I hate that "Ashe is shit" is going to be a thing now. She's nowhere near as bad a people are going to make her out to be (and crucify anyone that uses her).
There's a reason why I didn't link anything else from that thread... it's cause there wasn't anything nearly as funny as WHY ARE YOU WEARING MY PEOPLE. But I like to give the source link for those like me too lazy to google-fu.
I hate that "Ashe is shit" is going to be a thing now. She's nowhere near as bad a people are going to make her out to be (and crucify anyone that uses her).
Yes Ashe is my main adc and yes imad.
I actually agree Ashe is fine, for what it's worth, but if people really think this then Ashe may get a buff. It can only be good.
The problem with Ashe is that every other part of her kit is so good her passive and the passive effect on Hawkshot have to suck, otherwise she'd be OP.
On February 21 2013 14:37 Seuss wrote: The problem with Ashe is that every other part of her kit is so good her passive and the passive effect on Hawkshot have to suck, otherwise she'd be OP.
No. Ashe could use a slight buff to her E and she would not gain much from it. Riot just wasn't sure what they were doing with their first few champions and didn't know how strong sight and gold was.
On February 20 2013 22:07 Broetchenholer wrote: Concerning the guy jerking off at the ESL Studio in Cologne, why is there a problem with that? Is that this famous American uptightness? In Germany, everybody minds his own business and as long as your don't flash your thing to your neighbours and be careful not to hit anybody, it is seen as a way of relaxation in public. There are even special litterboxes right next to those for dogshit. However, this is no freecard for creeping out everyone, in the end, you won't be able to proof that you hid everything, so you better be careful to have a bit of privacy. You won't see anybody on a highly frequented park bench. How do you guys in the States treat that? Is it forbidden?
wait you can just jack off in public, and aslong as you dont spray on nobody nobody will care wtf
On February 20 2013 22:07 Broetchenholer wrote: Concerning the guy jerking off at the ESL Studio in Cologne, why is there a problem with that? Is that this famous American uptightness? In Germany, everybody minds his own business and as long as your don't flash your thing to your neighbours and be careful not to hit anybody, it is seen as a way of relaxation in public. There are even special litterboxes right next to those for dogshit. However, this is no freecard for creeping out everyone, in the end, you won't be able to proof that you hid everything, so you better be careful to have a bit of privacy. You won't see anybody on a highly frequented park bench. How do you guys in the States treat that? Is it forbidden?
wait you can just jack off in public, and aslong as you dont spray on nobody nobody will care wtf
On February 20 2013 22:07 Broetchenholer wrote: Concerning the guy jerking off at the ESL Studio in Cologne, why is there a problem with that? Is that this famous American uptightness? In Germany, everybody minds his own business and as long as your don't flash your thing to your neighbours and be careful not to hit anybody, it is seen as a way of relaxation in public. There are even special litterboxes right next to those for dogshit. However, this is no freecard for creeping out everyone, in the end, you won't be able to proof that you hid everything, so you better be careful to have a bit of privacy. You won't see anybody on a highly frequented park bench. How do you guys in the States treat that? Is it forbidden?
wait you can just jack off in public, and aslong as you dont spray on nobody nobody will care wtf
*looks at location* Yes.
As the only resident of Noobville, I do not know the customs of other nations
On February 20 2013 22:07 Broetchenholer wrote: Concerning the guy jerking off at the ESL Studio in Cologne, why is there a problem with that? Is that this famous American uptightness? In Germany, everybody minds his own business and as long as your don't flash your thing to your neighbours and be careful not to hit anybody, it is seen as a way of relaxation in public. There are even special litterboxes right next to those for dogshit. However, this is no freecard for creeping out everyone, in the end, you won't be able to proof that you hid everything, so you better be careful to have a bit of privacy. You won't see anybody on a highly frequented park bench. How do you guys in the States treat that? Is it forbidden?
wait you can just jack off in public, and aslong as you dont spray on nobody nobody will care wtf
*looks at location* Yes.
As the only resident of Noobville, I do not know the customs of other nations
Well put "German man jacking off" into google already and work it out yourself!