Nautilus' Backstabbers, uh? Not bad I guess. I mean the champ's cool, but I have trouble to get how he would backstab, being huge and all... or maybe that's what we're for.
Went WWLW, two pretty good games as Viktor, a loss as Fiddle support primarily triggered by my team having a terrible grasp of the situation they initiated (lane swap as purple side against Nunu jungle, our duo choosing to zone) and letting myself get killed too often once their Ezreal got fed, and to finish off a mediocre Viktor game where I failed to destroy Nidalee pre-6 and she made it hard to roam, and her WW jungle impossible to pressure the tower, till they had to react to our fed bot.
... na, let's be honest. I got carried by Hecarim in the first game, simply riding on the momentum he gave us and Viktor's pretty nobrain midgame. I got carried by Ezreal in the second game, after only managing to keep Elise in check and often failing to follow-up on Malphite's initiations (Hec's ult easily interrupts my combo and Elise and Blitz didn't seem to fancy the idea of me casting stuff once I got close). The 3rd game was a failure on every front. I got carried by Vayne and Alistar who won against Cait+Janna while I primarily diverted WW from bot once he hit 6 and stopped Teemo from splitpushing; also by WW building Hurricane (what?).
That's bit weird thinking about it. People are always glad to "improve", but when taking a look at the games makes you think that either you got carried there, or that you playing well enough means regular Gold level is pretty low, you realise there isn't much to actually gloat or feel proud about.
TL;DR bads will be bads and sometimes people get carried. Fancy TL;DR: admit that Viktor's cool you donkeys.
Also how do you get those screenshots where you only have the client's border? Do you simply trim it in Paint/whatever or is there a function for it?
On June 25 2013 01:37 Alaric wrote: Nautilus' Backstabbers, uh? Not bad I guess. I mean the champ's cool, but I have trouble to get how he would backstab, being huge and all... or maybe that's what we're for.
Went WWLW, two pretty good games as Viktor, a loss as Fiddle support primarily triggered by my team having a terrible grasp of the situation they initiated (lane swap as purple side against Nunu jungle, our duo choosing to zone) and letting myself get killed too often once their Ezreal got fed, and to finish off a mediocre Viktor game where I failed to destroy Nidalee pre-6 and she made it hard to roam, and her WW jungle impossible to pressure the tower, till they had to react to our fed bot.
... na, let's be honest. I got carried by Hecarim in the first game, simply riding on the momentum he gave us and Viktor's pretty nobrain midgame. I got carried by Ezreal in the second game, after only managing to keep Elise in check and often failing to follow-up on Malphite's initiations (Hec's ult easily interrupts my combo and Elise and Blitz didn't seem to fancy the idea of me casting stuff once I got close). The 3rd game was a failure on every front. I got carried by Vayne and Alistar who won against Cait+Janna while I primarily diverted WW from bot once he hit 6 and stopped Teemo from splitpushing; also by WW building Hurricane (what?).
That's bit weird thinking about it. People are always glad to "improve", but when taking a look at the games makes you think that either you got carried there, or that you playing well enough means regular Gold level is pretty low, you realise there isn't much to actually gloat or feel proud about.
TL;DR bads will be bads and sometimes people get carried. Fancy TL;DR: admit that Viktor's cool you donkeys.
Also how do you get those screenshots where you only have the client's border? Do you simply trim it in Paint/whatever or is there a function for it?
I played support. it was a long drawn out game and I did everything in my power to have constant vision. In the end we lost due to a multiple GA bait but I have the moral victory!
Anyone ever feel bad when they play Singed? I went 0/5 then finished 7/0/9 after that point. At some point it's just eh, whatever, get Roa/Seraph's/Liandry's I'll kill you all no problem. Don't care you're camping me Eve, don't care you're killing my entire team J4.
So I was Janna against a team with Amumu, Kha'zix, Leona, Vayne, and Jax. My team was Ezreal/Lissandra/Kassadin/Tryndamere.
Probably the most ridiculous split push I've ever seen. We were winning fights when were down by a lot of people because their entire team save Vayne was reliant upon their dashes, and if I knocked them up they just sat there looking stupid while Lissandra/Kass/Ezreal cleaned them up. Game finished when they tried to contest baron and they killed everyone but me and Kass, but I kept them from recalling and killed Leona.
Edit: Got back up to gold 2. Got donked on bot lane as Draven/Morg vs Cait/Elise (mostly because Morg was being waaay too aggressive), and Cait was pretty obnoxiously strong, but Fiddlesticks had really clutch ults and fears, so it made cleanup as Dray Dray pretty easy (even when an item and a half down). Good stuff.
Ganking botlane as hecarim, ashe sees me right when i get into my ult range, walk a little closer. Then, ashe ults me. The bad thing is, i ult him, "can not be disabled", gg wp ty riot.
I don't know if this counts as e-fame, but I watch his montages, and follow him on twitter so i got pretty hyped when I saw who was on the other team. I never thought I'd run into someone known while queuing at 1 in the morning my time. I was fanboying hard.
On June 30 2013 06:02 RagequitBM wrote: I don't know if this counts as e-fame, but I watch his montages, and follow him on twitter so i got pretty hyped when I saw who was on the other team. I never thought I'd run into someone known while queuing at 1 in the morning my time. I was fanboying hard.
God that game made me rage. I try my best to lead my friends but they simply give up as soon as they fall behind and start complaining about teamcomps and how X champ is op. Bluflu and I 2v5 every r5s game .
Winning a prolonged vision war at baron for your team as a support when you're behind, which ultimately leads to a won teamfight and a baron feels so freaking good. I think I bought like 6-7 oracles and it wasn't until #4 or 5 that we were able to gain any traction and win a teamfight then leverage that into a baron.
On June 30 2013 00:49 zer0das wrote: So I was Janna against a team with Amumu, Kha'zix, Leona, Vayne, and Jax. My team was Ezreal/Lissandra/Kassadin/Tryndamere.
Probably the most ridiculous split push I've ever seen. We were winning fights when were down by a lot of people because their entire team save Vayne was reliant upon their dashes, and if I knocked them up they just sat there looking stupid while Lissandra/Kass/Ezreal cleaned them up. Game finished when they tried to contest baron and they killed everyone but me and Kass, but I kept them from recalling and killed Leona.
Edit: Got back up to gold 2. Got donked on bot lane as Draven/Morg vs Cait/Elise (mostly because Morg was being waaay too aggressive), and Cait was pretty obnoxiously strong, but Fiddlesticks had really clutch ults and fears, so it made cleanup as Dray Dray pretty easy (even when an item and a half down). Good stuff.
Got called a troll for picking Draven/Morgana with my DuoQ buddy, our entire team was raging for the first 5 minutes.
Won lane by 50 CS and 2 kills, Draven would have had a perfect game if enemy team hadn't literally blown 4 ults and an entire Veigar combo on him to get through his GA and my Black Shield.
Hard carried a game where we had an 0-16 trolling Teemo as Eve jungle. 10-1-17 as jungle Eve, and I only had assists from 10-0-5 to 10-0-17 once Trist and Anivia got back on their feet. At one point I was 6-0-2 when we had 9 kills though, 4v5.5 np.
Eve pretty legit in yolo queue; hope I can ride the wave some more