"OLAF NOOB STOP DIVING CARRY AND TANK FOR ME" says the swain who, 60 minutes into the game, had yet to build hourglass vs akali xin (with no magic resist either) (he didn't use it after he got it either zzz) "OLAF STOP FARMING LANES WE MUST FIGHT UNDER THE ENEMY TOWER AND WILL DO IT 4v5 IF YOU DON'T COME DIE WITH US" "OLAF WE WILL NOT HELP YOU KILL DRAGON, DRAGON IS FOR NOOBS" "OLAF I AM TOO BUSY FARMING LANES TO KILL BARON AND APPEAR TO BE UNAWARE OF THE INHERENT IRONY HERE" then we lose because team is too cool for my constant warnings to just go back to base instead of staring at their open inhibitor guarded by one or two enemy champs which are just quite not killable enough to take out all of them every time.
On December 08 2011 07:02 Enox wrote: but you think a better tutorial will teach them what they cant learn in 1k+ games? i doubt it There should be, like, a secondary report option. Where when you report someone, instead of getting banned, they have to play remedial games where someone holds their hand.
Yes I mad.
On December 08 2011 07:09 Tooplark wrote: "OLAF NOOB STOP DIVING CARRY AND TANK FOR ME" says the swain who, 60 minutes into the game, had yet to build hourglass vs akali xin (with no magic resist either) (he didn't use it after he got it either zzz) "OLAF STOP FARMING LANES WE MUST FIGHT UNDER THE ENEMY TOWER AND WILL DO IT 4v5 IF YOU DON'T COME DIE WITH US" "OLAF WE WILL NOT HELP YOU KILL DRAGON, DRAGON IS FOR NOOBS" "OLAF I AM TOO BUSY FARMING LANES TO KILL BARON AND APPEAR TO BE UNAWARE OF THE INHERENT IRONY HERE" then we lose because team is too cool for my constant warnings to just go back to base instead of staring at their open inhibitor guarded by one or two enemy champs which are just quite not killable enough to take out all of them every time. sorry about your Teemo (I was the Janna)
On December 08 2011 07:39 starfries wrote:Show nested quote +On December 08 2011 07:09 Tooplark wrote: "OLAF NOOB STOP DIVING CARRY AND TANK FOR ME" says the swain who, 60 minutes into the game, had yet to build hourglass vs akali xin (with no magic resist either) (he didn't use it after he got it either zzz) "OLAF STOP FARMING LANES WE MUST FIGHT UNDER THE ENEMY TOWER AND WILL DO IT 4v5 IF YOU DON'T COME DIE WITH US" "OLAF WE WILL NOT HELP YOU KILL DRAGON, DRAGON IS FOR NOOBS" "OLAF I AM TOO BUSY FARMING LANES TO KILL BARON AND APPEAR TO BE UNAWARE OF THE INHERENT IRONY HERE" then we lose because team is too cool for my constant warnings to just go back to base instead of staring at their open inhibitor guarded by one or two enemy champs which are just quite not killable enough to take out all of them every time. sorry about your Teemo (I was the Janna) sick janna btw
On December 08 2011 07:42 Tooplark wrote:Show nested quote +On December 08 2011 07:39 starfries wrote:On December 08 2011 07:09 Tooplark wrote: "OLAF NOOB STOP DIVING CARRY AND TANK FOR ME" says the swain who, 60 minutes into the game, had yet to build hourglass vs akali xin (with no magic resist either) (he didn't use it after he got it either zzz) "OLAF STOP FARMING LANES WE MUST FIGHT UNDER THE ENEMY TOWER AND WILL DO IT 4v5 IF YOU DON'T COME DIE WITH US" "OLAF WE WILL NOT HELP YOU KILL DRAGON, DRAGON IS FOR NOOBS" "OLAF I AM TOO BUSY FARMING LANES TO KILL BARON AND APPEAR TO BE UNAWARE OF THE INHERENT IRONY HERE" then we lose because team is too cool for my constant warnings to just go back to base instead of staring at their open inhibitor guarded by one or two enemy champs which are just quite not killable enough to take out all of them every time. sorry about your Teemo (I was the Janna) sick janna btw most fun champion in LoL
Holy shit. I didn't know people were this bad anymore. Me and friend go normals. At end Me: 8/8/14 riven Him: 17/16/7 Akali Ryze: 1/14/4 Corki: 0/15/1 Caitlyn: 3/13/5
Ryze and Corki decide to lane together, making it a total of 0-5 by around 7 mintues in. Caitlyn top (o.o wtf) manages to die to an AFK vayne (who walked to lane, didnt move for 5 minutes, netted 2 kills somehow, and disconnected)
I was like ok, let me ward bot for them so they dont die. Annie goes bot, i ping super hard, corki doesnt even respond before he dies. Ryze decides to run away, then go back in for a q and dies.
How don't they get assits one may ask? I don't know if lag, or SUPER BAD map awareness, but they would get fucking caught in the most random places... Me and akali literally went 2v5 at our inner turret AND WON. But holy shit, but at around 40 minutes, I died defending, and they just pushed and won.
I swear there must be so many 13 year old and unders that play ranked in ELO hell. You get people who are last pick that insist on playing AP mid, then after the team explains that it was a good idea for our first pick to take Morgana they crack the shits and play Eve with Revive/Promote.
Some people are just so sad it is pathetic :/ . BTW I don't know why people in here are bitching about normal queue, it is normal for a reason, you really shouldn't expect everyone to be pro in it.
Normals I just consider fun fuck around time. I try new things and champs in normals or just play some when ranked pisses me off because I can always depend on stomping faces in normals with my main (Karthus) because people don't know how to get MR.
Sometimes normals is just so mind numbing that you need to write out them agressions.
I just lol at how stupid some people are.
Solo top trynd vs fizz and he feeds him about 6 times. "FIZZ IS SO OP" more like you're a fucking idiot that doesn't know tryndamere sucks dick early game and comes alive mid and shines late game.
Next game is a Teemo vs tryndamere. As I recall, Teemo is supposed to shit on pretty much every melee champion top except maybe a few. Of course he feeds the shit out of him and then blames me because I wasn't babysitting.
"U NVR GANKED TOP" Even though I waited for a good minute and told him to engage trynd yet he wouldn't. I proceed to leave and then no more than 20 seconds later he dies.
How stupid can people get?
Btw, fuck people who play Kass. Played him before his buff and people are just the typical FOTM scrubs that play champions that are good now. Same thing happened with Sion and Shaco.
Decided to drop Kass for Swain. Probably gonna attempt to pick up Ryze or just use Galio for Swain's bad matchups (Malz Morgana for instance).
Just played 1 3v5 followed by a 3v5.
Quite hard to carry.
I have the saddest of faces right now We had a game pretty much won - 40 something kills to less than 20, we had just done baron and won a teamfight, and were in the process of laying siege to mid inhib, and then 2 people disconnect, leaving us three (and I was support Janna, so not much in the way of damage dealing there) to basically delay defeat for a further 20 minutes, hoping that the other two would come back.
Want to know I fucking hate? Stupid asses who pick shitty team comps. We have ap, support, jungle, and top covered all we need is our ad carry and you pick fucking fiddle. Jesus christ people its not that hard to pick a team comp. I also hate people who flat our refuse to play support or jungle. I mean come on support is not that hard. Also instanta lockers suck and people when asked what they want to play wont respond and then just pick shit again.
I played a nearly perfect support Alistar in the first 15 minutes of a game, then two dragons get stolen, and entire team wipes like 3 times in a row because people are stupidly engaging 3v5. Ngggh. We still could have won, but then Yi died trying to kill Kat on a turret while we were baroning, and Caitlyn died not doing any damage after getting the buff.
Also, there are some really retarded supports out there, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people playing ranked don't even own them. Was playing a normal game as Tryn with Alistar in bottom lane because Garen wanted top. It's against Tris/Soraka, I'm thinking easy win... except Alistar is aggressive at all the wrong times and feeds them easy kills, and then sits on top of our effing turret at full health with almost no mana while Tris is wailing on me down to zero. Then he gets enough mana to headbutt her, and he does it right into me and she kills me before I can ult. Fun times.
Even better was Sivir disconnecting and he'd ult and run into their entire team and then be surprised when we would all die horribly because we were down one person.
I've noticed playing support in ranked is a heck of a lot less frustrating than anything else because people tend to naturally do the right thing if the support is doing their job well. Or maybe I'm just getting really lucky.
On December 08 2011 10:19 CeriseCherries wrote: Holy shit. I didn't know people were this bad anymore. Me and friend go normals. At end Me: 8/8/14 riven Him: 17/16/7 Akali Ryze: 1/14/4 Corki: 0/15/1 Caitlyn: 3/13/5
Ryze and Corki decide to lane together, making it a total of 0-5 by around 7 mintues in. Caitlyn top (o.o wtf) manages to die to an AFK vayne (who walked to lane, didnt move for 5 minutes, netted 2 kills somehow, and disconnected)
I was like ok, let me ward bot for them so they dont die. Annie goes bot, i ping super hard, corki doesnt even respond before he dies. Ryze decides to run away, then go back in for a q and dies.
How don't they get assits one may ask? I don't know if lag, or SUPER BAD map awareness, but they would get fucking caught in the most random places... Me and akali literally went 2v5 at our inner turret AND WON. But holy shit, but at around 40 minutes, I died defending, and they just pushed and won.
I had a cait on my team dc during a baron fight, and I kited two guys into her so she got a double kill before dc'ing.
Now for the QQ.
I'm tired of everybody raging from team select onward. Can't we all just get along and not feed kills cause everybody is too busying typing their rage to click their mouse and move?
I got a kill last night on TF by inciting conversation with bot lane and then gating on top of them while they were typing.
On December 09 2011 05:27 zer0das wrote: I played a nearly perfect support Alistar in the first 15 minutes of a game, then two dragons get stolen, and entire team wipes like 3 times in a row because people are stupidly engaging 3v5. Ngggh. We still could have won, but then Yi died trying to kill Kat on a turret while we were baroning, and Caitlyn died not doing any damage after getting the buff.
Also, there are some really retarded supports out there, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people playing ranked don't even own them. Was playing a normal game as Tryn with Alistar in bottom lane because Garen wanted top. It's against Tris/Soraka, I'm thinking easy win... except Alistar is aggressive at all the wrong times and feeds them easy kills, and then sits on top of our effing turret at full health with almost no mana while Tris is wailing on me down to zero. Then he gets enough mana to headbutt her, and he does it right into me and she kills me before I can ult. Fun times.
Even better was Sivir disconnecting and he'd ult and run into their entire team and then be surprised when we would all die horribly because we were down one person.
I've noticed playing support in ranked is a heck of a lot less frustrating than anything else because people tend to naturally do the right thing if the support is doing their job well. Or maybe I'm just getting really lucky.
you're not the only one. I feel most in control of the game when i'm playing sona, janna or cow and can actually make something of my ranged ad's garbage positioning.
Idiot tries to lane rammus top vs tryndamere, and our AD carry picks Xin'Zhao
Even my 10-1 brand and our 8-2 shaco can't carry that shit.
So I see the map everyone knows where the entire enemy team is, everyone in my team seems safe, there is no immediate threat, i decide to farm a bit but I can feel it's a bad idea, it's always a bad idea but I decide to take a risk and go for it anyway. Before I get any chance to react however.. Enemy killing spree An enemy is dominating Enemy triple kill
I don't get wtf is the point of winning a lane if the rest of the game its gonna be 1v4 with me hugging turrets anyway.
Why do people in the SEA server believe that
1. Gragas is a tank 2. Urgot is a tank 3. Yi is effective as ap 4. Kennen is effective as dps 5. Tryndamere is a tank
Also, I'm changing my mouse. So I have a Razer Mamba, which I used vouchers to get for free. I like the feel of it, for some reason the buttons are more clickier than the deathadder. Anyway the Razer mamba has this Z axis tracking issue that makes the cursor randomly move down. So like it wasn't really a big deal initially, i was like live with it. And then I play a game, like a crucial game when I'm Tryndamere and I'm carrying the team, and we are winning. I'm like spin in, Heh this will be easy, then eh wtf, where's my cursor, why can't I hit that guy wtf. HOLY SHIT MY CURSORS THERE? I die.