About being reported... someone wanted to report me because I had Pulse fire Ezreal skin and said I was showing off the Money that apparently my whore of a mother earned...
Hotshot's been making so many plays lately in soloQ. What the fuck, that's like the dozenth insane play I've seen from him.
It was a predictable ult in a 1v1. It would have been impressive had he dodged that in a chaotic teamfight, or if the malphite anticipated the flash and ulted in such a way that it would both fake hsgg and hit him after the flash. Then hotshot could've flashed in about 5 different directions...
EDIT: spoiler and I thought this was in GD. Oh well.
Not that impressive, just the enemy team derping so much. They saw ez the first time and still B at the tier 2 tower? he may kill one with his ulti or even two, but this play only possible because enemy was derping hard.
Not that impressive, just the enemy team derping so much. They saw ez the first time and still B at the tier 2 tower? he may kill one with his ulti or even two, but this play only possible because enemy was derping hard.
I think it was more meant to be funny, then super impressive. And at least it made me laugh.
(damn, i hope this culture of "not impressive 5/10, everyone can do it" does not land here :<)
On September 28 2012 13:27 zulu_nation8 wrote: every nid at his elo can probably make that play
Lol really? After that argument all last week and you're not even the least bit impressed?
The animation(of malph's ult) is almost 1 second long. I think being focused here was the key. It looked cool, but you've got plenty of such plays in a bunch of other games.
I've quit LoL ages ago, but I still check these pro moves almost every day. And it's impressive very few times. I remember some Lee sin video where he escaped like 4 people, by constantly ward-jumping. I think it's because of how LoL's skills are structured, there's very little variation in how you can use them.
I think hotshots been getting WAY better since he's playing now. I said he was a piece of garbage since whenever he started sucking but that also aligns with when he stopped playing a lot probably to do managing shit or whatever hotshot does in his free time. It seems just after the gaming house was set up suddenly hotshots going back into beastmode so he probably had to sort hat shit out.
On September 29 2012 00:04 Mogwai wrote: That hotshot play was considerably more impressive than aphromoo's, just sayin'...
I think the complete opposite tbh.
so he knew the range of flash + E and also hit 2 Qs where his opponents were 1. running straight away with no other option that didn't result in an even easier kill due to auto attacks 2. a varus charging his stupid bow attack that leaves him with like 200 movespeed
like, yea, I agree, it looked cool that he dove through towers and killed people, but mechanically speaking it wasn't that difficult and full HP Ez going to town on 3 people who are dead in a couple shots is pretty much commonplace in solo queue.