On October 26 2012 22:21 Prinate wrote: What is everyone's best win streak in normals and/or ranked? The games aren't all consecutive, but for ranked I'm on a 7 game win streak (which starts to make up for the unfortunately longer loss streak.) I don't think I've ever paid much attention to any normal streaks.
I suppose we'd have some pretty large streaks for the guys who have smurfed up low Elo accounts.
When PFE was released and I learned about W max Ezreal before it became super FOTM, I played Ezreal every game. Won around 18 games in a row, 13 of those being Ezreal games. Cool stuff.
its surprising how much an initiate of any kind can do for your team.
had a team with galio, brand, taric (me), graves, rengar against garen, annie, sona, cait, lee sin.
so, sona/cait is kind of a counter to graves taric, and admittedly the cait wasn't bad. still, we went fairly even overall and managed to take their tower pretty early. traded 2 kills, ended up one when sona got out position for her ward and i stunned her. in the end, cait was up a good amount of CS meanwhile, galio top got raped by dps garen (but he built a thornmail so it was... okay), brand went even with annie, and rengar... well, he was 0/0/3, which is acceptable but funny.
we start losing kind of hard and are down 8 kills, but i have confidence that bot lane can carry. we end up pussyfooting around middle. graves slowly gets even in farm with cait, and we catch them out when one of them go to clear waves/farm more than they catch us. they throw away midgame advantage pretty hard by letting us all get to 18 and graves to get farmed.
now, im kind of raging at this point. we have GALIO. we have BRAND. we have RENGAR. they have much better initiates than poor old taric who can only hope to get off a stun then run in and r->w and pray he gets out alive. yet thats what happens. galio lands his ulti on an amazing one person, and rengar refuses to assassinate the cait. i suicide initiate several times, and slowly we get back into things because i and graves are actually coordinated. finally, i have almost 400 armor with randuin, frozen heart and aegis with merc treads and a negatron for good measure-- 400 armor, 120 MR, 3k hp.
we take a baron after i ward extensively and win the fight afterwards 3-1. yet, we can't push because rengar and galio are dicking around. finally we do. their inner mid turret is still up and all 5 are defending, but i say fuck it. i flash in, drop my entire combo and randuins and run out while taking a lee sin kick, a cait ult, an annie bear to the face. of course i die-- ive taken a bajillion damage from the enemy team plus tower hits. however, i've lured them out from under the turret, they're out of formation, theyve blown off half their nukes and CC on the tank/support and oh hey, is that a GALIO ULT?
now he whiffs it pretty bad considering i lured them in (he only tagged three), but graves cleans up nicely and pushes to win. its weird, if theyd just retreated a bit, the tower might have just done enough damage so they could kill me or i'd have to back. oh well. i manmode'd taric HARD.
On October 29 2012 15:36 ticklishmusic wrote: its surprising how much an initiate of any kind can do for your team.
had a team with galio, brand, taric (me), graves, rengar against garen, annie, sona, cait, lee sin.
so, sona/cait is kind of a counter to graves taric, and admittedly the cait wasn't bad. still, we went fairly even overall and managed to take their tower pretty early. traded 2 kills, ended up one when sona got out position for her ward and i stunned her. in the end, cait was up a good amount of CS meanwhile, galio top got raped by dps garen (but he built a thornmail so it was... okay), brand went even with annie, and rengar... well, he was 0/0/3, which is acceptable but funny.
we start losing kind of hard and are down 8 kills, but i have confidence that bot lane can carry. we end up pussyfooting around middle. graves slowly gets even in farm with cait, and we catch them out when one of them go to clear waves/farm more than they catch us. they throw away midgame advantage pretty hard by letting us all get to 18 and graves to get farmed.
now, im kind of raging at this point. we have GALIO. we have BRAND. we have RENGAR. they have much better initiates than poor old taric who can only hope to get off a stun then run in and r->w and pray he gets out alive. yet thats what happens. galio lands his ulti on an amazing one person, and rengar refuses to assassinate the cait. i suicide initiate several times, and slowly we get back into things because i and graves are actually coordinated. finally, i have almost 400 armor with randuin, frozen heart and aegis with merc treads and a negatron for good measure-- 400 armor, 120 MR, 3k hp.
we take a baron after i ward extensively and win the fight afterwards 3-1. yet, we can't push because rengar and galio are dicking around. finally we do. their inner mid turret is still up and all 5 are defending, but i say fuck it. i flash in, drop my entire combo and randuins and run out while taking a lee sin kick, a cait ult, an annie bear to the face. of course i die-- ive taken a bajillion damage from the enemy team plus tower hits. however, i've lured them out from under the turret, they're out of formation, theyve blown off half their nukes and CC on the tank/support and oh hey, is that a GALIO ULT?
now he whiffs it pretty bad considering i lured them in (he only tagged three), but graves cleans up nicely and pushes to win. its weird, if theyd just retreated a bit, the tower might have just done enough damage so they could kill me or i'd have to back. oh well. i manmode'd taric HARD.
On October 29 2012 15:36 ticklishmusic wrote: its surprising how much an initiate of any kind can do for your team.
had a team with galio, brand, taric (me), graves, rengar against garen, annie, sona, cait, lee sin.
so, sona/cait is kind of a counter to graves taric, and admittedly the cait wasn't bad. still, we went fairly even overall and managed to take their tower pretty early. traded 2 kills, ended up one when sona got out position for her ward and i stunned her. in the end, cait was up a good amount of CS meanwhile, galio top got raped by dps garen (but he built a thornmail so it was... okay), brand went even with annie, and rengar... well, he was 0/0/3, which is acceptable but funny.
we start losing kind of hard and are down 8 kills, but i have confidence that bot lane can carry. we end up pussyfooting around middle. graves slowly gets even in farm with cait, and we catch them out when one of them go to clear waves/farm more than they catch us. they throw away midgame advantage pretty hard by letting us all get to 18 and graves to get farmed.
now, im kind of raging at this point. we have GALIO. we have BRAND. we have RENGAR. they have much better initiates than poor old taric who can only hope to get off a stun then run in and r->w and pray he gets out alive. yet thats what happens. galio lands his ulti on an amazing one person, and rengar refuses to assassinate the cait. i suicide initiate several times, and slowly we get back into things because i and graves are actually coordinated. finally, i have almost 400 armor with randuin, frozen heart and aegis with merc treads and a negatron for good measure-- 400 armor, 120 MR, 3k hp.
we take a baron after i ward extensively and win the fight afterwards 3-1. yet, we can't push because rengar and galio are dicking around. finally we do. their inner mid turret is still up and all 5 are defending, but i say fuck it. i flash in, drop my entire combo and randuins and run out while taking a lee sin kick, a cait ult, an annie bear to the face. of course i die-- ive taken a bajillion damage from the enemy team plus tower hits. however, i've lured them out from under the turret, they're out of formation, theyve blown off half their nukes and CC on the tank/support and oh hey, is that a GALIO ULT?
now he whiffs it pretty bad considering i lured them in (he only tagged three), but graves cleans up nicely and pushes to win. its weird, if theyd just retreated a bit, the tower might have just done enough damage so they could kill me or i'd have to back. oh well. i manmode'd taric HARD.
don't you miss old taric? (his old ult)
yeah, his old ult was admittedly better. still, it was a little OP when you compared it to like, ali ult and combined with some of the new itemization out there (athene's comes to mind). now its just like a baron buff (35 ap/ad) you can toggle on for your team every 40 seconds.
I've lost 70 elo today thanks to mentally handicapped and/or illiterate children. BUT. Check this one out:
I was trashing the enemy team with my awesome yellow troll-bird(which they admitted!), but my teammates were too hard to carry Scumbag teammates were raging all game while I was peacefully chatting with the opponents. Shame on them.
PS: I was laning against a Rengar, which makes me even more proud of myself.(I was 3/0 15 minutes in)
Not really sure which thread to put this in because it's a two part story but anyway.. first game of the day I find myself on a team with a group of 3 queued together who are obviously not 'tryharding', I have ban power so I manage to get alistar not banned out and first pick him for support. Turns out the Tristana is the worst player on our team (1250 elo, rest were around ~1750 with me ~1500peak.) and we have absolutely no synergy at all, give up 2 kills early and our lane snowballs into losing our team the game despite the jungle leona (lol) and mid ahri doing pretty well. So obviously that part belongs in the QQ thread.
I'm last pick. Support. Our Maokai says he's going to solo bot lane and to send our AD/Support top. We decide to go along with this plan. I notice blitzcrank isn't banned, so I pick him up. I decide to copy the pros and ward their red buff at the start. This turns out to be an extremely good idea. Their shyvana is starting red, she gets a leash from their mid, but no help from top. We wait in the bush until she's low. I land a hook. Dead Shyvana, first blood, red buff + the gold and xp for it onto sivir. We proceed to dominate their vladimir top, take the tower early and roam into an easy win. Huzzah. Shortly before the conclusion of the game I notice some familiar names.
Yes. Shyvana was my terrible Tristana from the first game. Glorious payback.
To all my fellow scrubs out there: If you want to make the climb to level 30 not as offensive as usual, play Garen. Fratmogs Garen :D I'm 6-1 with a 3:1:3 kda. Laugh at me, but for a scrub like me to get over the "elo hell" feeling where you think you can't change your fate is so satisfying :D
So there I was playing chill normals with some in real life friends when suddenly friends of my in real life friends who are a mixture of bad, new to the game but often times both join the party. Many lesser men would dodge the baddies not wanting to play a frustrating game with them going 0/4/0 before 5 minutes, but not I.
The first few matches were rocky at the start before my snowball began to roll. In each game I grew steadily more aware of the inadequacies of my allies, realizing I could rely on no one but myself did not trouble me, I would endure. By the end of the night I had reached a trance like state. Nothing could shake my resolve, I would win. Team composition was meaningless, jungle invades served to let the enemy carry start boots and dorans. I laughed as my allies fed double kills in bottom lane, a warped smile spreading across my face as the enemy grew fat. Like cattle they prepared themselves for their inevitable slaughter, gourging on the buffet that was my team, they grew strong, they grew bold, they grew stupid. I would carry.
As the enemy’s cookie shaped builds crumbled I realized it was not inner peace I had found, but an almost sadistic madness lurking within my mind. Why had I delighted at my friends failures...
I excused myself from the group citing sleep however I fear I will get very little tonight.
These are all normal games. But I was pretty proud of myself. After talking about melee AD carries the other day I made a statement that was probably out of bounds, that champions like Yi, Trynd, and Fiora are difficult to get fed with. I am pretty sure this is a combination for it being both blind/draft normals so people aren't trying and me getting lucky and being matched against idiots in most of these games. These are a combination of midlane, toplane, and botlane Fiora with Leona support.
Fiora pretty strong. The game I lost was a botlane Fiora and it's mostly because I played the lane badly and they had Caitlyn who's pretty much the biggest asshole AD carry to face if you play botlane Fiora. Midlane Fiora is probably my favorite because you just shit on so many mages that it isn't even funny. Hardest part of playing Fiora though is not having teammates who bitch when you and your duo buddy go bottom or when you request midlane.