win and everyone asked us to report jax. Not raging OP. | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
![]() manliness is simply too irresistible at 1200 elo | ||
United States15977 Posts
IT IS BACK So, I used to be a pretty good Blitz. Then something happened: I either began to overthink on where to grab and mindgamed myself or just plain fucked up. I was alright with other champs, but my Blitz was just plain on tilt. It sucked, so decided to play other tanky lane bullies like Leona and Taric. Blitz free this week, duoQ with a friend. He: hows ur godhand Me: rofl Me: its pretty bad Me: but YOLO He: eh y not Graves/ Blitz vs Ashe/Leona (which I don't think is a very good combo, but w/e). Healbait them both into almost turret range, in to FB double kill. We take tower, dragon then roam mid. Jungle Ali can't do anything to us, and I yoink him into tower range twice to get rid of his oracles. 3/0/8 perfect support feels good mang. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
Top lane Rumble I get countered by Kayle. I think to myself, 'Welp, I'll just try not to die and mebbe my team will help.' Boy did they ever. Kayle was content just to harass me now and then, never left top lane, only got ganked twice---once I flashed it and second time I turned it around with Equalizer getting a kill. Meanwhile the rest of the team was running a fucking TRAIN on their team...Trist had IE by like 15 min, Udyr was nuts, and the Diana.... Diana had about 112 cs at 12 min, basically unheard of at my elo. I thought to myself, 'Wow, we got a high elo smurf here!' At about 20 min, he's 6/0 or so, and announces 'Gotta go back, sitting at 7200g.' He had like 230 cs. I checked his items as he backed: Sorc shoes and 2xDoran. Then, in the span of 3 seconds: Rylai's + Abyssal + NLR were added to that inventory. GG. After game I looked him up: 14 ranked games total, only played Diana, WR 76%. Definitely a smurf, right?I added him and asked what elo his main was. He tried to deny he was a smurf and then eventually gives up the name, saying he was just practicing and stopped playing for a while and that he's only 1400. He then offers me advice on how to get high elo (something about playing Irelia). He says bye. I checked the name he gave me. The name was very similar to the smurf so I figure he's telling the truth. Sure enough, most played ---Diana. Winrate? 50% ish. Elo? 1469. 100ish games played. Somehow it seems as though this nobody of a player carried the everloving FUCK of a team equal to his main's elo at a level I have never seen before and probably will never see again. Wherever you are, sabOP, gg, wp. | ||
United States1938 Posts
So I was playing Siv/Leona bot, we did ok at first but after a couple of terrible decisions we fell behind hardcore to Ez. Top Kayle is losing hardcore, crying like a bitch all game and spamming surrender. Our mid Kat, however, is fed, and doing work. We have a couple of faulty teamfights, but Kat plays cleanup crew and aces them. Force a fight in a corridor, land Amumu/Leona/Kat ult while I chill in back smacking whoever I want. Force another teamfight at baron, ace them and get 2 inhibs. Force a last team fight and win the game. Incredible how with just a little bit of patience, positivity, and coordination you can come back and win the game. Had we been like our Kayle and spammed surrender (both in chat and the /surrender function), we'd have lost that game for sure. | ||
United States20754 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
The thing I did differently was that I tried to not stay with my team. I would go near my team and wait for an initiate to occur because as volibear I really only had flash Q for initiates and I don't think that's a good one. Before that, whenever the enemy team initiated, I'd just get caught in the crossfire and die getting a single auto off. Then my allies would hop and skip out of range of the AoE. I was sick of dying to residual AoE. I mean I can zone out or kill an ADC on my own with wardens mail, but I can't survive a 5v5 teamfight. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
The taric won us lane early with great play, so i could just steamroll the opponents. Felt so great after 2 games in a row where the supports were... less than ideal. It wasn't really my achievement since it was the Taric who let me go 5/0 before 10 minutes and from there it just snowballed but whatever, a-moving takes skill too ![]() ![]() Supports win lanes, AD Carrys win games. A cheer for the few good supports at 1200 ELO. + Show Spoiler + And right after writing this post i got a Taric that never bought wards, auto-attacked minions and went mana-manipulator into soul shroud with ghost/ignite summoners | ||
United States12679 Posts
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