On July 21 2012 17:06 plasmidghost wrote: It was my second time with Mundo, and I was still trying to learn him. I stopped after a few games. To clarify, I don't know comps all that well yet, and since Mundo was free to play, I tried him. Maybe I'm just QQing because I'm not very good yet. But still, if a Vayne builds without any lifesteal whatsoever, I am going to get pissed.
Dude just play normals, have fun and ignore the kids.
Well another annoying game where bot ends up 1 kill leona and 2 kill ad tf with 30ish deaths between them in a 25-50 game. I win lane, mid wins lane. But no. Bot is absolute shit again.
On July 21 2012 17:35 Simberto wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2012 10:35 little fancy wrote: Two things:
1. Normal blind pick is SO MUCH easier than draft mode, but atmosphere and behaviour are SO MUCH worse.
2. Why is it that people say "EASY", "izi bobs", "ezpz noobs" etc. at the end of the game? Does it make their e-peen hard?
We're currently leveling up a friend of us, lvl 20 so far and no idea what to do. He gets crushed in solo lanes, screwed over in the jungle and autoloses bot lane for us if put there because we are usually up vs 5x lvl 30. It's ok for us to lose more often than not, it's kinda expected.
But still people go super excited when killing him for the 8th time in 12 minutes so they can call him "noob" + "sucker" and taunt our whole team with comments like "/ff in 8 minutes" and "suck my dick jijajajaiajieja".
From time to time there are games were I crush my lane and go 10/0 in 15 minutes but I never ever even think about rubbing it in, because why would I? I see no reason for it, but maybe I'm just too well educated and don't get any kind of satisfaction out of making my opponent feel miserably.
There is a very simple explanation for this. A lot of people are assholes. Then there are some streamers who get famous for being an asshole, and stupid people choose them as a rolemodel. Add to this the absurd superiority complex basically every single person in LoL has, and you get such behaviour. Another thing that adds into this is that the ignore system sucks. Even if you ignore someone in one game, you can still get them in the next game, and they can still talk to you ingame unless you ignore them again. This means that assholes can be sure that the first few things they say will always land. Now why you would feel like being a dick, i don't exactly know, but apparently it is very popular. There is exactly one situation where i will do something like that, and that is when someone gives a stupid comment when he kills me. In that case, every time i kill him, i will make the exact same stupid comment, over and over again. Show nested quote +On July 21 2012 17:06 plasmidghost wrote:On July 20 2012 23:45 Simberto wrote:On July 20 2012 18:31 plasmidghost wrote: Trying out Dr Mundo since he's free to play, and I lane with a Vayne. Well, Vayne dies at least 5 times before the 15 minute mark, but later manages to get really powerful and do a lot of DPS. Cutting to the chase, my team was complete shit and managed to lose despite me carrying the team hard. My final message to them was "why are you guys so bad." Vayne says something like "you only think you're good because you use squishies as bait to get cheap kills." "BITCH YOU BUILT FUCKING BLOODRAZORS FIRST. YOU'RE A COMPLETE RETARD. also, I fucking solo-killed a Malphite with his team supporting him and lived, what the fuck are you even talking about" I hate people like that. Why are you laning Doctor Mundo with a vayne? Mundo is one of the worst supports i can imagine, the only thing you can do is try to cleaver them all day to zone them, which will very quickly deplete your health early on, and you become pretty useless without money pretty fast. You can jungle him, and MAYBE sololane (though i have never seen it, and am not really convinced it will work that good. It was my second time with Mundo, and I was still trying to learn him. I stopped after a few games. To clarify, I don't know comps all that well yet, and since Mundo was free to play, I tried him. Maybe I'm just QQing because I'm not very good yet. But still, if a Vayne builds without any lifesteal whatsoever, I am going to get pissed. You might want to look a bit into the general meta that is played, a bit of knowledge is pretty useful there. The most standard setup is 1bruiser/tanky dude with some sort of escape or maybe a kennen/vlad type of caster top, an ap caster in mid, an ad carry and a support bot, and a tanky dude, preferably with some cc, in the jungle. The support is some guy who is still useful without a lot of money, mostly because he has healing and/or CC spells, and usually does not really scale good with money anyways. He then does not steal farm from his carry, for whom it is far more useful, and buys wards and such to enable the carry to farm safer. Also, i did not say that Mundo is a bad champion. Mundo rocks. He is just not very good as a support because he needs money, and if two people share the farm in one lane, it is usually done in a way that one of them gets all of it, and the other gets none, and vayne is the type of guy who should get all the farm because being an ad carry, she scales very good with farm. When you pick up a new champion, i would suggest taking 5 min to look at a guide so you can see what roles he is generally played at, and what items are good on him. If you want to try jungling, Mundo would be a good champion for that. Sure, some people play different comps, but before you deviate from the norm, you should know the norm, so you can know when and why to deviate. At least in my opinion. That's pretty useful information to have. Thanks for sharing. As for some additional QQ from me, I hate my really bad habit of facechecking bushes. It's killed me so many times that I've lost count.
On July 22 2012 08:43 Bflomatiq wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2012 17:06 plasmidghost wrote: It was my second time with Mundo, and I was still trying to learn him. I stopped after a few games. To clarify, I don't know comps all that well yet, and since Mundo was free to play, I tried him. Maybe I'm just QQing because I'm not very good yet. But still, if a Vayne builds without any lifesteal whatsoever, I am going to get pissed. Dude just play normals, have fun and ignore the kids. I'll try to. LoL is a pretty fun game, and I don't want kids trying to ruin my experience, so yeah, I'll just do my best to ignore them.
Spectated a friend of mine and he built Brutalizer on phoenix jungle Udyr.
Don't ban Morgana -> np, she's terribad like most of them so despite having to burn Flash because of the 3 dudes that come to mid after their invade I'm beating her. Malph camping me? 'k, that's fine, I'm still ahead in cs despite dying twice, and I can easily force her back.
Evelyn jungle aggros and dies to a binding despite Morgana being awful at it, She passes a ward and I ping botlane (went near top to help Eve against Malph invading), they suicide into her and blame me for not coming 2v3 them without our ults.
So, I guess I have to ban Morgana not because she is OP, not because she is easy to play/people play her well, but, all the same as Shaco, people are fucking retards that have no idea not only how to lane against her, but also how to play against her at all? Fucking idiots.
Oh well, just checked, he was premade with the jungler. No wonder I got camped to compensate for his terribadness. Still fucking annoying as I feel like more often than not when all I want to do is fucking training with a champ that is either top or mid I get camped. And then there are the games where I don't need jungler intervention but he comes nonetheless and feeds buffs (those are pretty rare, thankfully) or due to being camped I can't follow when they go gank and despite my pings the other lanes feed them kills. I'd like to be able to fucking train laning with some champs/roles, not "dealing with being camped". Dammit.
'k next game they ask what we want banned after they tell me to go mid. I say "Malph maybe?", cue Amumu ban. Enemy picks Anivia mid, well maybe a good match-up to train Talon. Eat a dick, they pick jungle Malph. I sense the camping incoming. I'm so silent raging right now. Fuck this.
yesterday's games:
1. "oh i gotta eat dinner soon" 2. "yeah my friend is good but he had to go work so don't report him" 3. "i gotta go to work now, thought game would be finished" 4. "im afking because my uncle keeps needing me to do stuff for him"
if you know you don't have that much time or will be distracted, DON'T START A FUCKING GAME, ESPECIALLY AS THE FUCKING AD CARRY.
oh yeah, played a 50 minute game also. our adc gets 62 cs. my support lulu has 75. why do i solo q?
I'd say gank bot every time your ult is up, and ward for them if they don't do it themselves. You need to realize the problem early enough, and try to stop it from getting out of control to the point where you can't do anything anymore. When they are already 0/5 in lane, you probably can't do a lot anymore, and if it gets worse then that, you need to win your lane at least by a similar amount to still have a chance to stay in the game, so you should try to prevent that from happening. Still, there are just games where you can't do anything.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
you should probably avoid calling your teammates fukin retards and wishing them cancers irl
On July 23 2012 15:01 419 wrote: you should probably avoid calling your teammates fukin retards and wishing them cancers irl
This... One thing that has comforted me during my time in in LoL has been the idea that people here are better. No matter what kind of fucktards i get in game, that rage to each other, wish cancers etc. I always say to myself, that there is always TL, people there act like adults should act like... But no. That guy just made me really sad.
On July 23 2012 17:37 Gaslo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 15:01 419 wrote: you should probably avoid calling your teammates fukin retards and wishing them cancers irl This... One thing that has comforted me during my time in in LoL has been the idea that people here are better. No matter what kind of fucktards i get in game, that rage to each other, wish cancers etc. I always say to myself, that there is always TL, people there act like adults should act like... But no. That guy just made me really sad. you clearly haven't met the infamous dsc, aka Beau Tadej
Yay, have first pick get morgana and start joking around how the game is already won, getting rammus and vayne/alistar at bot and me with warwick top. Enemy picks anivia mid and Morg is like "lol anivia vs morg mid. gg. we win!"
Of course, we have such a great early comp, we need to invade against Yorick, Nautilus, Anivia, random ad and taric.
Mid and me die, we don't get their blue, kills go to mid and the jungler. When i get to lane, Yorick is level 2. Everytime i want to last hit, i get two ghouls to the face, so i am pretty sad. Still i get more last hits then him, as he ain't that good. Game stabilizes top and i can farm under harass. Still, he manages to kill me when he got 6 and i was still 5 below my turret, but all in all, i am even with him. Then i realize my team is awfully chatty. Which is always very very bad. One look at the team screen and Anivia is 7/0/1, Morg has 50 cs at 10 minutes and the blame game is on. Bot calls mid a feeder, mid calls rammus a fucktard for not ganking thrice a minute, (he ganked for me 2 times already) and the junglger calls out the team for losing every lane.
When the game ends, my whole team has 10 or 11 deaths. Morg ends with 80 farm. Last sentence:
"WHY DO YOU BLAME ME? I NEVER MID!" wtf, then don't first pick morg.
Just ended my last game in with a 4-3 score while losing terribly. Not just badly, but terribly. The rest of my team went a collective 1-21. Some games are just not doable i guess..
The one game the enemy randomly decides to do soraka solo bot, of course i am tristana and she can just easily farm under turret. In retrospect, i should probably just not have put any points in e, but once i noticed it was too late. It probably would still not have matter with how hard the rest of my team fed everywhere because they refuse to buy pinks vs eve.
5 game loss streak. Doesn´t matter what I do when mid ragequits coz red buff killed blue and no matter how much I help losing lanes win when someone Ezreal thinks he can duel vayne, not to mention J4 ulting vayne and then trapping me him and udyr in it when vayne tumbled out. God this shit is frustrating.
Yesterday I think I played with someone who insisted on playing mid (fine), picked TF (fine), claimed that it was his first time playing TF (fine), and then...
He then started complaining about how he couldn't win the lane against Orianna and never ulted even once before the 16th minute, which made me raise an eyebrow (because, hey, you are TF). After being asked, he told me that he read a guide on mobafire before the game.
I don't even.... my normal Elo is around 1500 FFS -_-
"Which support? - I'll picking Ashe, so no Blitz no Leona since I do no damage, and maybe no Soraka or we'll lack damage."
*Picks Soraka* Well, 'k, I'll do with it... AP Kennen + Trist against us. What does Soraka do? Try to fight Kennen. Doesn't ward bush for bush control and we're pushed and I'm losing cs since I'm short on AD. I end up killed because of Soraka but no worries, I got enough for boots2+BFS+vamp, should be set for csing now. Nop, Soraka feeds two other kills to Trist who show up with the same gear.
And next time she comes back she facechecks a bush into fed Irelia, bam another feeding. Sigh. Can't train with retards like that.
6 game loss streak now.
I was first pick and felt like going mid. Pick Orianna because they banned leblanc and except for her there is no way I´m losing lane with her. They pick kassadin, perfect I can bully him so hard he won´t ever step into mid again. But no it does not matter that I was lvl 8 when he was 6, it didn´t matter I killed him twice before taking his beloved blue buff he got from Lee Sin. It did not matter that I came to lane after recalling with a catalyst to his boots1+dring. It did not matter I was 160 CS to his 70 by 20 minutes.
Today I havn´t gotten a single comptetent team, fuck ranked, I´m going blind pick leblanc.
Firstpick announces he's going ap ezreal mid. This is the time in a game when i roll my eyes for a bit. But then i think, well, why the hell not, at my elo, probably everything works and ap ezreal has been buffed, so, don't be so cought in your own prejuidices. Ezreal buys a dorans and goes mid. The dorans is a sword... We laugh, then we see that he has no ap at all. He proceeds to buys zeal and zerkers. I am vayne and i just farm, so, well, maybe i can carry this game. We are sth like 5/15 tough and at 20 my team surrenders 4-0 before i realize it is over.
Then my teams destroys 3 games in a row just to fail hard 3 games in a row afterwards. i think i did 6 games in about 2 1/2 hours. last game finally a good game, at least not onesided as hell.
fucking hate how some people equate good kd = best player under the sun. if you're ad carry ofc you're goin to get shittons of kills and hopefully little deaths.
fucking idiot graves gets big kd, trashtalks everyone. thinks he's too good to listen to anybody. after we ace, he pushes mid solo w/ no creep. Gets fucking low. Malph/Morg come up; we tell him to back. He doesn't listen and keeps farming literally right outside their tower. Gets caught by reverie Malph. Dies, other team gets baron and wins. All the while he keeps saying it's not his fault. He's fucking pro. We're fucking bad. Etc etc etc... Fucking a.