On January 04 2012 15:56 Ferrose wrote: Then Corki reconnects and goes "sorry guys net D/C" But by then the game was lost.
Why are you even playing if your net is a liability -_-
Where are you from that your internet doesn't occasionally shit the bed? Should I never play LoL if I don't live in Los Angeles and have an invincible internet connection?
People give up way too early in this game.
Top gives FB -> "omg guys the game is over surrender at 20"
Also someone in either this thread or another thread said that they felt jungler/AP carry has a greater impact on the game than the AD carry. I'm not sure how accurate that is on a global scale, but I definitely felt that way in my games last night.
One game someone autolocks Udyr and goes 0-1-0 by the time I'm level 6. He is also level 5 by the time I'm level 6, despite the fact that I'm in the duo lane. After his second death he goes "game's over surrender at 20." Jungle Tryndamere successfully ganks mid and top several times and we proceed to lose the game despite our lane going 3-0.
Next game, no one jungles so I decide to pick Udyr jungle myself. Despite a Lee Sin INTENTIONALLY feeding 0-13 we still win the game. Their jungler Amumu tried to counterjungle me, and I caught him WHILE he was working on wraiths so I proceed to tear him a new one. He gives first blood and I proceed to ruin him for the rest of the game while helping top and mid dominate (Lee Sin was bot for some reason... and with how he had fed Garen 5 kills in 5 minutes I didn't even bother trying to save that lane).
That game had multiple OMG SURRENDER AT 20 instances too... except this time at least one other person besides me realized that one lane losing and two lanes winning is easily recoverable, so we held out until a team fight went in our favor. From there we proceeded to Baron then push and win.
so i went the last 4 days from 1300 elo to now 950 elo....thats 350 elo....350 elo in 4 days
in general i have no problem in losing a game.i always GG in Sc2 and have no problem with admitting getting outplayed in LoL. but it just hurts that in every, and i really mean every, game i played the last 4 days i did really good and dominated my lane but i ended up losing EVERY ranked game.
losing 350 elo is easy but getting them back right now in this elo range seems impossible to me. im now really considering to quit this game
Got trolled by a 0-9 karma, so hard to remain calm when someone blatantly says they are playing a character for the first time and trolling. Edit: Next game, an afk leblanc and a feeding caitlyn. WHYY
I am Poppy solo top vs Udyr -> I beat Udyr in farm -> my team goes 2-14 4v4 -> amu ganks top and at that time I lose my tower that before it was full hp -> my team blames me for being useless
Back again
The biggest damned problem here is that people can't admit they fucked up, they ALWAYS HAVE TO BLAME IT ON SOMEONE ELSE
Grow a pair, admit you screwed up, and MOVE ON WITH THE GAME
...... I just lost a ranked to a Revive/TP AD Gragas
This after he body slammed his way into our base before minions spawned and danced while we all watched him.
488 ms when our entire team barring Garen couldn't even chase him, rofl
Hello again friends.
Down 100 elo from the beginning of the night. Needless to say my night is full of rage and thats as far as I'm going down that hell hole of a story.
Think I fed once or twice out of my 12games, otherwise I had a positive score or was carrying my team.
On January 04 2012 22:22 Alzadar wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2012 15:56 Ferrose wrote: Then Corki reconnects and goes "sorry guys net D/C" But by then the game was lost.
Why are you even playing if your net is a liability -_- Where are you from that your internet doesn't occasionally shit the bed? Should I never play LoL if I don't live in Los Angeles and have an invincible internet connection?
Yeah, it's really bizarre/annoying when you DC randomly (without prior link problems) and someone tries to chew you out for "playing on a bad link".
Someone picked Eve, sat in lane with Caitlyn against a Sona/Teemo combo, letting Cait get abused by Teemo. Talking tower loss and like 50 cs disadvantage 20 minutes in. Doesn't roam, doesn't do much of anything. Proceeds to let us fight team fights 4v5, then try to get kills in the aftermath. This is all this person did, the entire game.
What... the... effffff.
It's not like she wasn't even near the teamfights, she'd just wait until they were over and the 5 of them split up, then pick on one. So freaking stupid.
Can I just say I hate a fed vayne? Thank you.
What about a fed Nasus, Tryn, Ashe, Irelia, Shyvanna, Singed, or Ryze?
Between soulstealer first Jax , PD first shaco, bloodthirster nasus and madreds bloodrazor garen, this has been probably been the worst day ever of me playing LoL. The stupidity of some people hurts my brain. All I wanted was to get some wins so I could buy panth. (
The next time someone tells me during champ select that two of the people trolled last game, I should just suck it up and dodge. It's really not worth the effort.
edit: what's the dodge penalty anyways? 10 elo and a leave?
Baa?21242 Posts
On January 05 2012 18:27 Shiragaku wrote: What about a fed Nasus, Tryn, Ashe, Irelia, Shyvanna, Singed, or Ryze?
One of those does not belong @@
On January 05 2012 15:02 zer0das wrote: Someone picked Eve, sat in lane with Caitlyn against a Sona/Teemo combo, letting Cait get abused by Teemo. Talking tower loss and like 50 cs disadvantage 20 minutes in. Doesn't roam, doesn't do much of anything. Proceeds to let us fight team fights 4v5, then try to get kills in the aftermath. This is all this person did, the entire game.
What... the... effffff.
It's not like she wasn't even near the teamfights, she'd just wait until they were over and the 5 of them split up, then pick on one. So freaking stupid. I know a twitch like that...
Reread Mogwai's panth thread and get inspired to try panth solotop.
Own their irelia with 100 to 3(!) cs at 12ish mins with a level advantage of 13 to 8. Kill her just once.
Lose game as Twitch owns our Cait bot and proceeds to quadra our team for easy baron and push.
They need to either make eveyln playable again or remove her. had jungle eve just now goes 0-5 in first 10 minutes
Finally did it, got so pissed off at the community that I willing gave my account info to the first scammer offering to raise elos, hope he enjoys it, done with this damn game
Taric goes 0-4 bot lane before lvl6 and immediately ragequits after last death. 30min later our Swain is 12-2 and carrying us hardcore 4v5 and we might actually win. He ports back to base and goes afk for the next 5min never moving or responding, we immediately lose cause other team barons and pushes to nexus to make us lose a 3v5.