On June 26 2012 07:44 napo wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2012 06:43 Chill wrote:On June 25 2012 03:29 iCanada wrote: Fast forward 40 minutes I'm a 13/3/10 with 297 CS to Renekton's 2/11/4 and 123 CS. Ryze however is 1/9/1 with 170 CS to his lane opponent Ziggs' 20/8/2 342 CS. Alright, I'm okay with my allies feeding. How do people remember these numbers so specifically...? O_o They do not. Approximation, with a bit of bias in favour of themselves and negative bias when it comes to teammates in this case.
Sounds about right.
On June 26 2012 06:43 Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2012 03:29 iCanada wrote: Fast forward 40 minutes I'm a 13/3/10 with 297 CS to Renekton's 2/11/4 and 123 CS. Ryze however is 1/9/1 with 170 CS to his lane opponent Ziggs' 20/8/2 342 CS. Alright, I'm okay with my allies feeding. How do people remember these numbers so specifically...? O_o
I'd call that the "ranked game effect". In normal games, you may rage about a team mate from time to time, but then you relax and forget about it after a few hours.
But when someone does something absolutely stupid that you just can't apologize for (I'm talking about something so dumb and needless even my lvl 10 sis playing lulu only wouldn't ever do) in any way and this stupid action costs you a ranked win you're going to remember it for days if not weeks.
Had this some times, too, and always used this thread to let it out so it wouldn't affect me days after.
On June 26 2012 07:23 Evilmonkey. wrote: Pleassssssssssse someone explain to me how Jax isn't broken. No really. I'm maokai jungle, shut him down early. He's in lane with irelia and they end up going even. My mid and bot lanes win handily and I do fairly better then their jungle skarner. Fast forward to midgame team fights, jax doesn't even have his triforce yet and he wrecks. FF to late game and there is literally nothing you can do to stop him. TF/PD/GA jax... wat do? He's ungankable early, excells midgame, and is a late game monster. Without jungler help early he trades well top. What are the drawbacks? So frustrating that a jax can literally carry his other 4 teammates.
Lol Evilmonkey, I never play jax, but decided to out of laziness (jax is ezpz). Maoki jungle shuts me down hard and I got 0-2. All 3 lanes lost too for a combined 3-11. I farm up phage and grab an easy quadra during a dragon scuffle. Vowed never to jax again after that s***show.
I tend run to this thread in tears as soon as the score screen pops up meaning I have all the stats right there.
On June 26 2012 06:43 Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2012 03:29 iCanada wrote: Fast forward 40 minutes I'm a 13/3/10 with 297 CS to Renekton's 2/11/4 and 123 CS. Ryze however is 1/9/1 with 170 CS to his lane opponent Ziggs' 20/8/2 342 CS. Alright, I'm okay with my allies feeding. How do people remember these numbers so specifically...? O_o
this thread is all about exaggerating and pleading your case in any KDA, take -3 kills, +2 deaths, and -5 assists and you'll get a more accurate view of how someone did for CS, take the difference of the complainer and his lane opponent and divide by the number of minutes they claim this difference occurred at. now add that number to the claimed opponent's CS, and that's more a more accurate picture of the complainer's CS
so for example in the quote you posted, iCanada was probably 10/6/5 with 145 cs, winning his lane but not carrying
that's just how this thread works it's hard to complain when you're barely winning your lane, but your complaint about your teammates seems more valid if you're destroying your lane
Logged in this morning with a 2 minute Q.
50 minute login Q time. Hallelujah!
Riot needs to ditch that shit >.>
I don't know..
Last ~10 games I've went 4-6 I think. Every single game every lane has lost and we are behind and the only way we win if I go like 10-2 or 20-3 and carry. Really rough >_< I'm hoping that this is a prelude for a 7-1 streak like I had a few days ago but it's still really tough. I think I should concentrate on just playing better, maybe one specific thing at a time, instead of just trying to win... However I also want to get up from this junk elo so that I can play proper games and learn some "real" gameplay
0-10 today. Can't get one good team where everybody is REASONABLY level headed. No, every team needs to ragers, quiters, brs, etc. I don't even care if I play a game and I lose, I just want a decent team that at least fucking tries to work together. Dropped close to 150 elo in two days.
Whoever said "oh if you lose just play more blah blah." Should get kicked in the nuts, I'm going back to stopping if I lose twice in a row.
Hmm, i gank top as mundo level 3, there is our renekton with 100% hp againt their Irelia with 40% hp. Their Lee shows up at the same time. I have no escapes so its do or die, Irelia has just used all his CD, so easy kill, right? i go on her, and have Lee exhausting me while Irelia ignites me and they both go on me.
Result? I die, Irelia has like 50hp, Lee sin has 40% hp when renekton has decided to focus him. I did not even say anything to him, but what does he write? "Report jungler, ruined my lane already" AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. One hit on Irelia, and we get a free double, but nooooooh... Oh and he gets back to lane at level 2 against level 4 red buff Irelia, what does he do, he attacks her staright on...
Goddamn 3/35 of my last games won, I can admit failing in 3 yes 3 of them. I've never had such bad luck with DCs trolls and noobs. -250 points -_-;:
And now I get randomly dced from the server and am unable to reconnect for 0 reason. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
On June 26 2012 23:41 MyTHicaL wrote: Goddamn 3/35 of my last games won, I can admit failing in 3 yes 3 of them. I've never had such bad luck with DCs trolls and noobs. -250 points -_-;:
And now I get randomly dced from the server and am unable to reconnect for 0 reason. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
Same, EUW seems to have broken down.
So, not really a QQ so much as a realization.
I never get carried. EVER.
Either I do the carrying, win, and everything is okay, I get a decently good team and we all do well and contribute to a win, or I get teammates that throw so hard it's impossible to carry them.
I can look at my matches for the last 3 days and confidently say that the only losses I've actively contributed to were:
Playing Jax for the first time since the rework vs Darius top, got FBed because of a lv2 gank and then Darius snowballed on the rest of my team.
First time playing Ahri, got counterpicked by Akali, didn't do well enough to carry even though I still won my lane.
Why can I never get a break and get teammates to carry me? At this point I feel so little faith in the people in soloQ that I can't NOT pick my best champion for whatever lane I get stuck with, because I actually like to be nice in SoloQ and not be that guy that calls a lane and refuses to be a team player. I mean sure, I'm something like 16-4 in the last three days, but that's because I either put my team on my back and carry them, or play Leona and literally coach them to victory in teamchat while simultaneously FORCING the best engagements by going balls to the walls.
On June 27 2012 06:29 VirgilSC2 wrote: So, not really a QQ so much as a realization.
I never get carried. EVER.
Either I do the carrying, win, and everything is okay, I get a decently good team and we all do well and contribute to a win, or I get teammates that throw so hard it's impossible to carry them.
I can look at my matches for the last 3 days and confidently say that the only losses I've actively contributed to were:
Playing Jax for the first time since the rework vs Darius top, got FBed because of a lv2 gank and then Darius snowballed on the rest of my team.
First time playing Ahri, got counterpicked by Akali, didn't do well enough to carry even though I still won my lane.
Why can I never get a break and get teammates to carry me? At this point I feel so little faith in the people in soloQ that I can't NOT pick my best champion for whatever lane I get stuck with, because I actually like to be nice in SoloQ and not be that guy that calls a lane and refuses to be a team player. I mean sure, I'm something like 16-4 in the last three days, but that's because I either put my team on my back and carry them, or play Leona and literally coach them to victory in teamchat while simultaneously FORCING the best engagements by going balls to the walls.
how is akali a ahri counterpick? h4h4 i consider getting a team of good teammates who all do well getting carried, if i dropped the ball a little bit im sure they would pick it up .
ugh so in ranked i lane riven vs nasus top, i killed nasus twice everytime he goes to q i combo him i get his tower, then i go help out my team go like 8-1 nasus still 0-2, then he starts roaming and suddenly he is 15-5 while im 14-3 and then we teamfight and lose because somehow our cass is 1-8 when i been ganking most game. Then team bitch at me the only positive guy saying you didn't stop nasus god damn i did everything possible i didnt feed him retards.
I don't give a single fucking damn about winning your lane. When Anivia has been picked on the opposing team you don't fucking pick Udyr top. And when you plan to pick Ezreal mid and are a premade you don't pick both Ezreal and Graves at the same time, as your first two picks. "Hey yo, just pick Anivia, and have your jungler not be terribad so mine will never be able to deny her blue since Ezreal sucks so much at invading against her, I beg you".
They aren't bad people. But fuck. If you want to "have fun", then set up stuff so you won't get destroyed 'cause I ain't sure you'll enjoy it. If you think about "carrying", don't fucking pick something to win your lane that you can't even play properly (had to tell him "no you max turtle first to spam it, just get the tiger proc don't stay in tiger 6 straight seconds hitting Lee") with absolutely no regards to their comp.
"guys please dont pick vayne into leona graves"
picks vayne into leona graves. die a lot. die some more. die die die.
On June 27 2012 07:55 Navi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 27 2012 06:29 VirgilSC2 wrote: So, not really a QQ so much as a realization.
I never get carried. EVER.
Either I do the carrying, win, and everything is okay, I get a decently good team and we all do well and contribute to a win, or I get teammates that throw so hard it's impossible to carry them.
I can look at my matches for the last 3 days and confidently say that the only losses I've actively contributed to were:
Playing Jax for the first time since the rework vs Darius top, got FBed because of a lv2 gank and then Darius snowballed on the rest of my team.
First time playing Ahri, got counterpicked by Akali, didn't do well enough to carry even though I still won my lane.
Why can I never get a break and get teammates to carry me? At this point I feel so little faith in the people in soloQ that I can't NOT pick my best champion for whatever lane I get stuck with, because I actually like to be nice in SoloQ and not be that guy that calls a lane and refuses to be a team player. I mean sure, I'm something like 16-4 in the last three days, but that's because I either put my team on my back and carry them, or play Leona and literally coach them to victory in teamchat while simultaneously FORCING the best engagements by going balls to the walls.
how is akali a ahri counterpick? h4h4 i consider getting a team of good teammates who all do well getting carried, if i dropped the ball a little bit im sure they would pick it up .
Akali does counter Ahri. Pretty hard, too.
Somtimes I wonder about the play this game.
I was jungling Voli, and did a pretty good job of Snowballing both top and mid. Was 4/0/9 at the 15 minute mark (rushing boots2 and Oracles OP) and the duo queue on my team just started trashing me.
"Wow Volibear you are fucking terrible at this game. How come you have no fucking idea how to fucking play? Why would you take kills in ganks? Why are you ganking my lane when I am already winning? Why is Skarner 15 farm ahead of you?"
It doesn't even make sense to me, I played well, and carried the game pretty hard... (enemy top/mid said "GG volibear, you carried so hard)
Apparently I am an absolutely terrible 200 Elo player who has no idea how to play this game. o.O
L0L go 6-1-2 with draven by 20 minutes. start teamfighting. lux hits total fo 2 snares total in her career, malphite keeps ulting 1 person, malphite is less tanky than i am because "I went gp5"... ok 30 min in =/= should only have 2 gp5 (as shurelia) and boots , teemo dies to lee sin randomly all the time, no one ward, only ad carry bought wards
Playing ranked 5s with friends and having all 4 of them go full out retard and start flaming me cuz im getting my ass camped top while they do nothing to help then i tell my jungler to fuck off when he tries to gank and i literally have no damage to help him since im 4 levels behind from being camped but he goes in anyways like a dumbass and gets mad that i dont do anything. I hate ending on severely bad games but i have no urge to play for the rest of the week after that bullshit