Hi fellow LoL players, first time post in this sub. I consider myself to be a really happy guy, and I am most of the time. I have enjoyed playing online games of all, or at leas most varieties, but currently I'm just been playing LoL in hopes to get my account out of ELO hell. I'm a dedicated support player, and pretty good at it. In my premades 5v5 it tends to go really well and I have a good time, however my normal ELO has also fallen recently (and by A LOT) thanks to my trying to get better with Lb and TF mid. Now I believe my normal ELO is lower than my current ranked ELO. Game after game now, I get frustrated by having junglers with NO map awareness, Caitlins' who don't know the concept of poke, AD teemo bots' and the team who gets Darius wins. I once said to myself I would only play premades with my friends, bc lets be honest... With all due respect, mechanicly LoL is designed to be a casual game, therefore, there are no difficult mechanics to master (any tom, dick or harry can last hit fairly well) and it's meant to be played as a team game. I love playing support, I find it really fun, but game after game having my ad just play badly tends to frustrate me. For those of you who watch Day[9]'s stream, you might be familiar to the notion of playing for fun, enjoying the game, not playing to show how big your "internet male genitals"are, etc. I no longer have fun playing LoL unless it's with a friend on skype, however, when I have had a LoLless period once before, and I get an invite from a friend, I find I'm slow, have less map awareness, bad mechanics, all to which is expected after a hiatus, which makes the game experience for my teammates bad, thus making me feel bad.
Now I have clearly established a form of never-ending loop here: Play LoL, get good at what you do, have a bad time getting a decent lvl of play, having a good time with friends v/s Not playing LoL, lose decent mechanics, play other games and have fun, get invited to a premade by a friend and cause my team to lose horribly thanks to bad decision-making and bad mechanics on my part. Now for this there are clearly 2 solutions: (1) Just play premades with friends. This is not always possible, due to mostly, if not only, playing with school friends who have different time tables in University, thus foring me to play solo normal or ranked. (2) Stop playing LoL all together. I (dan dinh) feel that this is the best solution, simply find another game where I do have fun, where I'm not pressured to play well besides my own personal will to do better and live a happy life. My problem with this is that I've come into contact with friends from school who I haven't seen in a log time and I have fun with them. A little back story, I used to play SC2, made the ocasional friend here and there (2) and played a lot. I trained my mechanics, had good BO's, didn't cheese, mostly played a straight up game, Good Guy SC2 player that was around 2 summer's ago. I was a very lonely gamer at the time, the only one of my school friends and university friends who played the game. I started up in bronze league and slowly working my way up to gold, close to transitioning to plat. At that point I wanted a break for SC2, heard some of my friends played this game called LoL which I had heard mentioned time and time again by both friends and some SC2 streamers, mainly Mr. Bitter who once mentioned his GF had just played a game of LoL and lost, so I decided to try it, and had fun. 2 or 3 months later, I return to SC2, find I have bad mechanics once again, so I play a few non-ranked games, get my BO's together and start playing again. Now, mind you, (thank you for reading this far) before I had puth a lot of time and effort into SC2, had decent reads, good decision making, but finding I had to start from scratch bothered me a lot. Not remembering to inject, not remembering how to react to allins and cheese and finding the metagame had changed, started to get on me, and I made the BAD decision to leave the game for a long period after that. Then came the LoL, LoL and only LoL period. I learned a lot, both from streams, guides and playing that I turned into a pretty decent know how on team comps, positioning, mechanics, counterpicks, and builds for all lanes except top, which I have rarely ever played. Back to the present, now I feel that all of that effort was pointless. I got a low ELO after duoing with a friend for my first 3 or 4 games, followed by a losing streak up to around 9 games straight (with absolutely NO wins, 0-9) sentecing me to my current ELO which varies between 750 and 850. I found my calling for being a support player, by making good decisions, minimap watching and helping my carry get kills which I had fun doing.
Now I'm at the situation above, on the verge of leaving LoL for good and feeling like it was all for nothing. Not like in SC2 where I could see my progress in 1v1s and feel good, feel like I had achieved something coming from scratch. Beacuse of the high variance of the average LoL player, I have lost that posibility in this. During the next few days I'll decide what to do, maybe if I could get some orientation from the TL LoL comunity that frequents this post, that would be nice. I'll consult both with my gamer friends and non-gamer friends and try to make up my when my thoughs are clearer. Thank you to anyone who read this post from top to bottom.
TL;DR: Stopped having fun playing LoL, thinking of leaving the game permanently, only staying bc I have a lot of fun in premades with friends, need some orientation on whether this is a good choice.
Insta lock Soraka mid. She pushes all day against Ahri and gives the first 2 kills to them, because she doesn't realize that Soraka + Jungle Noc = don't go past river. Yet it's my fault (jungle Udyr), because I chose to gank lanes that were actually killable instead of "can't catch me" Ahri who was underneath her turret the entire game.
When asked why I didn't gank, I responded that I can't gank for someone that is consistently dead or pushed. I got rage in reply. Enjoyable.
On June 27 2012 09:59 iCanada wrote: Somtimes I wonder about the play this game.
I was jungling Voli, and did a pretty good job of Snowballing both top and mid. Was 4/0/9 at the 15 minute mark (rushing boots2 and Oracles OP) and the duo queue on my team just started trashing me.
"Wow Volibear you are fucking terrible at this game. How come you have no fucking idea how to fucking play? Why would you take kills in ganks? Why are you ganking my lane when I am already winning? Why is Skarner 15 farm ahead of you?"
It doesn't even make sense to me, I played well, and carried the game pretty hard... (enemy top/mid said "GG volibear, you carried so hard)
Apparently I am an absolutely terrible 200 Elo player who has no idea how to play this game. o.O
You played jungle. That alone is reason enough to flame you for a lot of people, especially if they are not doing that well in lane. Apparently, anyone who does not play jungle always knows exactly what the jungler should do, and in 90% of the cases that is "Gank my lane"
On June 27 2012 09:59 iCanada wrote: Somtimes I wonder about the play this game.
I was jungling Voli, and did a pretty good job of Snowballing both top and mid. Was 4/0/9 at the 15 minute mark (rushing boots2 and Oracles OP) and the duo queue on my team just started trashing me.
"Wow Volibear you are fucking terrible at this game. How come you have no fucking idea how to fucking play? Why would you take kills in ganks? Why are you ganking my lane when I am already winning? Why is Skarner 15 farm ahead of you?"
It doesn't even make sense to me, I played well, and carried the game pretty hard... (enemy top/mid said "GG volibear, you carried so hard)
Apparently I am an absolutely terrible 200 Elo player who has no idea how to play this game. o.O
You played jungle. That alone is reason enough to flame you for a lot of people, especially if they are not doing that well in lane. Apparently, anyone who does not play jungle always knows exactly what the jungler should do, and in 90% of the cases that is "Gank my lane"
Yeah, realistically they probably just like jealous I had a better score than them or something. I dunno.
Also funny because apparently popping shurelya's and flash flipping people isn't initiating, it is waiting for everything to be blown to "be the cleanup crew" lol.
On June 27 2012 14:21 eScapegoat100 wrote: Sigh down from 1350 to below 1200.
Dis elo stuff so random man. At least at 1350 it felt like to made a difference if I played good or not.
1350 is always the hurdle I tell my friends to get over before they can feel a difference in games. I remember struggling to cross that hump a couple times. I started playing really strong mids around that time to carry myself to ~1400 (this was a little over a year ago? so Annie, Brand, Orianna were all really strong at the time)
On June 27 2012 14:21 eScapegoat100 wrote: Sigh down from 1350 to below 1200.
Dis elo stuff so random man. At least at 1350 it felt like to made a difference if I played good or not.
It makes a very big difference at 1200, though to reliably carry you need to be able to win games 4v5 (It's not all that difficult at that elo luckily, like for instance when I was Graves and had IE BT PD LW GA at 35min I could basically 1v5 them and in that game the fact we were 4v5 didn't matter at all)
Also it's true there's some random elements, for instance I had like 12 shit teams in a row and the only games where I managed to win was when I carried super hard (Like 15-1 or 21-3 type of scores). However after those games I've had 7 good teams in a row and thus a 7 game win streak.
At those elos btw it's stupidly easy if you just:
1. Lasthit well
2. Pick a champion that farms well
3. Pick a champion that can carry late
4. Pick a champion that doesn't get denied vs any lane or alternatively just counterpick
If you can do all that, you almost guarantee doubling the minion kills of the next-best farmer and thus you have a ton of farm and you will be effectively as strong as like 3 people at 30-40min or so, and at that point you need to push it, make plays, get towers and baron, and hopefully win before their team gets near max inventory (Here I assume your team is bad and you need to do most things yourself)
Me and my buddy go 3/0 as MF/Ali vs. Cait/Sona but then we die to a really nice 4 man gank by their mid + jungle + bot lane and lose the tower.
Even though our whole team is miles ahead our jungle shyvana starts the blame game und just wouldn't stop. "how can u lose to cait as mf omg wtf noobs blablabla" and the like. Yes, because losing the tower from 100-0 means we are bad and lost the lane (30 cs difference and 3 kill lead is obviously losing).
Unfortunately, our team mates are not as clever as us and don't ignore her but rather neglect playing and focus on discussing.
Result: lose a game we could have easily won. Impressive throw by a fucking dickhead (admitted, he counterjungled pretty well but that was all about it) because his ego forced him to tell us how bad we are.
Seems like silver bracket is the ELO where people stop playing super bad but can't control themselves instead. This "me es #1 you es nothing" attitude fucks me up even more than a bloody beginner that goes 0/10 in lane. FUCK THIS SHIT. zzz.
I was told by a teammate that I was bad for building Naut into a tanky build, despite us having Darius, Graves, and a decently fed Lux on the team, and that I was worthless because all I did was "hit things and run around teamfights". I should obviously be building Zhonya/Abyssal/RoA out of the jungle 100% of the games when we have no other tanky characters.
so playing ad carries without blink/dash/jump in soloq is totally worthless. because it's bascially 3-4 players dive their carry and at least 3, sometimes even all 5 (lol), dive you. nobody protecting. so sad.
2-7 in games with kog maw. i'm not really good with him but i'm not even seeing any sense to practice him. that's so sad.
K banning poppy every single game from now on, who the fuck cares if you as graves have max inventory with GA at 36min when poppy just fucking ults your support and kills you
One would think a skill to hone in ranked teams is coordination. That's why when the enemy team has Amumu and Wukong they stack up in a bush with Ahri in the river bush trying to engage on an Amumu who's basically melee with her, and why Alistar fucking headbutt the Fizz and not one of the two point-blank AoE initiators when they dive.
Told them I wouldn't play another before hand, haven't slept enough and I'm not on holidays, contrary to them. They're frustrated be the loss—well switch on your fucking brain next time, smartass!—and want to play another one, asking me. I relectuantly agree. They pull it off again. Yeah, Xerath's getting fed and has 40 cs more than Annie at 14 minutes (110 to 70). They spoke at the start of the game about how I can easily gank mid to snowball it. Yeah. So when Annie struggles she's never mid when I say my ult's available, instead of keeping it she runs bot, gets followed, I can't assist, and they get mauled, snowballing enemy bot instead. And of course when I steal red, get seen, warn them I'm gonna flash into baron pit to escape, our marvelous jungler engage 1v3, fucking moron!
Can't coordinate if they haven't got any brains to sync. Damn it.
The worst is when you know you play bad, but people are still stupid as fuck.
I gave first blood, let's be fair. Was ganking mid, jungle Olaf came out of nowhere and wrecked me. I admit to that.
But then.
"MF MF MF MF KILL THE MF" (yes, actually in all caps) I proceed to charge the MF at their direction, and get killed because she's fed with 200 farm. "Wow, that was really stupid" Thanks.
Three people kill all of bot and are taking tower, I'm underleveled thanks to the shitty early game, so 8 vs 3 10s. I back out and get some farm. "FREE TRIPLE KILL WHY ARE YOU SO BAD" "Because even if I got there in time for the tower, I would have died" "No u wouldn't"
Teamfight. Malphite is sitting on Trist beating the shit out of her. I knock him away and zone him out. "Why the fuck are you focusing Malphite?" "To save Trist, it's called peeling/protecting" "Fucking moron, Trist has a jump" Note that at this point, Malph still hasn't used Flash or his Ult "He still would have caught her" "No, you should have dived MF" "Alright, I won't protect anyone anymore, I'll only dive." Trist dies in every teamfight instantly past that point.
Enemy basically counter picks himself with Xerath.
Naturally I get camped mid all game by top lane Kayle that's destroying Olaf and the jungle WW. first tower is still up and I get dove all the way to my inhibitor twice.
Never get a single blue even though our jungle is Riven, Olaf never follows Kayle.
Bot lane Ashe feeds Graves to 8-1
Team was a 4 man premade that bitched at me all game.
On June 28 2012 05:39 Keniji wrote: so playing ad carries without blink/dash/jump in soloq is totally worthless. because it's bascially 3-4 players dive their carry and at least 3, sometimes even all 5 (lol), dive you. nobody protecting. so sad.
2-7 in games with kog maw. i'm not really good with him but i'm not even seeing any sense to practice him. that's so sad.
Kogmaw is really good, do it anyway.
If I get far ahead and I've completed the dorans/phantom dancer build and I don't feel confident that my team will peel, I just grab an early qss. Wriggles/dorans/phantom dancer is ridiculously cost effective on Kog and I think if you're getting insta-gibbed before you fight, the qss is so helpful.
I'm confident in my laning phase so I usually come out ahead too.
Whats the deal with people blaming you, when they clearly cannot play?
I pick Karma mid (Fine, underplayed champion. So what?) I get like 40 CS more farm than the Annie im facing, are something like 2/2/0 (which isn't bad considering i got NO jungler help at all even when annie is basically at my tower on half hp). Anyway, team fights start, get some pretty decent results, keeps going back and forth and eventually we lose the game..
End game chat: "OMG Karma so bad, so troll". So finishing the game with more CS than everyone with 8/4 is trolling? Our ashe didnt even have IE at 35 minutes.. WTF.
On June 28 2012 20:03 Rixxe wrote: Whats the deal with people blaming you, when they clearly cannot play?
I pick Karma mid (Fine, underplayed champion. So what?) I get like 40 CS more farm than the Annie im facing, are something like 2/2/0 (which isn't bad considering i got NO jungler help at all even when annie is basically at my tower on half hp). Anyway, team fights start, get some pretty decent results, keeps going back and forth and eventually we lose the game..
End game chat: "OMG Karma so bad, so troll". So finishing the game with more CS than everyone with 8/4 is trolling? Our ashe didnt even have IE at 35 minutes.. WTF.
you pick a ''bad'' champ and everything for the rest of the game is automatically your fault. Problem really is when topwick and support nunu are ''troll picks'' -.-