This is funny since this completes the trifecta of at least 3 foreigners I thought would make it to playoffs. Now 3 can win Blizzcon if they avoid their bad matchup.
NEEEEEEEEEEEB! Welcome to my sig you beautiful man. Thank you for finally bringing honor back to America Great way to finally get 1st. Wish I could've watched live.
On October 04 2016 00:32 stuchiu wrote: This is funny since this completes the trifecta of at least 3 foreigners I thought would make it to playoffs. Now 3 can win Blizzcon if they avoid their bad matchup.
On October 04 2016 00:32 stuchiu wrote: This is funny since this completes the trifecta of at least 3 foreigners I thought would make it to playoffs. Now 3 can win Blizzcon if they avoid their bad matchup.
On October 04 2016 00:32 stuchiu wrote: This is funny since this completes the trifecta of at least 3 foreigners I thought would make it to playoffs. Now 3 can win Blizzcon if they avoid their bad matchup.
On the plus side Snute and Neeb both avoided Terrans (they're in the same group). Then again I guess it's not that hard to avoid the 3 Terrans who made Blizzcon.
Although apparently as a Terran it's hard to avoid Terrans.
On October 03 2016 22:50 mechengineer789 wrote: Took a foreign Terran to switch to Protoss to prove to them how easy it is
So the races aren't really "Equal", but they are balanced. You have to leverage a different skill set to get an advantage with 'Toss or Terran, but they are equally powerful when used correctly.
But is it equally easy to use the races correctly? Or is one race easier to use correctly than others? That is the question.
That depends on the player. How difficult you find the mastery of a specific skill depends on your own subjective experience. Though you may argue it is more difficult to master Chess than Tic-Tac-Toe, etc. I feel that the skills required for success for each race in Starcraft are of roughly equal difficulty. Since the first step of success in Starcraft is mechanical ability, and no amount of strategy, tactics, and responsive micro play will make up for slow or inaccurate mechanical ability, it's hard to say if any particular play style is "More difficult" than any other. For example, microing ghosts against templars, is that more difficult than microing disruptors against lurkers? Arguably so, however if you have mastered the mechanical skill to play either style, you simply need to learn the proper techniques and internalize the timings and hex distances involved.
On October 04 2016 00:32 stuchiu wrote: This is funny since this completes the trifecta of at least 3 foreigners I thought would make it to playoffs. Now 3 can win Blizzcon if they avoid their bad matchup.
On October 04 2016 00:32 stuchiu wrote: This is funny since this completes the trifecta of at least 3 foreigners I thought would make it to playoffs. Now 3 can win Blizzcon if they avoid their bad matchup.
On October 04 2016 00:32 stuchiu wrote: This is funny since this completes the trifecta of at least 3 foreigners I thought would make it to playoffs. Now 3 can win Blizzcon if they avoid their bad matchup.