Coincidentally, our jungler didn't gank when we were pretty much winning our lane, we just needed like an extra 300-400 damage to kill them with the double heal cheese. Until it was way, way too late.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 111
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
United States8519 Posts
Coincidentally, our jungler didn't gank when we were pretty much winning our lane, we just needed like an extra 300-400 damage to kill them with the double heal cheese. Until it was way, way too late. | ||
Canada2562 Posts
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Canada548 Posts
On January 07 2012 23:08 Abenson wrote: ... During a ranked my router thing shut down, and all I got was "Cannot contact Bell Sympatico" ... ... ... I don't even know what to say, stupid internet died on me Can't even use the internet for the next 15 minutes or so while I reset my router. Q_Q Good thing I was there to carry your disconnected ass to victory, huehuehuehuehue. To stay on topic, Skarner flash ult to strong T_T | ||
Canada4122 Posts
On January 08 2012 14:18 Antiochus wrote: Good thing I was there to carry your disconnected ass to victory, huehuehuehuehue. To stay on topic, Skarner flash ult to strong T_T Welp, I'm just glad we didn't lose cuz of my router dying. | ||
Australia334 Posts
Our Ashe conversely goes 0-8-0 and costs us the game. However well you're doing is always made up by how bad your team mates are. Fuck this game. | ||
United States8519 Posts
We ace them like... 3 times in a row? One of which is basically a 1v5 in which I get a quad kill We finally get our inhibitors back up and I go to take blue. Lux steals blue with her laser... which normally I would be okay with, except for the fact that I had about as much AP, and my cooldowns are innately lower, and if I get blue buff, I do as much damage as Lux on a 3 second cooldown, and I don't even have to aim my crap. Also this Lux fed Swain, which made it hyper difficult to do anything for me for the first 40 minutes of the game. Not too surprisingly, we lost that game. -_- In summary... god mode Jax on your team? Steal blue from him! Whooo! | ||
Canada242 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
On January 09 2012 06:07 Fallians wrote: Fuck singed. Fuck Akali. Fuck Morgana. Fuck Teemo. Fuck GP. FuckKarthus. Fuck Tryn and Fuck Jax.... That is all But if you fuck them, wouldn't that result in baby singeds(??), baby morgs, baby teemos, etcetc and in turn make your issues with them worse since there would be more of them? ![]() | ||
United States113 Posts
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New Zealand250 Posts
Then another game I went 1-7-3 or something like that against a Soraka/Graves combo at bot. Vayne's harass on squishies is pretty much useless when they have a healer. | ||
France45622 Posts
On January 09 2012 08:12 BlackPaladin wrote: But if you fuck them, wouldn't that result in baby singeds(??), baby morgs, baby teemos, etcetc and in turn make your issues with them worse since there would be more of them? ![]() He can raise them so that they hate their parents and help him in his quest for revenge. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
He ganks 0 times and gives 0 blues to me, enemy mid got 4 blues from his mid and the jungler ganked like 20 times fun | ||
New Zealand250 Posts
Played a game as jungle shyvana where my teammates were a 4 man premade. They were good, except for Cho'gath, who was a level 6 that they had brought along. This guy is the epitome of noobiness. In champ select he picks revive and heal. I tell him he should get clarity instead of revive, so he does, and his buddies say he had revive cause he was level 6. The game starts, and I'm a bit apprehensive. The first thing Cho does is facecheck the bushes at bot, then just sits there as the enemy olaf and nocturne turn him to mince. He didn't even try to run. First blood before minions had spawned. Now I find shyvaan hard to jungle with. I made the mistake of getting boots and potions because I thought that was the norm, so I have a real hard time staying alive in the jungle, having to bluepill a lot, so I can't gank. I tell my team I cant gank until I have some levels because my ganking is very weak. They insist that Shyvana is actually a great ganker and I'm a noob. I go to gank Olaf at bot, and despite being out of position and having exhaust put on him by me, he gets away with health to spare, which pretty much proved my point. At this point, our Cho'Gath had died about 5 times and as such we were getting slapped around by the fed enemies. We actually did quite well, picking up a lot of kills and working well as a team, though Cho'Gath was lagging and failing epically even when he managed to survive. His items were: Doran's ring, emblem of valor, and bloodthirster. Yep, about 40% lifesteal and almost no AP or damage on ChoGath. Eventually he says he has to go and leaves. I mean, he wasn't rude or arrogant, just really bad. We slowly get pushed back to our nexus where we manage to defend, but then Shaco dives in with hallucinate and literally takes the nexus down in about 2 seconds. GG! | ||
Finland33997 Posts
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United States9908 Posts
we get that cho gath on our team we lose cause he dies 6 times thats not all, he qqs and ragequits | ||
United States20 Posts
arg. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On January 09 2012 11:15 Shikyo wrote: get a "i wanna jungle ad sion". He ganks 0 times and gives 0 blues to me, enemy mid got 4 blues from his mid and the jungler ganked like 20 times fun "Ganking in the new jungle almost isn't worth it. Means jungler falls behind on farm, new jungle is like having three Solo lanes. I think it is better if you just have your whole team play like a pussy because then the enemy jungler falls behind and we just win from farm." -Saintvicious Not ganking doesn't necessarily mean he is bad. It is like in Starcraft, everything you do means you can't do something else; Protoss does a strong 2gate push it means he can't do a strong 4gate push, etc. In this case, enemy jungler spends time ganking, means he spends less time jungling. | ||
Australia648 Posts
On January 09 2012 12:52 iCanada wrote: "Ganking in the new jungle almost isn't worth it. Means jungler falls behind on farm, new jungle is like having three Solo lanes. I think it is better if you just have your whole team play like a pussy because then the enemy jungler falls behind and we just win from farm." -Saintvicious Not ganking doesn't necessarily mean he is bad. It is like in Starcraft, everything you do means you can't do something else; Protoss does a strong 2gate push it means he can't do a strong 4gate push, etc. In this case, enemy jungler spends time ganking, means he spends less time jungling. Jungle Sion is kind of built around hard ganks ![]() I find myself doing this alot due to habits from the old jungle of always keeping the small camps cleared, some games before I know it i'm sitting at level 8 with a hefty chunk of G sitting in the bank Lee Sin farming too stronk | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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