Oh well, my playgroup just won't accept that we will not reach Gold II ever if we continue to play with the same people over and over again. We are a team of players that range from 1900 to 1100 solo queue ELO. Either we stomp hard or we are the ones getting stomped. But since a month or two, we are stuck at Gold III, but it feels like ages now. Probably because we always have 1 or even 2 weak players that can't get carried at a certain level of premade play anymore (which seemingly is Gold III).
So, I'm perfectly fine with it since the end of season skin is saved with this. I'm willing to go into a game with no expectations but the scrubs and the egomaniac "pros" start to maul themselves in Team Speak it's just sad. It's the reason why I'm stuck playing normal draft pick for weeks now because they just won't play with each other anymore.
Personally, I can only enjoy LoL with at least 2 or 3 friends and we're always looking to get a full five man premade going. You get rid of the stupid randomness a stranger brings in and the game feels more "competitive". However, dealing with the social interaction and awkwardness is something that can really be complicated.
On April 08 2013 18:54 Osmoses wrote: Riots duo queue system is the rotting mold on a week old pile of shit. You wanna duo queue? Guess what, one of you will be forced to support, because you always ALWAYS end up lastpick. And you get to play with an AD that bought his account on eBay because he's clearly better than what his ELO tells him.
edit: also, I still can't mute anyone. I can't silence the trolls. 6 months now with no mute. What the fuck? Riot fix plz.
If /ignore or /mute isn't working, try hitting tab and clicking the ignore button to the right of the person's stats (it looks like a thumbs-down)
I feel like I lose every game where a teammate picks lee sin
I duo'd with cat and if i remember correctly, we were 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 5th, 4th and 5th, and 3rd 5th picks. SO i'm not sure if you know that or not but it doesn't always happen
On April 08 2013 13:19 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On April 08 2013 12:08 57 Corvette wrote: I am going to start banning vayne, I haven't seen a good one in four weeks and its always my team that picks her. In that vein, I played a game today where I was Lulu/Cait vs. a Vayne/Lux. I am so, so sorry to them. Poor Vayne didn't break 10cs till 7 minutes into the game, that's how bad I zoned her. I'm not complaining, but I felt like a dick for it. The Vayne tried to all-in us a couple times at lvl 6 and after, but Lulu literally counters Vayne. E negates stealth, W derps half the ult, when your AD gets a little low, just R for a "heal".
Fuck you . I had a game where I was 17 cs at 20 mins and I even had first blood but their lulu got double buffs... I'm glad I lost that game because the duo in that game were bitches but man, that game was painful. i maintain my worst diamond status for that game
If duo queued a lot, and practically always one of the two is lastpick. Very, very rarely it does not happen, but from rough guessing i would say at least 9/10 of the games one of the duo is lastpick.
Even more stupid, if you are close in Elo, which should be ideal for a duo queue, you are almost always 4th and 5th pick. I have no idea who thought that would be a good idea. If you inflate my elo for MM purposes because of added coordination of duoing, ok, i am fine with that. Just also use that inflated elo for my position in the group. Don't MM me with higher people and then ALWAYS have us be 4th and 5th pick. I guess it is less annoying for me because i already main support, but it is still complete bullshit.
Ranked 5s promo series suck :/ .
My friends and I are all scattered around gold/silver, and we have a 5s team in silver 5. We win every game till we get to a promo series, then it matches us up against plat/diamond players. Yesterday we got into the series and play a mix of plat/gold with one diamond (Who I had to lane against), lose that game and in the second one they have four diamond players (I get to lane vs diamond 1 yay!). Just annoying when you're only silver 5 FFS and getting matched vs people you have no hope in beating, we've beaten plat players before but diamond? Reminds me of the old placement system where you play two average teams, smash them then play two really good teams and get smashed.
literal +1 LP from 57 to 58...in Gold 4. So much fun. Honestly Gold is worse than Silver.
Full damage rune EZ...LOL
I'm on a fucking 4 Loss Streak because of incompetent teammates even though I go fucking 6/0 Kat NOPE Lets all be retards and feed the fucking Yi. FUCKING SHIT. FUCK ladfkjs;ldfkjsa;sdkjf
That felt good. I hate this game :D
On April 09 2013 11:17 krndandaman wrote:![[image loading]](http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/7027468_700b.jpg) sums up half of shikyo and half my games.
Since this is the QQ thread.
FUCK 9gag.
All they (technically thanks to their users) do is take other people's shit and slap watermarks on it and pretend its theirs.
On April 09 2013 09:54 Simberto wrote: If duo queued a lot, and practically always one of the two is lastpick. Very, very rarely it does not happen, but from rough guessing i would say at least 9/10 of the games one of the duo is lastpick.
Even more stupid, if you are close in Elo, which should be ideal for a duo queue, you are almost always 4th and 5th pick. I have no idea who thought that would be a good idea. If you inflate my elo for MM purposes because of added coordination of duoing, ok, i am fine with that. Just also use that inflated elo for my position in the group. Don't MM me with higher people and then ALWAYS have us be 4th and 5th pick. I guess it is less annoying for me because i already main support, but it is still complete bullshit.
I wholeheartedly agree.
On an unrelated note. Riot hates people trying to get to gold.
Over the last couple days I've been playing the best LoL I've ever played. My KDA over the last 8 games is 11.0 and I still can't get promoted to Gold because someone has to feed when it actually matters. No amount of carrying me and my duo q partner do is going to win a 4v5. unless someone in the other team really sucks. We're a gold 3 and a Silver I facing Gold I and Gold IIs, and somehow we end up with the handicapped Ryze.
I hate being bad at this game and getting matched up with retards who rush triforce and IE on Nasus with no tanky items. He then declares himself a "tank" all game, like that actually means something, and literally will walk away from heroes we're focusing so he gets the last hit with his Q.
I don't even.
Me playing on tilt = all the fucking way down to Silver 4.
Baa?21242 Posts
On April 09 2013 15:16 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote:Show nested quote +On April 09 2013 09:54 Simberto wrote: If duo queued a lot, and practically always one of the two is lastpick. Very, very rarely it does not happen, but from rough guessing i would say at least 9/10 of the games one of the duo is lastpick.
Even more stupid, if you are close in Elo, which should be ideal for a duo queue, you are almost always 4th and 5th pick. I have no idea who thought that would be a good idea. If you inflate my elo for MM purposes because of added coordination of duoing, ok, i am fine with that. Just also use that inflated elo for my position in the group. Don't MM me with higher people and then ALWAYS have us be 4th and 5th pick. I guess it is less annoying for me because i already main support, but it is still complete bullshit. I wholeheartedly agree. On an unrelated note. Riot hates people trying to get to gold. Over the last couple days I've been playing the best LoL I've ever played. My KDA over the last 8 games is 11.0 and I still can't get promoted to Gold because someone has to feed when it actually matters. No amount of carrying me and my duo q partner do is going to win a 4v5. unless someone in the other team really sucks. We're a gold 3 and a Silver I facing Gold I and Gold IIs, and somehow we end up with the handicapped Ryze. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DjZiF70.jpg)
your normal elo is just really low? normal game queue mmr is separate, so you're most likely just stomping bads in normals and playing against people your level in ranked...
Gotta love the Death cap rush TF and the BOTRK rush on MF, dont forget the first item Hydra on Zed. Yes this is why I don't main support. Because retards run rampant in solo queue and don't know how to itemize again certain teams.
Edit: I don't mind bad players, but if you die 2 times before the three minute mark 1v1. I honestly stop giving a shit about your LP.
fuck people who pick "op" champions when they dont get banned and then proceed to single handedly lose us the game, because they have no clue how to play them.
fuck people who dont ever watch the minimap and ignore mia calls
fuck people who focus the friggin support/tank/0/10/x champ instead of the hyperfed carry
and goddamit, where do all these people coming from, losing against something they hardcounter. You successfully gank their lane 3 times and they still manage to die the second you leave their lane
Up for my promotion matches to gold 2... everyone on the enemy team is gold 1/2, I get stuck with a silver 2 ADC with less than 30 games played. RIOT WHAT THE HELL.
(He did okay... apart from letting Janna walk up and harass for free for the first 15 minutes). And randomly dying in a teamfight where literally everyone on the enemy team was locked up and we had baron. Forgot about that. >_<
Dear adcs, if your support can solo fight their Sivir and Taric to 25% HP, please engage and stop farming. It's not my fault your map awareness is so bad you can even see half a screen away. But honestly how that wasn't a double kill is ridiculous. You are a bad adc and you should feel bad.