Sunday, Sep 14 7:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
TL Preview:Click here
Casters: Apollo, ToD, Richard Lewis & mOOnGLaDe
Interviews and translations: Smix
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Round of 16
Patience vs Adonminus YoDa vs MMA
TargA vs Daisy Snute vs LiveZerg
B4 vs HyuN TRUE vs Welmu
jjakji vs First Happy vs fraer
Sunday, Sep 14 10:30am GMT (GMT+00:00)
Sunday, Sep 14 2:30pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
Grand Finals
Sunday, Sep 14 4:30pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
+ Show Spoiler [Spoiler-Free] +
+ Show Spoiler [Yoda vs MMA] +
+ Show Spoiler [Targa vs Daisy] +
+ Show Spoiler [Snute vs Livezerg] +
+ Show Spoiler [B4 vs Hyun] +
+ Show Spoiler [TRUE vs Welmu] +
+ Show Spoiler [Jjakji vs First] +
+ Show Spoiler [Happy vs Fraer] +
+ Show Spoiler [Quarterfinals] +
+ Show Spoiler [Daisy vs Snute] +
+ Show Spoiler [B4 vs TRUE] +
+ Show Spoiler [Jjakji vs Happy] +
+ Show Spoiler [Semifinals] +
+ Show Spoiler [Grand Finals] +
+ Show Spoiler [Overall Results] +
Patience vs Adonminus
Patience <DeadWing> Adonminus
Patience <FoxTrot Labs> Adonminus
Patience wins 2-0!
Yoda vs MMA
YoDa <King Sejong Station> MMA
YoDa <FoxTrot Labs> MMA
YoDa <Merry Go Round> MMA
MMA wins 2-1!
TargA vs Daisy
TargA <OverGrowth> Daisy
TargA <FoxTrot Labs> Daisy
TargA <King Sejong Station> Daisy
Daisy wins 2-1!
Snute vs Livezerg
Snute <OverGrowth> LiveZerg
Snute <DeadWing> LiveZerg
Snute <Nimbus> LiveZerg
Snute wins 2-1!
B4 vs Hyun
B4 <King Sejong Station> HyuN
B4 <Catallena> HyuN
B4 wins 2-0!
TRUE vs Welmu
TRUE <King Sejong Station> Welmu
TRUE <OverGrowth> Welmu
TRUE wins 2-0!
Jjakj ivs First
jjakji <FoxTrot Labs> First
jjakji <Nimbus> First
jjakji wins 2-0!
Happy vs Fraer
Happy <OverGrowth> fraer
Happy <Merry Go Round> fraer
Happy <King Sejong Station> fraer
Happy wins 2-1!
Patience vs MMA
Patience <King Sejong Station> MMA
Patience <Catallena> MMA
Patience <Nimbus> MMA
MMA wins 2-1!
Daisy vs Snute
Daisy <DeadWing> Snute
Daisy <Nimbus> Snute
Snute wins 2-0!
B4 vs TRUE
B4 <OverGrowth> TRUE
B4 <King Sejong Station> TRUE
TRUE wins 2-0!
Jjakji vs Happy
jjakji <King Sejong Station> Happy
jjakji <OverGrowth> Happy
jjakji <Catallena> Happy
jjakji wins 2-1!
MMA vs Snute
MMA <DeadWing> Snute
MMA <Merry Go Round> Snute
MMA wins 2-0!
TRUE vs Jjakji
TRUE <FoxTrot Labs> jjakji
TRUE <Catallena> jjakji
jjakji wins 2-0!
Grand Finals
MMA vs Jjakji
MMA <Catallena> jjakji
MMA <Nimbus> jjakji
MMA <OverGrowth> jjakji
MMA <FoxTrot Labs> jjakji
MMA wins 3-1 and is your 2014 Dreamhack Open Moscow Champion!
+ Show Spoiler [Recommended Games] +
Only Mainstream Games Are Covered by the Polls!
+ Show Spoiler [Yoda vs MMA] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend YodA vs. MMA Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend YodA vs. MMA Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★- Good game (2)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend YodA vs. MMA Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Jjakji vs First] +
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Jjakji vs. First Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
8 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Jjakji vs. First Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Quarterfinals] +
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Patience vs. MMA Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Patience vs. MMA Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
4 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Patience vs. MMA Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Daisy vs Snute] +
★★★★- Highly recommended game (4)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Daisy vs. Snute Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★★- Highly recommended game (3)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
11 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Daisy vs. Snute Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Daisy vs. Snute Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [B4 vs TRUE] +
★- Do not see this game no matter what (3)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (2)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
13 total votes
Your vote: Recommend B4 vs. TRUE Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★- Do not see this game no matter what (2)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend B4 vs. TRUE Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: Recommend B4 vs. TRUE Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Jjakji vs Happy] +
★- Do not see this game no matter what (3)
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
10 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Jjakji vs. Happy Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★- Good game (4)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (2)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Jjakji vs. Happy Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★- Good game (2)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
10 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Jjakji vs. Happy Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Semifinals] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (6)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (4)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
17 total votes
Your vote: Recommend MMA vs. Snute Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★- Good game (5)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (4)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (2)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
18 total votes
Your vote: Recommend MMA vs. Snute Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (3)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
10 total votes
Your vote: Recommend MMA vs. Snute Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [TRUE vs Jjakji] +
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (3)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (2)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
12 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TRUE vs. Jjakji Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (3)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
7 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TRUE vs. Jjakji Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TRUE vs. Jjakji Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
+ Show Spoiler [Grand Finals] +
★★★★- Highly recommended game (8)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
16 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 1?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★★- Highly recommended game (3)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★★- Highly recommended game (2)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
10 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★- Good game (3)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (1)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
10 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 4?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
★★★- Good game (3)
★- Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (1)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Grand Finals Game 5?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what
(Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do
(Vote): ★★★- Good game
(Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game
(Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
Click here