On February 17 2013 06:42 obesechicken13 wrote: Cider's wife and kid are so cute.
I didn't really learn much from the first part of his video though that would be useful or that I wouldn't learn from just playing Quinn. Just that the knockback doesn't prevent stuns and works strangely with walls and enemy movement abilities.
Who is this Ciderhelm guy and why haven't I heard of him :O. He seems really popular for me not even knowing his name.
He is a 1200-Eloish player who makes LoL guides and sell them. I do admit that he has a nice voice to listen to and his videos on champion mechanics is really useful.
The Noc chase play had me wide-eyed. Was that partly luck with the timing to cut off his fear tether, or can your mechanics get that sharp from practice?
On February 23 2013 12:19 Alaric wrote: Is it really only the 5th? Or is it because of those you deleted since?
Yea like 5hit says, "Plays" are more than 1 hero. There's 5 Lee Sin ones (not counting the stream highlight one)
On February 23 2013 12:47 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Some of them are high elo plays and some of them are high elo lee sin montages
really sick choice of music there btw
Thanks. It's amazing what kind of copyright free music you can find if you look around enough.
On February 23 2013 13:07 Alaric wrote: The Noc chase play had me wide-eyed. Was that partly luck with the timing to cut off his fear tether, or can your mechanics get that sharp from practice?
Noct fear timing is pretty easy to get down if you play him often enough. I made a mistake double taping E there though, I needed to tap it once to break the shield but I pressed it twice and slowed golem for no reason which was a waste of energy. Can always improve :D