The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 25
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
United States4567 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
I play Teemo vs Udyr top, not even doing all that well because that Udyr literally takes no damage. Ganked by Lee Sin. Ganked by Lee Sin. Ganked by LeBlanc. Ganked by Taric. Ganked by Taric. Ganked by Lee Sin + LeBlanc (lol I got a kill from that and lived) Ganked by Lee Sin + Garen Ganked by LeBlanc + Lee Sin No, I'm not exaggerating here. In the mean time my team is losing anyways. | ||
United States9316 Posts
On August 12 2011 17:42 spinesheath wrote: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS I play Teemo vs Udyr top, not even doing all that well because that Udyr literally takes no damage. Ganked by Lee Sin. Ganked by Lee Sin. Ganked by LeBlanc. Ganked by Taric. Ganked by Taric. Ganked by Lee Sin + LeBlanc (lol I got a kill from that and lived) Ganked by Lee Sin + Garen Ganked by LeBlanc + Lee Sin No, I'm not exaggerating here. In the mean time my team is losing anyways. This describes EVERY game I ever played with TL B. No joke, and Tap's like, ganking bot and failing 3v1 while i'm somehow getting ganked by bot, mid, and their jungle at like 10 mins and I'm like wtf?? Then I'm told not to overextend after getting towerdived by 3-4 and am like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT BRO?? edit: Then Tap tells me to come to blue like NOW when I just respawned, engages like 2 seconds later and then is like BP why you not there?? Me: "I just respawned." Tap: "But you looked so close on the minimap!" | ||
3340 Posts
So laning phase ends and my item slots are full, and I notice there're no wards anywhere. No one is support so no one wants to buy any. Fine, I've dealt with this shit before. I figure I'll press tab and figure out who has space and guilt them into it. The one that has space is Udyr. And he has Wiggle's... and there's no wards. My brain snaps and I get snarky, "I've always wondered if it were possible for someone to be so bad that he'd buy Wiggle's and never lay down a single ward. Now I know, thank you." He calls me a feeder. What's that got to do with wards? Buy wards, place wards, I tell him. He buys wards. He never places them. This then blows up into major drama among the team. Everytime we push cross the river, 3 of them (noc, akali, and sona) come from behind and butt-rape us. This scenario reoccurs 4 fricken times and Udyr is still taunting me! Eventually (minute 30, with most of our turrets down) I finish an item, sell a doran's ring and buy 5 wards. As I'm placing my third one, I notice all opponents are missing. Guess what they got for free? Baron. obv. fuuuuuu! Game over and by the end of the game somehow I'm the bad guy because I "fed mid and whined about wards the whole game." Fuck you, teammates, I hope you die in a fire.... ka-sigh. | ||
United States11761 Posts
voicechat's my real bane. | ||
United States3216 Posts
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United States11637 Posts
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United States1980 Posts
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United States2294 Posts
On August 13 2011 08:44 rwrzr wrote: I'd like to apologize to southlight/utahime for being big noob. that is all. wrong thread bro! It is never your fault here. lol | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
5v4 game. We're supposed to have a huge advantage. I'm playing Taric. I zone out the 1v2 lane perfectly. And... how do 4 other people on my team manage to feed? I just can't understand. I have the whole map warded and they STILL all go suicide one at a time to the 5 people standing in the warded bush. Karthus just goes on full feed mode and makes it his duty to eat every skillshot ever. Trynd is doing goodness knows what dying to minions. GP has less minion kills that me somehow. We all group up to kill a tower and they all decide to run off and chase the Mundo with Warmogs who will never die instead of killing the 500 hp tower. Real. | ||
France45622 Posts
Wat. | ||
United Kingdom149 Posts
Well he decided to start on wolves (jungle) fine ye great our teemo sits beside blue and cloaks to give vision of FIVE people run into blue brush, bot is at wraith/dragon to scout other invasions. So we tell him just come take their blue or forgo the first blue because who cares, he runs into the brush and gets gibbed... So we ask wtf and he claims 'I thought you guys were trolling me'... | ||
United States17233 Posts
real ![]() | ||
France45622 Posts
Strangely, it was easier to cope with the lag than with Trynda and Leona somehow thinking chasing 2 people when the other 3 are due to respawn in 10 sec in a good idea, or that pushing mid when we lost our tower(s) and all 5 opponents are missing are good ideas. Almost constant 4v5 isn't easy... | ||
Vancouver14381 Posts
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Netherlands3704 Posts
Ooh how i hate those stupid fucking failers that are too retarded to realise how hard they suck... | ||
Germany14079 Posts
SO WE DUAL Q CUZ DUAL Q IS PRO RITE. Garen / Brand (me) / Ashe (duoQ) / Janna / Nocturne vs WW / Malz / Kog / Soraka / Fiddle Top 3-1. Mid 3-0. Bot like 2-3 but np. First fight I find out noc has build wriggles/ghostblade and garen FoN / Bruta. Fight #1: Noc ults into 4ppl, explodes before we can do stuff, then yells at people for being slow. Fight #2: Ashe Arrow, Noc ults, 4ppl on the same spot, I'm a happy brand and WR that spot. Janna ults, I hit no one. "I saw a chance to split them up so I went for it" Fight #3: Noc ults, Garen dives with him, WW ignores it all and ults Ashe, Kog makes her explode, they then chase me and Janna while Malz/Soraka lure Garen/Noc into Fiddle ult. Noc blames carries for not being in the fight. Fight #4: Noc ults onto CHANNELING FIDDLE ON A LEDGE AT BARON (the one at tribrush). WE FOLLOW IN THERE LIKE TARDS AND FIDDLES ZHONYAS IN THE MIDDLE. GG. SO. SAD. QQQQQQQQQ. | ||
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Canada1528 Posts
Me: "ww go back to jungle, why are you laning" WW: "because nunu is" At this point, our vayne is doing completely fine in lane. I've neglected to mention that ww chose to open razors and then go 2xDring..... I'm mid against karth and even though I was playing pretty well the karth is slowly out cs'ing me due to ceaselessly spamming lay waste and never running out of mana. We trade kills and I get first blood, worth it right? Nope. Our ww goes "ori nub you feed karth, i help" and comes down to mid to lane with me. By this point I've given up trying to convince him otherwise, so I just get every cs (since he doesn't know about last hits clearly) and make the most of it. We win, I go 17/2/19, and since the opposing team saw our vayne as a bigger threat, they build no MRes and my QRW is doing 1200+ damage near the end of the game thanks to Mpen runes, sorc boots, and void staff. As we're pushing the nexus towers, their karth spawns and flashes onto me to use his zone and lay waste. I QW him and his health literally goes to zero, but his ksing ulti takes me down as their nexus explodes... So much effort to carry such a scrub team. On the other hand, I feel privileged that I know that magic resistance can go into the negatives if you have enough magic pen. That probably won us the game, tbh. | ||
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