On December 16 2011 13:56 57 Corvette wrote: Hello again 1150 elo.
Intentional feeders, idiots and so much rage everywhere.
Next game I go in to I am not saying anything aside from my roles at champ select and MIAs
You're still doing better than me - barely above 1000. So... many... Volitards...
i hate raging so much but i just spent a game where i did nothing but insult one of my teammates the entire game
every game i jungle i say "leash blue please" and mostly that is enough, but since im standing at wolves and kassadin mid is legit retarded he starts pinging blue and telling me to go there in broken english
i politely explain that wolves spawn 15 seconds before blue and that i'll be there in time, obviously he understands none of this and instead starts attacking wolves in melee range. i tell him to gtfo and run away so that i don't kill the wolves while he is leeching exp, and he is so helpful that he kills the big wolf for me.
i rage a little and eventually calm down, deciding that just because my teammate has no idea how to play doesn't mean that i need to be a douche and throw the game. so like 15-20 min in, even though i wish kass a violent death, deep down i know giving him the next blue is the right thing to do. i check the scoreboard just to make sure it isn't going to be completely wasted on him and upon seeing that he has 17 fucking cs my brain just stops working.
Win lanes lose game because your carries dont get that skarner is not a champ that you should be trying to kite.
Ask to play ahri, have your first pick insta ban her. Biggest douchebags
On December 17 2011 05:47 chalice wrote: i check the scoreboard just to make sure it isn't going to be completely wasted on him and upon seeing that he has 17 fucking cs my brain just stops working. Hahahaha. Too good. I had a game where Tryn was raging about how our team was lucky we won teamfights etc. I pointed out Garen had 38 cs at the end of the game. lol.
On December 17 2011 06:17 Cloud wrote: Win lanes lose game because your carries dont get that skarner is not a champ that you should be trying to kite.
Ask to play ahri, have your first pick insta ban her. Biggest douchebags Something similar happened to me today. I play jungle Shyvana and picked it and our first pick was like "WTFFFFF SHYVANA SO SHIT, WTF NOOB GO UDYR OR AMUMU." I responded as politely as I could that I play jungle Shyv all the time, I end up very tanky, and we'll be fine.
Someone on the other team dodged, and when the game reformed, our first pick instabanned her. I grabbed a support and our jungle Nunu went 0-10.
Elo hell is a real place, it seems....at least for small numbers of games played....I was up to 1380 and one late night of rage has me stuck in the 1100's. =(
Today I have learned that no one knows how to play Ahri and whichever teams Ahri feeds less wins. A friend of mine has actually started instapicking Ahri and then switching to Morgana at the last second just to avoid having a retard Ahri on our team, best new champ ever.
On December 17 2011 09:49 Antiochus wrote: Today I have learned that no one knows how to play Ahri and whichever teams Ahri feeds less wins. A friend of mine has actually started instapicking Ahri and then switching to Morgana at the last second just to avoid having a retard Ahri on our team, best new champ ever. This. 100 000 times this. I don't know what it is about her that attracts the derpiest of derps to her, but my god. And the BEST part is, she's in EVERY GAME. TWICE. I'm so sick of her, even more sick of seeing her than that overpowered other slut who's in every fucking game, Vayne.
On December 16 2011 03:59 Terranasaur wrote: I love jungling. I carry so hard with Rammus all the time. What I hate is when some jackass instalocks Nocturne with smite and doesn't speak english. So then they just spend the whole time AFK farming creeps and don't do anything to help the other lanes when I know I could have gone beast. Yeah, I'm almost 1500 from like 1100 primarily jungling Rammus. This is on a friend's account but my main is only 1600 so it's been a pretty smooth ride.
Well, my ranked honeymoon period for season 2 is officially over. Every single ranked game (not exaggerating) for the past week has had a leaver on my team. At least one. On top of that, trolls and intentional feeding (I had a taric who repeatedly ran towards the mid tower and died on purpose from the beginning of the game, feeding whoever was there to damage him.) have also been prevalent.
WTF is going on? Why can't I just get one normal game where it's acually a 5v5? Why should I lose elo because of constant 4v5s?
Remind me not to touch normals anymore.
Normals are awesome! Get to just play and not worry about losing elo? Yes please.
2-3 in ranked today.....one game had 3 leavers and I still end up 7-2..lulz
And yet another ranked game with a Trist who just ran into turrets to suicide all game. Is this a new trend? Or is it international troll me month?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YlPWC.jpg)
Roaming Ahri is best Ahri, at losing us baron fights and thusly the game!
40 min game I'm Jax he's Ryze. At 40 mins he has less than 70 cs but a number of kills/assists and not that many deaths so on the gold he's behind but not disgusting. At 40 mins I check his build as I'm kinda interested in Ryze (got Xerath instead). 0 AP I knew a bit about Ryze and I knew that he should get mana not AP predominantly but 0 AP...fucking 0 AP at 40 mins...he didn't even have than much extra mana he had a frozen heart a tear, sorc shoes and a giants belt... oh god dammit. I was playing jax and I had 300+ AP (albeit I had rabadons and was pretty rich).
On another note I suck balls with Xerath and it's annoying as hell
On December 17 2011 22:24 valheru wrote: 40 min game I'm Jax he's Ryze. At 40 mins he has less than 70 cs but a number of kills/assists and not that many deaths so on the gold he's behind but not disgusting. At 40 mins I check his build as I'm kinda interested in Ryze (got Xerath instead). 0 AP I knew a bit about Ryze and I knew that he should get mana not AP predominantly but 0 AP...fucking 0 AP at 40 mins...he didn't even have than much extra mana he had a frozen heart a tear, sorc shoes and a giants belt... oh god dammit. I was playing jax and I had 300+ AP (albeit I had rabadons and was pretty rich).
On another note I suck balls with Xerath and it's annoying as hell
Core ryze build is frozen heart, tear and banshees veil and merc threads (or sorc, but I heavily favor merc threads). Your first ap item is either a void staff or a rod of ages as like 4th/5th item. And you don't get either for the ap. When you have nothing else to buy you upgrade your tear to archangels. I am undefeated with ryze in ranked, although thats not saying much at 4 games with him .
Related: Normal draft pick. I play my second game as xerath, my game crashes, have to restart client and reconnect. In mid lane the enemy has twisted fate and ahri, both at level 2. Ahri was their last pick, so I assume she called mid, but TF didnt want to let her and so they both went mid. Well, I get there, farm at my tower dodging their harass. I catch up at like level 4, since they share experience. Q harassment and a tower hit get ahri low enough for me to pick up a kill with flash ignite and a Q hit, she instantly ragequits.
Game went downhill from there, TF gets kills in the other lanes every time his ulti is up. I pick up a kill on him after the first time he did it, catching him in river. After that I fuck up and die to Lee Sin ganks twice, we are 2-15 or something and can't win 4vs5 T_T.
I just played a game where Shaco just placed 4 turrets in a bush, which instakilled me and volibear on 2 occasions. Seriously, he was already as strong as me at combat, why does he also have instakill traps?
On December 17 2011 22:24 valheru wrote: 40 min game I'm Jax he's Ryze. At 40 mins he has less than 70 cs but a number of kills/assists and not that many deaths so on the gold he's behind but not disgusting. At 40 mins I check his build as I'm kinda interested in Ryze (got Xerath instead). 0 AP I knew a bit about Ryze and I knew that he should get mana not AP predominantly but 0 AP...fucking 0 AP at 40 mins...he didn't even have than much extra mana he had a frozen heart a tear, sorc shoes and a giants belt... oh god dammit. I was playing jax and I had 300+ AP (albeit I had rabadons and was pretty rich).
It is common to have almost no AP until very late in the game as Ryze- priority is on getting ~4k mana. The giants belt is pretty dumb though, considering you can get a catalyst for about the same cost and convert it into a Banshee's Veil. He might have been going Ryali's, which is okay, just not really necessary or good on Ryze- rune prison is generally enough for kiting purposes. If he was doing poorly, it wasn't because of lack of AP, because usually the game ends before I get my Archangel's Staff or Rod of Ages, and I'm chewing their team to pieces with my q.
On December 17 2011 23:26 zer0das wrote:Show nested quote +On December 17 2011 22:24 valheru wrote: 40 min game I'm Jax he's Ryze. At 40 mins he has less than 70 cs but a number of kills/assists and not that many deaths so on the gold he's behind but not disgusting. At 40 mins I check his build as I'm kinda interested in Ryze (got Xerath instead). 0 AP I knew a bit about Ryze and I knew that he should get mana not AP predominantly but 0 AP...fucking 0 AP at 40 mins...he didn't even have than much extra mana he had a frozen heart a tear, sorc shoes and a giants belt... oh god dammit. I was playing jax and I had 300+ AP (albeit I had rabadons and was pretty rich). It is common to have almost no AP until very late in the game as Ryze- priority is on getting ~4k mana. The giants belt is pretty dumb though, considering you can get a catalyst for about the same cost and convert it into a Banshee's Veil. He might have been going Ryali's, which is okay, just not really necessary or good on Ryze- rune prison is generally enough for kiting purposes. If he was doing poorly, it wasn't because of lack of AP, because usually the game ends before I get my Archangel's Staff or Rod of Ages, and I'm chewing their team to pieces with my q.
At low elo ryze's such a funny champ because you always get flamed for your build. Either it's " omg no ap on an ap champ fucking newb" or it's "LOL fucking retard, AP on ryze" (when the only ap you have is from void and/or wota)
And it doesn't matter if you are 20-0. Always get flamed for build, never not huehuehue
![[image loading]](http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t173/Kass87/Sanstitre7.jpg)
I'm so tired of trolls in ranked. Now I don't even hope that my team will be good, I just hope that there won't be any trolls, sad times...
Fucking Ashe goes 0-20. How the FUCK is that possible.
I ping her and say "b ashe, they in bush" Walks forward like a dumbfuck, gets taunted by ahri and gets blown up. I'm like -.- She's like "WTF HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THEY ARE GOING TO TAUNT ME" CAUSE THEY ARE IN THE FUCKING BUSH