On April 07 2013 23:05 Djin)ftw( wrote: today was again a great day in my life. played a couple of games. Wanted to get into gold. was at 92 points in silver 2 and sure I'd make it into Silver I today. Little did I know that I'd lose 8 out of 9 games. For reasons which are partly unknown to me. The ever arguing bot lane, where both blame each other and threaten to go afk, thats normal.That cant be it. The jungler who doesnt gank the top lane, seeing the boots+3pot start, thats normal. The trolls who dont want to play sup, pick lb mid, feed and lose us the game which I should have dodged, thats not it.. No, there must be something else going on. Something more subtle. Something I still havent figured out, even after all these games. If I only knew what it is. Any ideas? It's sunday sunday sunday, gotta get off LoL on sunday?
I have a serious case of weekend games too. Maybe it's a european thing. Or maybe it's the sun out there, for the first time in what i believe is 4 weeks, sending cosmic lose-your-game rays at us for staying inside.
On April 07 2013 23:10 snow2.0 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 07 2013 23:05 Djin)ftw( wrote: today was again a great day in my life. played a couple of games. Wanted to get into gold. was at 92 points in silver 2 and sure I'd make it into Silver I today. Little did I know that I'd lose 8 out of 9 games. For reasons which are partly unknown to me. The ever arguing bot lane, where both blame each other and threaten to go afk, thats normal.That cant be it. The jungler who doesnt gank the top lane, seeing the boots+3pot start, thats normal. The trolls who dont want to play sup, pick lb mid, feed and lose us the game which I should have dodged, thats not it.. No, there must be something else going on. Something more subtle. Something I still havent figured out, even after all these games. If I only knew what it is. Any ideas? It's sunday sunday sunday, gotta get off LoL on sunday? I have a serious case of weekend games too. Maybe it's a European thing. Or maybe it's the sun out there, for the first time in what i believe is 4 weeks, sending cosmic lose-your-game rays at us for staying inside. Same thing has happened to me the last couple games. I've gone from doing very well to doing poorly, but the same thing happens, my team just kind of starts calling everyone noob. This only really happens on weekends because when I have played mid day during breaks, my teams tend to be more mature and usually much better. It's really weird, maybe weekends I get the gamut of middleschoolers - adults and on breaks I just get the highschoolers, middleschoolers on break and a larger amount of adults? Maybe it's partially due to stress relief so all I do is focus on the game? Idk, but I don't like the screaming in teams I'm getting now :/.
Started playing ranked again after a short break, and instantly time for shikyo. I am support. 4 games in a row my toplane either goes 0/5 or loses 2 turrets within 15-20 minutes. Why.
If I lose this next game because of horrible players, I'm uninstalling League. I cannot fucking stand people.
I think i will go insane. It is as if league punishes me for no playing for some time, and throws retards at me. Why do I lose the game when i win bot, but my toplane sucks? There is NO way for me to influence toplane as a support.
So i have a bad game, firstpick Xerath and get countered by a Fizz. Then their Zac decides to camp my lane. I end up pretty far behind, 1-6 by the midgame and fizz is snowballing. My team starts shouting in all chat "report this Xerath for trolling" blah blah blah. I try to explain I'm behind and can't do much if i don't get some more farm. So they all pile mid and take all the creeps, keeping me far behind. I end the game 1-9-6, underleveled by 4-5 levels and with an Athenes, all the components for rylais and homeguard merc treads.
If I didn't value my account so much i would have left.
So to you guys ("bp2m","GaulishVengance","WhitePowertoThat" and "WzB IlLuisr"), fuck you for making what could have been a comeback a shit-sling-fest and nothing resembling a proper game of league of legends.
On April 08 2013 03:08 Simberto wrote: I think i will go insane. It is as if league punishes me for no playing for some time, and throws retards at me. Why do I lose the game when i win bot, but my toplane sucks? There is NO way for me to influence toplane as a support.
Gotta play Soraka meng.
I am quite pissed. I was jungle Nasus. We had a good Renekton top, a Ziggs mid who did not do much damage all game, a twitch and nautilus botlane. The enemy team had an Evelynn as a jungler, Xerath mid, Graves adc, some support I forgot and Udyr top.
I was 2-0-17 with Nasus somewhere around the 35 minute mark. They did a very quick and sneaky baron after my team stayed near their mid inhib for too long ( I told them to back, maybe I should have stayed, I'm not sure this could have been my mistake ). We took the next baron but this cost us an inhibitor because renekton refused to recall because he thought he had to tank baron ( I was full tank Nasus jungle ).
I am quite pissed at this point because we win teamfights but because the enemy team gets objectives for free the game drags on.
Then another teamfight happens and we are doing good. The enemy evelynn is a glass cannon built to kill twitch. Despite me and Nautilus peeling, she still blows him up ( he wasn't the best ). Doesn't matter because he built smart and he has a GA, and she blew all her cooldowns on him. So we continue the fight. All of a sudden we notice that twitch is gone, he ran away into the enemy jungle because he was scared. He then encounters Evelynn again and he dies. The rest of us die because we are fighting the others without our adc. Twitch's explanation:" I was at 30 percent HP, I had to back' .
TLDR: Ad carries who don't stick with their team in teamfights because they are scared they might die........
2-0-17 Nasus and still lose the game because your carries are dumb. FML
I am going to start banning vayne, I haven't seen a good one in four weeks and its always my team that picks her.
Don't understand why I'm getting matched against diamonds in normals... Make me feel like I have 0 clue how to play this game T_T.
On April 08 2013 12:08 57 Corvette wrote: I am going to start banning vayne, I haven't seen a good one in four weeks and its always my team that picks her.
In that vein, I played a game today where I was Lulu/Cait vs. a Vayne/Lux.
I am so, so sorry to them. Poor Vayne didn't break 10cs till 7 minutes into the game, that's how bad I zoned her. I'm not complaining, but I felt like a dick for it. The Vayne tried to all-in us a couple times at lvl 6 and after, but Lulu literally counters Vayne. E negates stealth, W derps half the ult, when your AD gets a little low, just R for a "heal".
So I just played a game at 8:30-9:20. Aren't all the kids already at school at that time? The whole game was apparently a contest who could brag about having a gf the most while still afk'ing and trying to get hit by as many nid spears as possible lol.
EDIT: Play a picture perfect game as Xin, get my Kha mid 3 kills on fizz before 6, doublekill bot once at level 5 and top is going even. After that we win small skirmishes all over the map, and things are going good. Then suddenly the BEST THROWS EU happen and here we are at 60 points in Silver 1. I've had 95 points twice and 96 once. FML
that's it, i'm officially quitting udyr. no matter what i do i just can't play him, top lane or jungle. can't clear, can't duel, can't gank, can't roam, can't counterjungle, can't do fucking anything. need something new to jungle with now though -.-
Riots duo queue system is the rotting mold on a week old pile of shit. You wanna duo queue? Guess what, one of you will be forced to support, because you always ALWAYS end up lastpick. And you get to play with an AD that bought his account on eBay because he's clearly better than what his ELO tells him.
edit: also, I still can't mute anyone. I can't silence the trolls. 6 months now with no mute. What the fuck? Riot fix plz.
On April 08 2013 12:08 57 Corvette wrote: I am going to start banning vayne, I haven't seen a good one in four weeks and its always my team that picks her.
Haven't seen many good ones all season. Think it's because they're much easier to kill these days. I'm really starting to loathe the first pick Vayne's that I see fairly frequently though, because I know I'm going to get stuck as support and I'm going to have to drag them kicking and screaming to a win (and chances are they'll break free at some point).
Fuck all those jungle duos whose idea of playing consist of "camp for my buddy all lane long".
On April 09 2013 00:40 zer0das wrote:Show nested quote +On April 08 2013 12:08 57 Corvette wrote: I am going to start banning vayne, I haven't seen a good one in four weeks and its always my team that picks her. Haven't seen many good ones all season. Think it's because they're much easier to kill these days. I'm really starting to loathe the first pick Vayne's that I see fairly frequently though, because I know I'm going to get stuck as support and I'm going to have to drag them kicking and screaming to a win (and chances are they'll break free at some point).
I hate most AD picks in general these days. I have no respect for anyone who plays MF or Caitlyn consistently and say that they're good ADCs.
On April 09 2013 05:01 Zergneedsfood wrote:Show nested quote +On April 09 2013 00:40 zer0das wrote:On April 08 2013 12:08 57 Corvette wrote: I am going to start banning vayne, I haven't seen a good one in four weeks and its always my team that picks her. Haven't seen many good ones all season. Think it's because they're much easier to kill these days. I'm really starting to loathe the first pick Vayne's that I see fairly frequently though, because I know I'm going to get stuck as support and I'm going to have to drag them kicking and screaming to a win (and chances are they'll break free at some point). I hate most AD picks in general these days. I have no respect for anyone who plays MF or Caitlyn consistently and say that they're good ADCs. Why? whats wrong with being good with those two?
On April 09 2013 05:43 M2 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 09 2013 05:01 Zergneedsfood wrote:On April 09 2013 00:40 zer0das wrote:On April 08 2013 12:08 57 Corvette wrote: I am going to start banning vayne, I haven't seen a good one in four weeks and its always my team that picks her. Haven't seen many good ones all season. Think it's because they're much easier to kill these days. I'm really starting to loathe the first pick Vayne's that I see fairly frequently though, because I know I'm going to get stuck as support and I'm going to have to drag them kicking and screaming to a win (and chances are they'll break free at some point). I hate most AD picks in general these days. I have no respect for anyone who plays MF or Caitlyn consistently and say that they're good ADCs. Why? whats wrong with being good with those two?
Those two are like the easiest ADCs ever that take basically no skill. It's almost as little skill as Ezreal when he was just super powerful and wasn't nerfed to hell. Last hitting is incredibly easy on both. Skillless ulties. Easiest laning phase in the world.
Granted, a lot of adcs are like this, but the point isn't that adcs are OP as much as players who think they're really good on MF and Caitlyn just sound like obnoxious idiots to me for playing the easy champions and complaining when things go wrong.
On April 08 2013 18:54 Osmoses wrote: Riots duo queue system is the rotting mold on a week old pile of shit. You wanna duo queue? Guess what, one of you will be forced to support, because you always ALWAYS end up lastpick. And you get to play with an AD that bought his account on eBay because he's clearly better than what his ELO tells him.
edit: also, I still can't mute anyone. I can't silence the trolls. 6 months now with no mute. What the fuck? Riot fix plz. Last pick can probably also jungle, and ADC+Support or Solo Lane + Jungle are some of the better combinations for a duo queue to actually benefit from synergy beyond either of their individual skill (necessary for how the system boosts your MMR when you duoqueue.)